Not since ancient Egypt has such a large gold statue been made.
He was inspired by today's standard of ideal beauty...
Sorry, I think she looks like a famine victim.
The ancients knew a real woman when they saw her...
someone with soft, inviting curves
to comfort the one who enjoyed them.
Thick chicks rule.
He was inspired by today's standard of ideal beauty...
Sorry, I think she looks like a famine victim.

The ancients knew a real woman when they saw her...
someone with soft, inviting curves
to comfort the one who enjoyed them.

Thick chicks rule.

If you check the link in the 55 above you'll find an article about a sculptor who created the largest gold statue since ancient Egypt. It is modeled after Kate Moss.
I started to get curvy when I was pretty young. It was a pain being a teenager with a curvy body when every thing in style was tailored for skinny and straight bodies. I was thin but curvy. Add a couple decades, three kids and a noticeable amount of weight gain and I ain't exactly thin anymore. My curves are even more padded now and is it just me or are the styles requiring even more skinniness and fewer curves? Sometimes it's frustrating. Sometimes I get down on myself. Could I stand to loose some weight for the sake of health? Yes. But even if I do I'm not going to look like Kate Moss, who seems to be some sculptor's idea of perfect beauty. I am more than ok with not looking like that.
I started to get curvy when I was pretty young. It was a pain being a teenager with a curvy body when every thing in style was tailored for skinny and straight bodies. I was thin but curvy. Add a couple decades, three kids and a noticeable amount of weight gain and I ain't exactly thin anymore. My curves are even more padded now and is it just me or are the styles requiring even more skinniness and fewer curves? Sometimes it's frustrating. Sometimes I get down on myself. Could I stand to loose some weight for the sake of health? Yes. But even if I do I'm not going to look like Kate Moss, who seems to be some sculptor's idea of perfect beauty. I am more than ok with not looking like that.
i love healthy gals. curves are the best.
Lime, 'ditto', nothing wrong with a bit of padding lady...
I enjoy people that are a decent weight but yes, there is a such things as to skinny. If it looks unhealthy, no thank you.
Hey, nothing wrong with you. Baby Got Back is all... Sorry, visions of you and the gals at Detroit Metro Airport came to mind. If that bugs you, please feel free to slap me. :)
Anyway it is best to be in a decent weight range for your body. Other than that I think skinny is not where it is at for a lot of people. It certainly is not for me.
Great count.
I've always been a big fan of the curves. . .
Kate Moss? Sorry; I don't get it. . .
Kate Moss is just toooooo skinny...YUCK.
You are beautiful just the way you are.
Ooh come see Bryans post, and then mine! Hee hee hee!
I can't add anything but AMEN!
I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung
Wanna pull up tough
Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Sorry...couldn't resist. Now the song is stuck in my head!
I'm with you on the healthy curves thing. I managed to get down to a size 10 last year on a strict, strict diet, but my body eventually crept back up to a 12, which was always a nice-looking size for me. I hope to stay right here.
Peace - D
(Oh, and super model bodies? As my mom used to tell me, "No one wants a bone but a dog...")
Some guys who want rail-thin women don't really want women. They are basically pedophiles unable to display their perversion in public, so they settle for the closest thing to a boy's body that they can find and which is legal.
Real men like real women, in all of their curvy glory.
i've NEVER liked kate moss
1-she's not all that pretty
2-she's flat as a board.
curves on a woman are much better. who wants a body like a young boy?
great 55, lime. i think you look great. at least you don't have a stomach that hangs over an old c-sec scar. not a pretty sight! LOL
thin chicks may be good on eyes but are bad on hands!
I mean, I hear them men say it all the time!
MWM loves my curves he says
"skinny birds yuk!"
Love the 55 it says it all!
When I was young my ideal was to have a body like Mark Spitz. (LOL... did I just date myself?) Never happened... but who I am is what I got. I even stopped trying to acquire it (my ideal)because I would have become lopsided as a result of my polio defects. Since then (sure, it took a while)... I've been fine with me. Great count BTW.
Love it - thick chicks rule.
Hi'ya Lime, I seem to be back :-)
missed ya ~ ~ doodah
You are absolutely gorgeous!! I dig your curves!
Now if I could just learn to love mine :)
I knew you were gonna need your own 120 pack o crayons!!!
great post Lime!
There's another thing we have in common! I'm so glad that it's only zoo critters and ice cream flavors that we differ on.
Thick chicks rule.
BWAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! that is SUCH a great line!! Great 55! :)
HERE HERE!!!! I don't know why the super skinny is still in... it's sad really!
Here's to curvy women! ;)
i like to consider myself "rubenesque." that makes me a work of art, right?
As one who is definitely on the "Thick" side (some would also say that includes being thick-headed too) my chief complaint is with the stores who, when I wore smaller sizes, always put the larger sized items -or had an abundance of them -on sale. Now, when I need the larger sizes, what populates the sale and clearance racks? Size 8, 10 and 12's! Disgusting, I tell you!
Force feed that woman a family sized bucket of KFC (including biscuits) and duct tape her mouth shut.
thick chicks rule
Lime I was doing a little searching on the Internet with the term Tie Dye among other things. One of the links I came up with I thought you may enjoy.
Sorry, it just said Lime all over it when I saw it.
Fat Ones...Short Ones...Square and Round!!..It's ALL GOOD!!!!
Great 55 Meesh...Thanks for playing and have a GREAT Week-End.
I do envy with women with curv. I could say I used to look like Kate Moss, not necessary that's how I tried to be. It runs in family that I'm thin, but now I go to gym everyday trying to gain some muscle. I think like other curvy women do, many slender/thin women have their own problems with gaining weight because I eat like a pig and still don't seem to be able to have the body I want = nice size breast, etc:)
I've always thought that the supermodels were too skinny-frighteningly so. I like a woman with a little meat on her bones!
Okay, maybe not evah, but a really, really good one.
First I should point out that I am indeed the original plank, straight up, straight down, no in, no out.
However, my mum and sister, petite little five footers, always struggled with what they called 'their weight,' whereas both were 'merely' female shaped in an age when 'stick insect' is popular.
We both know it's a reaction to the 'wealth of nations' in that originally if you were wealthy enough to eat, then extra pounds indicated abundance and the good life all round.
As I also have two daughters of my own with soft feminine curves I'm all for a more realistic approach [n.b. European fashion houses demanding human sized models].
I think perhaps that pendulum begins to swing back the other way, or at least I hope so.
Best wishes
Didn't they used to call her look 'Heroin Chic'? I thought she was 'Heroin Sick'.
It seems like that sculptor is a little behind the times too. Shouldn't that statue have been made 15 years ago when Kate Moss was modeling?
Let's hear it for dangerous curves!
I think curvy rocks and that you are fine just the way you are!
I think you're all missing the point here. The statue is solid gold so modeling it on a skinny chick made it cheaper:)
And there are three m's in mamma but only one in model...mmm!
The beauty comes from the inside you know and the confidence too. You look great the way you are Lime - just because you are you.
Wishing you a great week ahead and a Happy Labor Day :-) Have you made your protest banner for the day? :lol:
I like chocolate, therefore I accept my curves ... can you pass the M&Ms!?!
Amen! It took my curves forever to show up. I look at pictures from then and from now...god bless the curves!
We fall in love with minds and personalities, not bodies. I could not agree with you more.
I love all the differences and variety in the world. I'm glad there are curvy gals and sporty ones skinny ones and plump.
It's like Baskin Robbins having all the flavors there in front of you in a splendid display makes the one you choose all the more tasty!
I am happy with my curves too. Love the pics.
Lime - There are very few women who look like Kate Moss....You and I sound very much alike. I had curves in high school too and those short mini skirts were not for
Now, after three kids and several decades, I have even more curves in several other places.....Oh Well!
o that Kate Moss, she's still a big thing over here, but I think she gets more and more minging by the day
yeah the girl who got caught doing coke, supposedly gave up on drugs though continued a relationship with a loser "musician" everyone knew was an IV heroin addict for well over a year afterwards
we're all sposed to believe K Moss is clean but I think her straw-like hair and haggard face (in pap pictures, not airbrushed out adverts of course) tells a totally different story...
2.8 million for a statue? I could think of so many other uses for that money, beginning with my wallet.
Why, why, why does it have to be one or the other? I get as tired of declarations that only big curves are acceptable as other people do of being told that lean bodies are the only way to go. Women can be womanly heavy, average or thin. Now can we stop trying to decide which is the "right" way to have a womanly body?
Venus sculptures are my sanity in a world full of Kate Mosses. . . :)
The statue looks so very feminine and sexy. Just imagine her living today. She probably would have all sorts of self-image issues.
And I do feel your pain. I am not overweight, but shopping for clothes is still frustrating, because -unlike Kate Moss- I have a waist and ass, and no, I don't aspire to have the bony heroin look.
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