Thursday, July 05, 2007

HNT-Short Notice

I got notification from and ooooold Yahoo account that their photo storage site is being wiped out and I could opt to transfer whatever pictures I had over there to Flickr. I couldn't even remember what I might have had there but figured it was free so why not.

I had hair to between my waist and middle of my back for 20 years before cutting it super short. I kept it short for about a year or so. In the photo transfer I discovered this from about 5 years ago when I had short hair (my hair had actually grown out a good bit when this was taken). I didn't have time to take anything else, it has a campfire/cookout element to it that seems fitting for a summer holiday, and since I am missing a lot of hair we will call it my half nekkid noggin.

P.S. If you look really closely you can see a peek of a tie dye shirt sticking out at the neckline.

camping '02



Phain said...

i received the same email from yahoo - haven't had the guts yet to see what pics i've still got in there *grin*

you look so different w/ short hair (but i like it!) - and i'm kind of afraid to ask what's on that stick...

G-Man said...

Michelle, you looked Just as whimsical back then as you do now..
A timeless beauty, that just keeps getting better...

S said...

Mnnnn roasted dough! I love that stuff.
Man you have curly hair.

HHNT Lime!

b o o said...

nice curls :) HHNT

lecram sinun said...

Hey, that's a pretty sassy look... not that you're not sassy now. :) Cheers. Happy 4th & HNT!

Vixen said...

Ok, first, it's a great picture! You look so cute :)

Second, in regards to Yahoo....WHA?!?!?! I never got that email?! Ack! [off to see if my photos are still THERE!]


Mark Leslie said...

It's a cool look, and I can see the tie-dye sticking out. (What IS that on the stick?) Happy HNT!

KFarmer said...

Good photo! I love camping and wish we went off into the wild blue more often. Happy HNT! Slightly burnt and sliding marsh- mellows? :)

Mona said...

LIME! what a cool HNT!

& I had hair knee length hair too which I had to cut because it got caught in an electric table fan!

& Then I discoverd the pleasure of having a lighter head & also the freedom from maintaining it! so I never grew it back!

Mona said...


The best HNT of today is at DAN'S!!!

Sudiegirl said...

Uh, what's the thingie wrapped around the stick? You weren't gonna eat that, were you?

Snow White said...

Great pic! Hair is an amazing thing. I had a doll once that had a button you could push to pull her hair long, and a knob you could turn to shorten it. Wouldn't it be great if we could do that? Of course, it might be painful, but... Oh well. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I like it I like it!
Awesome lime.:)

Anonymous said...

I think you look lovely!!!! That is how curly mine would be if I hacked it ;)

I need your email address woman!

just click my profile the address to send it to is there...I miss ya...I forget to come out of lurking:(

TLP said...

*sigh* I always just love your hair.

Hope that's not shit-on-a-stick. I hate that.

~Tim said...

Mmmm, yummy. And campfire food is good too.


AndyT13 said...

What the heck are you pointing at? What IS that thing on the skewer?
Do I really want to know? HHNT

tkkerouac said...

looks nice iether way, happy HNT!

Bunny said...

Cute pic, but what's on that stick? HHNT!

Rob said...

You know Michelle, I had a whole different image in mind when I thought about your "short and curlies"! ;-)

What a cute, sexy, "blast from the past" photo of you! HHNT!!

Kelly said...

Awe, it looks cute short.

tl said...

Very cute, but long is better.

That thing on the stick looks like it should stay there. Scary !!


jillie said...

You look great either way and I just couldn't even imagine you with short hair. I agree...I like long better but you still have that cat that ate the canary smile ;o))

Cheers to ya and HHNT ;o)

24crayons said...

Once I cut all of my hair off, I just loved it. I have very thick heavy hair so it only gives me headaches if its too long. Short is sexy!


SignGurl said...

You look as adorable as ever!!!


Hypersonic said...

Oh deary, deary me...chirpy campfire picks. What next ? :p


Dan said...

Happy HNT Lime! You look adorable in that photo ... as always! Hugs.

BTExpress said...

Looks good short. Happy HNT!

SIMPLY ME said...

Is that somekind of pretzel dough wrapped around that stick? verrrry look cute!Happy hnt

Anonymous said...

It's nice... but I do prefere you with long hair...

Breazy said...

Great pic ! You always have good pics!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately but things are busy for me right now. Hopefully before I go on vacation (14th) things will slow down just a bit.


Unknown said...

You know, when you mentioned that thing about your hair, I thought for a second that you were admitting to having hair on your lower back. Then I realized how crazy that was: You'd never actually acknowledge your back hair publicly.

Flash said...

Yeah, yahoo sent me the same message. And I laughed at it. i hadn't used that e-mail for like 8 years or something.

And what the hell are you eating in that pict? Snake???