Vendedora de Flores by Diego Rivera
Tomas, ayudame. These flowers are heavy. Who would think something so delicate and beautiful could be such a burden?
Si, Maria. Better now, my strong, beautiful wife? Is it balanced?
Si, gracias. Hopefully I can get a good price so we have a little money to help our children bloom, our own little flowers.
My count for the week has nothing to do with my 55. Today we had a 2 hour delayed opening for school due to snow. It's short and simple...I'm just counting the chance to sleep in until 7:30 AM instead of dragging myself out of bed at 5:30 AM. Aaaaahhhhh....
Vendedora de Flores by Diego Rivera

Si, Maria. Better now, my strong, beautiful wife? Is it balanced?
Si, gracias. Hopefully I can get a good price so we have a little money to help our children bloom, our own little flowers.
My count for the week has nothing to do with my 55. Today we had a 2 hour delayed opening for school due to snow. It's short and simple...I'm just counting the chance to sleep in until 7:30 AM instead of dragging myself out of bed at 5:30 AM. Aaaaahhhhh....
Little blessings sometimes go a long way.
The burden may be heavy, but the fragrance must be ethereal.
I hope you had two additional hours of pleasant dreams.
And the reason he isn't carrying it is?
2 extra hours sleep, heavenly!
Oh thats an awesome 55 for a really beautiful painting.
I ought to have written more of an ode to the cheeseburger, to be more poetic...guess I was more into eating than creating art!
Have a good weekend Lime.
What a helpful husband! :(
Great 55. Mine's up too.
A little extra slumber is always worth counting. :) Cheers!
Very nice 55 and lovely picture to go hand in hand.
I would count that as a blessing myself. I had a particularly sleepless night this week. On those days it seems I can always get to sleep about 7:00 or 7:30 bur I need to be getting ready for work then. I can get some of my best sleep then. So two extra hours in the morning is certainly worth counting BIG TIME.
I hope the snow was not to bad to be traveling on. We get some slippery and very cold stuff starting later today. I have to remind myself it is still winter.
That was a great 55, Lime. Nicely done.
Lyrical, blooming, and balanced. Great job, Lime.
Your picture is stunning - simplicity and beauty mixed with the burden of subsistence and tenderness between husband and wife... well done Michelle.
1. of course the man is making her carry the heavy load....
2. I miss getting snow days!!!
for those concerned about the woman carrying the heavy load....i imagine tomas as headed out to make adobe bricks as his job for the day after he helps maria with her basket.
Getting up at 5:30 on school days? Let me count my blessings for living a 5 minute walk from the school.
Thought I'd come by and say hi.
I read back a few posts and about laughed myself silly with you kiss of death when carring for plants. My mom has that same "gentle" touch. A true organic herbacide.
Hmmm. Must have taken a long time for the snow to pass over the mountains from my house to yours farther east of me! We had about 3-4 inches yesterday and last night but no delay this morning. The 16-year-old stepgranddaughter here gets her butt out of bed at 4 a.m. to be ready to leave the house at 7 to go to school. Insanity, at its finest in my opinion! When I was in high school, I would roll out of bed around 7:10 a.m. to be ready to leave by 7:30 to walk about 3/4 of a mile (at least) to catch the bus. No way was I ever keen on getting up any earlier than absolutely necessary!
Nice 55, Lime.
I never had any snow related delays or days off. We were jealous of that, but then, we were ignorant of the conditions you have to put up with from it. 5 minutes from the school? 3/4 mile? I had to walk 2 miles to elementary school, and once when I missed the bus in high school, I walked the entire way, about ten miles. That took until noon to get there.
Ahhh yes,
The simple things in life!
have a great week-end Michelle...Go Pats!!!
that's really cool actually, made me think a bit.
snow delays? yikes I don't miss that stuff at all Lime!!!
You usually get up at 5:30? How far do you live from the school and what time do the kids start? What, do they have to walk five miles uphill though the snow, or something? ;) Well, two extra hours sleep is always welcome. :)
Hey you; send some of that snow over to Norway - we had quite a lot in Oslo, but now the rain has washed it all away!
Btw: Wishing you a lovely end to your week :-)
I like your explanation... imagining him digging mud to sun-bake adobe bricks all day while she sells her flowers. And all to make enough money to support their small children. So touching.
Bitter cold here, but no snow.
jeni: I'm with you... a quick shower, brush my teeth, throw on some clothes, and I'm out the door. Spending two or three hours to get ready in the morning? No thanks!
Lovely 55.
Snow days and late days were always a treat. Now that I'm a "city kid" that never happens. Always got to go to work when you live in town.
Wasn't Diego Rivera married to Frida Kahlo? Hope you enjoyed your sleep in!
Not much snow in Melbourne today - too, too hot for that!
I remember those my town the fire station blew their old civil defense siren at 7 AM if there was no school. I remember waking up in a haze...praying for the siren...and went it went off I would snuggle back under the covers...grinning from ear to ear...what a great feeling that was...
There is nothing better than waking up in warm covers you do NOT have to get out of if you don't want to.
Those mornings are da best!!
That is not just a 55!
That is a beautiful poem in itself which needs a publisher!!
I love the way the thought progresses in that one!
(((HUGS))) Lime!
Exceptional. Thanks for sharing. Even the most wonderful and tiny beauty can be a heavy burden. If you are to gready.
Out of bed at 5:30 AM? OMG. Only in summer, when the Sun have been shining here for at least one hour. During winter? Haha - I'm like a Bear. Don't wake me up, beuaty, can we wait until spring. LOL.
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