One thing I love about blogging is the sense of community that occurs. I've said it before but when I began blogging it was a creative outlet that I assumed would more or less be confined to the few people I knew from Yahoo trivia rooms. I truly could not imagine anyone else bothering to stop by here or if they did, bothering to return, or if they did, bothering to comment...
And yet, here it is a little more than a year later and not only have people come by, returned, commented, etc, but I've gained a sense of community. I've noticed that there are circles and cliques just like anywhere, some are open to newcomers, some are a bit tighter. There are also unwritten rules about how people are expected to conduct themselves. There is an etiquette and a social structure just as with any group....ok, I'll let the sociological analysis stop there but you get the idea.
This week, in the wake of Betcha's death, I noticed that it just didn't matter what circle anyone was a part of..everyone cared. The community came together to offer support to the members who were suffering. It wasn't distant neighbors running across the fields to bring a casserole. It wasn't a small town coining together for a barn raising. But it was a message travelling through an extended grapevine and even people far down the line responding with kindness in ways that helped the ones who needed it most.
This week, I'm counting the sense of decent community that exists here....and how real THAT is in addition to the friendships that occur on an interpersonal level.
I noticed how everyone came together as well by reading various posts in memory of Betcha. We really have something great here and even though I have never met any of you face to face you all still hold a special place in my heart as one of old high school friends does. You people are amazing and I just can't do without you!
Wonderful post lime.
I felt it yesterday as well.
It was like one less light burning brightly in our community.
I've felt it before either on an individual basis or as a group.
We have been blogging for almost the same amount of time and I must admit there have been times when I felt like throwing in the towel, one step away from the delete button.
Then I would remember the hurt and void I felt when a blogger would do just that.
I've worked too hard to build my little blog house and the friendships and strong bonds which have developed through these many months.
I've laughed and cried with my blogger friends, I've felt their pain as they've felt mine.
We've shared parts of ourselves other's rarely or never get to see.
I've had bloggers suddenly stop coming to visit and I've had blogs for one reason or another I quit visiting but you my friend have remained a constant.
I would feel that void if ever you stopped.
You make me laugh, quite hard at times and you've made me think on more than one occasion.
I've enjoyed your artistic vision and your wonderful writing.
Thank you lime
It is so true what you said about this community. It really is amazing -- all these people from all over the world coming together and becoming part of each others daily lives. I, for sure, don't know what I would do without some of you.
You my friend, have been here for me since the first time we chatted and I'm pretty sure you know how much I care about you and value our friendship.
awesome post!!! you have such a great way with words!!!! xoxoxoxo
Dost thou needith a barn raised Sister!
Speakith the word, and it shall be built.
Like TC said,you are a constant and can always be counted on.
Rockith on Sister Michelle Trini Limey...
Beautiful count, Lime. A great way to say that we all count.
BTW... details of the upcoming Skypecast are up. :)
Lime, I couldn't agree more and have experienced it with the death of my father just before Christmas, in ways I didn't think possible.
So sorry to hear about Betcha. I didn't know who she was but I sense the caring about her loss.
Virtual friends should never be discounted. And thanks for being my blog friend Michelle. Love.
I absolutely agree. Thanks for being in my clique. Now you know how you gotta act. Lets get to it! Have a great weekend Michelle. I'll talk to you soon.
Its been a while since I have been by but thought I would check in with you. It is amazing how these people from so many different walks of life seem to be almost like a family huh? Now since we are family how about coming over for some saurkraut and canned peas? haha
You've done a nice job of describing that special sense of community in the blogosphere. :) I rather enjoyed your sociological analysis.
Well, now I'm into my third year of blogging. I honestly thought that I wouldn't get passed the first six months, and then I imagined that no bugger would read it anyway, so I decided to get pretentious. Then when someone did comment ( that person is still one of my faves and I consider him to be a good friend) I was kinda gobsmacked. Now the people in my list are the ones that I regularly read, I don't go anywhere else, unless its a new person whpo has commented on my blog and I check theres out. If it grabs me it goes on my list and they become regulars.
I don't "blogtrot" as much as I used to as I think I've found the people that I really want to be associated with, and consider you/them to be amongst my good friends. Well done for putting into words so beautifully what I feel Michelle.
It's wonderful of you to always be so appreciative of whats around you. I have to say that after 20 years of the drug life, it's not something I am totally used to seeing yet. But it certainly counts!
Some friends of mine who don't blog always scoff at the 'relationships' that I tell them form among bloggers. Your post here is a great tribute to all that.
I agree so very much... and also wanted to thank you for regularly stopping by at my place, which is a little further away on the map :).
amen, my friend, amen...
Right on! Community is a beautiful thing! Well said!
Good count beautiful one- good count. I've met some really nice people on line that I would not trade for all the tea in China :)
I love your post - this count means alot to us all lime :-)
Lime,.....er, nothing in particular, just making the rounds. I love visiting The house of Lime. Because I always feel welcome.
Damn. I like you. I feel the same. When hubby was gone for a month, I got so many personal emails and of course, calls from the Logo, and I felt that community that I had previously sort of poo-pooed. I love that life sort of slaps you in the face like that...and thanks for reminding us, Lime. You rock.
Yes, Im thankful for it too, and for you.
Hello. I followed links in. I think you've really said it well - about community and friendship among bloggers.
I'm sorry for the loss your friend.
Well said!!
Very well said. I never imagined how close I'd become to so many new of the new friends I've made blogging. I've even been lucky enough to meet some of them in person. It was so easy to talk to them too and it was like I was meeting old friends.
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