It's that time again! Take out a piece of paper and a pencil. Number your paper 1-10. Highest grade on the quiz wins the right to help structure a future post.......give me a list of questions to answer, a topic to blog on, or a PG rated photo request, or make another suggestion (all with my approval). Goody earned a perfect score last time and got to see what a vampiric Lime looks like. Can he keep the title of 'Champion Limer' or will he be unseated?
Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!
Another reminder as well......if you'd like to get an actual tangible Chrstmas card from me, hand delivered by your local mailman, email me at
I got an 80 - I missed some easy ones. D'oh!
Argh!!!! I'm going back to bed!!!
it is too cold in here to take a quiz, let me get warm.
Ok....I did alright then!
well, at least i didn't say that the capital of trinidad was port o potty again ...
oops. i just checked a few detailed results and I have to let youall know i made a booboo when i entered the correct answer for oen of the questions. bonus points if youcan tell me which one i goofed up!
No idea which one was goofed.
number 2
and I got a 90 then, and I should have got that other one I missed but I was not reading well, doh!
Ah man...I missed a couple this time. Doh!
i got a C....and well done on the movies Limers!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I don't know enough about this blog to take a test on it yet so I appologize for skipping it as I am about to give my students a pop quiz. The bell just rang to end my prep period and here they come.
HOT DAMN! I made an 80 ! I must have been paying attention ! LOL!
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