As I mentioned yesterday when I found my little fully-nekkid, amphibious helper, I like to hang my laundry out. You can see I just did the tie dyed load of items. I dyed everything on the line except for the shirt. I do realize a shot just of my wash line doesn't qualify for HNT. Lacking any better ideas for this week and milking a theme for all it could possibly be worth, allow me to present myself at the wash line.

Any Lime HNT is creative and great...
Thanks for that inside look at the Wonderful World of Tie Dye!!!
You look like you're really concentrating hard at something...like I could be doing something a whole hell of a lot more fun than laundry!
HHNT to ya lime and g-man...quit hogging all the first spots...man I can't win for losing...lol!!!
Wowee there must be some hippies living over at that house. Just lookit them crazy clothes on the line! My goodness! I bet they even got a lava lamp in that house.
HHNT Lime!
Very nice tie-dyed linen and clothing you have there! I like all the colors tie-dyeing as to offer because most times I can't decide on just one color for something.
Great pic of you!
Great to see you HANGING out there Lime..
I don't think I've seen that much tie-dye since 1969! LOL
HHNT Michelle
Impressive how each article looks different. If I dyed stuff they'd all look the same.
what lovely splash of color I get to see evry time I come here!!
& the laundry looks soooo Good. So satisfying to survey a job well done No?
Very nice picture of you Lime and great HNT set.
OK, now I am chuckling. You know when it is wash day you have nothing else to wear so you were odd stuff while you do the real clothes that get worn. Here we have you doing the tie-dye load and you are wearing what looks to be a very nice top ... but for you not wearing tie-dye, just a little odd. I know you do not wear it always but ... OK, I will slither away now but it did hit me as humorous.
Happy HNT.
What a beautiful and colorful HNT you have today lime and I like the pic of you hanging the stuff.:)
Have you thought of going into the tye dyed business? You could make some serious money with your talent!
Quite the mysterious pose/shot actually! :D
Happy HNT
Speaking about milking a theme... perhaps its time for you to tie-dye a sarong and we can trip that out of the closet for HNT. I'm sure others will go for it as well... tis the season, ya know! ;)
You and your tie dye!
I saw a gal at Pike last time I was there who made me think of you, she was selling tiedyed dishtowels and throw blankets.
She was also outfitted hat to socks in various tiedyed colors.
QUITE the sight.
Beautiful! You...it...all of it.
I have tried tiedying a few times, but mine never turn out very cool... wanna gimme lessons? That would be fun... mix a few drinks, play with some dye and some clothes... ~hhnt~
Great work! Your very artistic. Happy HNT!
Hanging clothes on the line must be pretty serious business. lol.
Are you sure that isn't just the result of washing whites and colors together?
Soooo ... how many lava lamps do you have in the house? I've got 3 :D
You could have a party in the backyard and you wouldn't even have to decorate!
HHNT cutie!
You look like you're really concentrating on that hanging ;)
your wash is so refreshing to look at! thanks for sharing. HHNT
Why you lyin' tie-dyed sack of food coloring! You don't live anywhere on this planet if not in Eugene, Oregon!!! And you really had me going, too. Sheesh!
That is incredible!!!! Gawpo want. I'll trade you a t-shirt from Goodwill.
Do you have anything that is not tie-dyed? Just curious. Happy HNT! Or, it's actually Friday now. So happy belated HNT.
Have I told you lately that you have great eyelashes?
Could you tie-dye them?
Why does it not surprise me that you and I are from the same school of scratchy sweet smelling sheets :)
Thanks for the funny- you brightened my day, BIG time :)
Limers.....First time I've visited your blog....don't know why...cause I should have visited you lots earlier! I was born and raised in Lancaster PA....my hometown! Where do you live in PA???? I still have all my Italian side of the family back there...I miss it! I miss steak subs...and tasty cakes...and soft pretzels! Oh..and lebonan bologna...I'm gonna visit your blog more often...
That's the most colorful washing line, I have ever seen! Happy laundry day, Lime :)
That is a great picture. I am trying to figure out who took it and from what angle.
I learned how to make tie-dye in 6th grade, but forgot the skill. If you don't use it...
Well, it's Friday, so happy belated HNT!
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