Mr. Lime and I often find strange gifts for each other. This year he gave me a 'frah-gee-lay' gift that amounted to a major award.
Try not to be too jealous.
I gave Mr. Lime this handheld Atom massager. He enjoyed trying it on different parts. It was passed all around so everyone could enjoy the benefits of this lovely little massager.
When Isaac got his he promptly stuck it in his crotch and announced, "Oooooh, that feels good!" Diana announced there was to be no masturbation in the living room and thus, Isaac was introduced to a new vocabulary word.

Such was Christmas morning at House of Lime. Hope Santa was good to all of you!
I put the Atom massager on my crotch too, the staff at Walmart didn't seem to enjoy it in their store either.
You got a leg lamp. I love it, The Christmas Story lives.
So no more atomic massager for your family. What a way to funny situation. I hope no one was drinking anything at the time.
Merry Christmas dear Lime!
furiousball, you and isaac may never go to walmart together. lol
barman, it was 9am, no alcohol was involved!
keyser, enjoyed that didja? lol
So ... it was an Atom Massager instead of a BB Gun - you'll rub your ***** off kid instead of you'll shoot your eye out kid!
An expanded vocabulary is important! ;)
You got the fra-gee-lay lamp?!!! I'm so jealous. Was it full sized?
What a contrast in your last two posts -- the one on Christmas Eve, very spritual and good with accompaning nativity image and then this new one, with the Christmas Story lamp, a well placed massager and the word "masturbation" entering into a young man's vocabulary. Ah, Christmas time.
Thanks for the smiles.
seamus, the kid may wind up blind but it sure won't be from a BB gun
lecram, no it's not full sized. just a tea light candle goes in the top it's about 15 inches tall.
winessing am i, quite the juxtaposition eh? just never know what you'll find here do ya?
Can I come live at your house??? You have so much fun. There was a store in Princeton that had "the lamp" for sale...I was sooooooo tempted....
*scampers off to wal-mart*
I totally understand this. If I had that lamp in front of me, and that massager in my hand... well, nobody could rightly hold me responsible for my actions.
hahaha! that's awesome, both the lamp and crotch er I mean atom massager. :D
Sounds like a weird yet fun Christmas indeed.
I am soooo jealous of your frah-gee-lay gift. I was up at 4 am Christmas morning watching that very scene.
I think you should keep your eye on Isaac and the massager.
cooper, come on over!
kiki, lemme know how that atom works out for ya
suldog, LOL i am forewarned
bs, can you just imagine a norman rockwell rendering of xmas at house of lime?
signgurl, 4am???? that makes me tired just thinking about it.
Another Christmas for the ages eh Michelle??
What Wonderful Holiday memories...xoxox
I can't help it...I want the lamp. Is it okay if I'm jealous in a good way? ;)
I hope no dogs broke in and ate your turkey!!
oh those are great. funny story about Isaac. Well, gotta learn sometime!
re: your gift from hubby: at least now you have a leg up on all of us. :-)
Last time I laid eyes on that lamp it was in pieces... (last night during the "Christmas Story" marathon... LOL) You scored :)
Hope your Christmas was indeed merry, and best wishes for a realistic and happy New Year.
gman, it will be a story to tell the grandkids one day, huh?
m, i guffawed quite heartily
snowelf, the turkey was nto ravaged by the bumpus's dogs fortunately
savant, gota seize those teachable moments when they ...erm...come
tsduff, 'you used all the glue on purpose!!!'
Lord love a duck... makes my Christmas seem rather bland :)
Geez - I got in trouble for introducing the 3 year olds to the word "dork."
The mom's would have LOVED masturbation, eh?
What makes your household stand out is not only was the word introduced; it had a demonstration to go along with it.
Save "foreplay" for a few more years, will ya?
Oh my goodness~~~ the LEG LAMP! The MAJOR AWARD!!! Luv it, just luv it :)
(btw, I got the Red Ryder BB gun.. lol.. and no, I've not shot my eye out yet ;)
OH BABY! I want the "imported Italian" leg lamp.
Heh. We say "fra-gee-lay" and "major award" all the time in this household!
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