Halloween is just around the corner so everyone is thinking about what costumes they will wear. I don't worry about it much. I just brush my hair, shake it out, and 'VOILA!' instant costume.

Two for one. I decided to add the surgical incision too. More 'natural' Halloween costume. Pretty sutures and bruise eh?
Happy Halloween HNT
Shake shake shake,
shake shake shake,
shake your do out!
Hey, very cool. No kidding about not needing a costume. Looks great! Happy HNT!
Eeek!!!!! Bride of Frankenstein!
That's pretty cool Missy!
WOW!!! that is some head of hair...i love it all crazy like.
Wow! That's wild! HHNT :)
Oh... I love this ,Lime! :) Cheers and Happy HNT!
LOL, I love it, but I bet you had a lot of fun combing that out. Happy HNT!
Hehe...yup, my hair looks a little bit like that too, especially when I don't use a defrizzing product.
I was out at one of my volunteer places the other day and it was a morning when I decided I wasn't going to gel my hair because I was going to have a winter hat on...so why bother, right?
One of the volunteers came up to me and said "Chickadee! Your hair! OMG, there's so much of it!"
But I think yours takes the cake...and I mean that as a compliment, from one curly sue to anohter :)
Neat - HHNT
Wow! Look at that mane! Great pic. HHNT
Lime you crack me up...I came so close to posting the "ring picture" of just my hair in my face.
You actually look cute, wheras I might have frightened folks HHNT!
You are beautiful babe. Love your hair. HHNT to you and thanks for everything. You'll never know how much I appreciate it.
Reminded me of Carole King. Big fan of her music.
Happy HNT!
Reminded ME of Cousin It, (not aware of any music played nor recorded...-but didn't he get married in the like, 3rd season???
Looks beautiful and not scary at all...sorry.
Happy HNT!
yeah! wow! beautiful... i love it.
happy hnt gorgeous.
Lime, this image is great. Do you want to join me round the cauldron? I must admit mine sometimes has off days too.
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
Ooooo....hair. Ai Laike.
Happy HNT!
Love The Hair- I bet Mr. Lime loves it too :)
EEEEKKKKK!!! That scar is skeery.
*~*Happy HNT*~*
ouch. those stitches near the wrist look like they will leave a scar you will need to explain to strangers:"no, i was not trying to kill myself"
I've said it before: I wish I had your hair!
You can keep the sutures.
WOW! Franken-Lime! I like it! I had a vasectomy once. Wanna see my scar? HHNT again and great pic.
That is some SERIOUS hair, dude! : ) I LOVE holloween.
logo - that was cute.....love the hair, I used to be able to look like cousin it when I had long flowing hair. ouchy bruises.
The hair was one thing, but the scar is killer! Wear that sucker proudly!
Lol at the hair - you goofball!!!
Ouch on the scar - that looks really painful. Put a bandage on that right now missy!
man - you can tell some great stories about that scar!!!
Wow. Now that's a scar!
Happy HNT!
Happy HNT!
Ooh yeah the scar is even better!!! Cool! LOL
That hair is beyond awesome! And the pick of your wrist? Yep, you guessed it: it gimme da jibblies!
HHNT my dear!
Dang! I could have so used that in Franken-HNT! :)
Maybe, The Bride of Frankenstien...that is what came to my mind.
I love the hair ! OUCH !! OUCH !!!! and OUCH !!! I hope it feels better than it looks ! Happy Halloween HNT!
yowch- had to come back for the two fer...yikes!
Good gracious woman, now that's an incision!
The wound is definately scarier than the hair. Happy HNT.
Oooh! That second photo is creepy!
Actually, that is kind of cute. :)
Ooooh! That's a nasty little wound there lime. I do so hope that your problem will get better than it was as you hoped it would. I also hope that your scar will heal up nicely.
I am glad that you are ok though. Keep your chin up :-)
I can do that with my hair too!!! I did that one year and added a kickass metallic lion's face with paint and it was awesome.
As far as the bruise and incision, very very cool! Scars always make great stories. Happy HNT
My hair is so unruly when I brush it!
That scar looks rough!
Love the hair, with your arm, just tell everybody you had a crocodile chewing on it.
.....the hair...I can do that with mine as well..hee!hee!..but he scar...wow..is that..like..um' for real?....very holloweenish..awuuu..
How funny. That wound look pretty real.
All I have to say is WOW!!!
the arm picture made me pass out.
I banged my head on my chair and peed my pants but I'm ok.:)
HHNT and every other day.
Those are pretty straight sutures!!!
The pics could get you a part in Hair or Alien. HHNT.
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