So I had a bit of cash for my birthday. I was looking for a pair of boots for sometime and not having much luck. Then I wandered past a leather shop. I was lured in by the smell. For years I've looked for a leather jacket without success. To be big enough to zip up around...erm..."the girls" the jackets always had sleeves that dragged on the ground. To get the sleeves to fit, other parts of anatomy were smashed beyond comfort, if contained at all. I tried one on and had similar problems. As I was taking it off, somewhat dejectedly, a petite sales girl handed me another in a different style without me even asking for one. I slid it on and it fit beautifully...and it was soft as butter....ooooh, it felt goooood. Yeah, this was MY jacket. I told the sales girl she was very good and congratulated her on the sale. Hey, I fought cancer. I run two libraries with essentially no help. I kick butt and take names when I get the job done. I thought I should look a little badass while doing it, right?

Also, since
Suldog is as insane as I am (having blogged even longer than I have) and because he was sad not to see my birthday hat here's the profile picture I had on Facebook for my birthday...complete with requisite hat. So much for badass....
I like the way the jacket fits.
I'm pretty sure Jim will like the photo of you and your birthday hat AND you and your new jacket. As a matter of fact, I look forward to his comment here. You are both wonderful!!
Smoooorh as butter is a perfect description of a great leather. It is gorgeous.
Happy birthday!!!
In my twenties I bought a seriously cool bomber leather jacket that was my prized possession. Not even my wife was allowed to touch the thing much less wear it.
Long story short the ravages of middle age has forced me to hang it up because it will not zip up around my "spare tire."
Like Beach Bum, I had a leather bomber jacket in my twenties, but I never liked it because the sleeves weren't long enough!!!
Congrats on finding the right one!
Huh... when a jacket fits me, there's always too much empty space around the girls. I'd be happy to take some off your hands if that were at all possible.
I once had a leather bomber jacket but now when I put it on I look like a leather bomb. But you look fabulous!
Leather definitely suits you, Lime.
Happy birthday - and stay sexy!
It's the eyes in the b'day pic that caught my attention.
Hah! OK, I had seen that photo on FB, but had no idea that was the Hat O'Birthday. And, yes, I think the two would look magnificent together. Biker Birthday Babe!
You definitely look badass in that leather jacket. You look HAWT! Love it! A perfect birthday gift to yourself! :)
I don't think I've ever seen you look better than you do in that jacket, and I've seen you dance in the kitchen.
That thing rocks, and I'm so glad you're rewarding yourself for getting through the days.
I swear, I am so NOT hip. . .
But last year, one of my kids gave me a leather bomber jacket for Christmas. Man, I love that coat. . .
Glad you found one to your unique specifications. . .
wear that out here next time you come and we can both ride in leather. In fact, get your endorsement and I will even loan you a bike
You look great. :)
I missed it?!?! Aw, let me offer a belated happy b-day!
Nice post love reading it
Leather Vest
Leather Coat
Leather Blazer
Leather Jackets
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