Yesterday a few people remarked there was no need for pictures to go with the post because I painted a vivid enough image with my words. A few other folks expressed a desire for Little Lime and her brother on Santa's lap. I don't have a copy of the picture of me as a two month old on Santa's lap or the year after that, though my mom does.
Here's what is in my possession. Check out the tally board of good boys and girls vs. bad boys and girls behind Santa and me.
Mom held my brother for this one mostly likely because he was unnerved by the whole thing. I think with the pointy green hood on my coat and the red plaid pants I could have passed for one of Santa's elves.
It must have been especially cold or snowy this year because Mom made us wear snow pants and boots. Can you hear us scritch scritch scritching up and down the street as those puffy pants rubbed against each other.
Here's what is in my possession. Check out the tally board of good boys and girls vs. bad boys and girls behind Santa and me.

Mom held my brother for this one mostly likely because he was unnerved by the whole thing. I think with the pointy green hood on my coat and the red plaid pants I could have passed for one of Santa's elves.

It must have been especially cold or snowy this year because Mom made us wear snow pants and boots. Can you hear us scritch scritch scritching up and down the street as those puffy pants rubbed against each other.

Is my brother not a dapper little fellow in this year's picture? And check my saddle shoes. I remember specifically opting for the tan and brown ones over the black and white ones one a trip to the shoe store.

This was our last year on Santa's lap. I think Santa was very much relieved. I don't think his eyes were smiling. I think the bushy beard was hiding a wince from the pain of these two big kids together on his lap.

I love how the barrel of suckers got bigger and then small again at the end!
You and your brother are a couple of cuties. I wonder where my mom put our santa pictures?
i don't have a single picture of me with santa as a child - i was in a few with the girl when she was smaller. i can remember getting cards in the mail from my aunt where her kids were in the big guys lap (forced some years, tears and all) - swore i'd never do that to my kids. they get the choice and more times than not, they opt out.
Pretty cute you two are!
LR has never sat on Santas lap. These days, you never know who could be under that beard!
Aw, Michelle, you wuz such a QT-Pi (I only wish comment-space would let me do Greek letters. . .)
i think there is only one pic of me with santa as a child. as an adult, there aren't any of me fully clothed
The beard and hat are consuming Santa's face in the last photo.
"A fine Christmas"
- Mr. Prothero, from a child's Christmas in Wales, amid the smoking ruins of his house.
Oh yeah, I'm sure Mama Polt's got a treasure trove of photos just like this one somewhere.
Somewhere hopefully not to be found for years and years to come. :)
Thanks for sharing the fun photos. I expect you'll see some of me in a week or so...
Sad to say I don't have any pic's with Santa either...;(
Great pics of you & he still as cute? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL
Love those brown saddle shoes...we had to wear them for grade school and I always wanted a pair of the B&W ones! Do you think I can still get a pair? :D
You two are so cute and it is fun watching you grown up. In the saddle shoe picture I am kind of wondering what they are doing. Both you and your brother are both looking off to your right.
But you know if I were you I would be concerned. Did you notice that Santa Clause looks different each and every year. I think they are trying to pull a fast one on you.
I love the pictures, thanks so much for sharing. I sure wish I had a picture of the year I played Santa for my God child. It went over well but he was such a smart child he probably knew. See, it just goes to show you that Susie was right. You never know who is under that beard.
You know you have always had a lovely smile.
Those pictures are absolute classics! Love it! And I loved your last post too! :)
I have one of me and Santa around somoewhere...maybe get the scanner warmed up.
You have the sweetest smile ever!
As my Mrs. likes to say, "What a cutie-patootie!!" I liked the continuity of this series, and looking for the differences as well, such as the carpet, etc.
An early Merry Christmas to you.
I loved seeing the Little Lime. Again and again. You were a beautiful thing. And in that last shot, you have a nice and naughty gleam in your eye.
You have an award over at my place...
Awwwww, so cute!
I tried to convince little man once to sit on Santa's lap with not much avail. I think he was freaked out about not seeing Santa's face under all that beard.
You are just so cute!
I love these pictures. We don't have as many picture of the girls with Santa because they were the ones who would cry while sitting on his lap. We never forced the issue too much.
a fun photo story! very Lime.
Stopping by to wish you a Happy Holiday.
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