They are
not baubles to bestow
only to be revoked when I fail to perform,
not a drug with a dosage
to be carefully controlled to avoid addiction,
not some scrap of food
to be carefully rationed in such portions
that hunger pangs grow worse for having tasted.
Speak them, live them.
'I love you.'

*image from
There are those people who may feel love but will never say the words or demonstrate it meaningfully. There are those who don't love you but who will say they do for the sake of manipulation. There are those who will say it because you've served some purpose in their life and they may mean it in their own limited way. I'm not counting any of them. I'm counting the few and unfettered souls who truly love enough to be there when it's hard to do so and when it costs something. I'm counting the ones who truly mean the words and who freely express them in utmost sincerity knowing what a gift and healing balm it is to do so. You know who you are. I want you to know how much you mean, that I do not take those words for granted, and that I love you as well.
What a great 55, Lime!! Love....real love is a powerful thing.
What a powerful 55!
I love you Trini...
Thanks for being such a part in all of our lives!
Amazing 55. The feeling in your words is incredible and so true.
I had the strangest dream about you and the Limettes last night.
beautiful words from a beautiful soul.
Love has the power to change things..
I love this 55 Lime!
Love you! :)
That was lovely. It's hard to find that love with no strings attached.
As I read this, I can't help but think of my husband, who talks in his sleep- and also has told me he loves me in his sleep.
He has also been known to roll over and "tuck me in" a little bit with extra blankets in his sleep (he knows I'm always cold). If that's not love, I don't know what is.
When you love someone so completely that you even express it in word and deed in your sleep- wow! He amazes me.
oh, good stuff, Lime. :D I particularly liked your count.
Great post, and very true. Have a great weekend.
Love is responsible for many a word, thought, and touch. I wish you all of these powered with kindness and trust.
Love your 55 Lime you are so talented.
Beautiful, Lime. I love it. And I love you and your firey spirit!
An entertaining 55 my darling... but who has the key to your padlocked heart now?...
Awwwwwww, baby. You had me all worried for a minute there. I just showed this to Danna and she started crying ... seriously. Just let me say that Danna and I love you more than we will ever be able to show you, but we'll keep trying. Beautiful count from a beautiful soul.
All our love ...
T.C. and Danna.
Those words are so very true indeed. Simply lovely Lime!!
Hope you have a great wknd ;o)
So true....
Great 55.
never has a truer statement been made...
Lovely. Just Lovely.
Great, great count!
Thoughtful and lovely words - just count me in :-)
and while I'm at it: Wishing you and your family a wonderful end to your week!
Love your 55 - it seems much more than just a poem. Your picture is fabulous too.
Have a great weekend!
Lime, Please!
Send an email to the Brazil embassj your country and repor the injustice that the brazilian courts are making with this girl
Release on Flavia�s accident and status of the process.
The resignation is to stop the evolution. (David Santos in times without end)
Thank you
Lime...I Love You....
Well, I loved your 55 anyway!
Now that was truly a very beautiful, heartfelt post! Too bad more folks don't see and appreciate "love" when they see it, have it, to keep it that way.
Lady you are a word witch.
You hit the nail on the head. Too many people do not think when using the word "love" - when they perhaps means "like" or not even that.
Love the 55 and great followup. I am afraid I fall on the wrong side of the curve here. I do show that I love someone and will, on occasion say it but not all the time. I have never been one to use that word lightly however.
Here is hoping you have lots of blessings to count.
I think that this must be my favorite 55 to date.
Those three words are so carelessly bantered around by many, and so tightly held in by others.
Thanks again, sweetie, for giving me just what I needed to have.
Too often those 3 words are bandied about without any real meaning.
Often regret follows never having said them at all.
How can these innocuous words have so much power?
Aww, I really have no words grand enough for this 55, but oddly there are a thousand things I would like to say.
you rock.
True, non-judgemental, there with out question friendship is hard to find ... a lesson I learned the hard way in recent months. But if you've the blessing of finding it, treasure it, because it is a priceless gift.
Hey there Lime...hope you had a great wknd. You need to come over and pick up your award.
I can't wait to wear your shirt you made us this wknd. It's already here!!!
except for my blood relatives and my niece kc, they've been nothing but words
that was very touching
now, i need tissues
that was beautiful! you always do such a great job on these 55.
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