Yesterday was supposed to be crazy hair day for staff and attendees of VBS. I never got that memo. I could have done some really craziness as evidenced by past dos.
The Cousin Itt look.
The "how to deal with head lice when no one will pick your head for you " look. Only time in the last 28 years I've had short hair. Crazy in it's own way.

The "you are seriously working on my last nerve and making me wanna tear my hair out by the roots" look.

Or what I finally settled on. This is what I call the "I found out 5 minutes ago and I have 50 crafts to prep after starting my day with an argument" look. Good enough? Well, it's gonna have to be.

The Cousin Itt look.
The "how to deal with head lice when no one will pick your head for you " look. Only time in the last 28 years I've had short hair. Crazy in it's own way.

The "you are seriously working on my last nerve and making me wanna tear my hair out by the roots" look.

Or what I finally settled on. This is what I call the "I found out 5 minutes ago and I have 50 crafts to prep after starting my day with an argument" look. Good enough? Well, it's gonna have to be.

LOl! OMG, head lice trauma. Sitting up until 2 in the morning with my daughter asleep in my lap using the Robi-comb until the batteries would run out....
I love the last pic. One of my favorite styles, locally called "vacation hair" since I can only pull that one off when NOT wearing a hard hat.
Hope you are not pulling your hair out with VBS!
Help us Obi-Wan, you're our only hope.......
They can expect nothing more after five minutes and an argument.
I am a frequent user of the "good enough for government work" look!
I love 'bunches' - well done, you! x
Hee-hee, what G-Man said. . .
But c'mon, Lime. . . smile. Just a little. It just ain't that bad. . .
Somewhere in the Jones family archives is a family portrait which we sat for the day after a head-lice outbreak (having scheduled the sitting a couple weeks in advance). Sort of like our 'neo-Nazi skinhead period'. . .
And c'mon. . . you're having way too much fun in that 'last nerve' shot. . .
Ya, know if you put on a gold bikini in that last picture you would have a great time at a Star Wars convention. But with that expression on your face I would never suggest that to you in person.
Cheers. squeas
I like what you did with the hair in that first pic, and how the stretched-out horizontal frame works with it. Very artsy.
Theme days at work... yeah, I remember those.
Hehehe one advantage you have is that you have so much nice thick hair. A weird hair day for me is usually flat and greasy. Yuck! I have been known to wash my hair in a bucket of ice cold water while at my friends cottage because that is the only way I could stand to live with it a minute more!
I'm so picky about my hair, I would never in a million years succumb to crazy hair day!
I love the little buns on head look. I dont really have enough hair to do that....
We like to gel up LR's hair and spray it purple and stuff like that for crazy hair day!
Have a fun day.
You done good Lime!
I especially enjoyed the tear my hair out look prior too. ;)
The word verification is Flere. I think that's what we should name your 'do! :)
You have versatile hair! I like all your looks. It's a venue in of itself. Your own billboard of expression! A medium for artistic showcase. You have great hair. But that was a shame that they did not notify you sooner.
My daughter had long hair that was never cut too. We put a 2 liter bottle inside hers and sprayed white lighting bolts up the sides for her Bride of Frankenstein look.
Mine just lays there looking lame.
Princess Leia, is that you??
Damn, others got to the ubiquitous Princess Leia comment before me. Say hi to Luke and Han for me anyway.
anything i say will be used against me in a court of law....
You make it all look sexy!
To get rid of head lice, you need to make friends with a chimpanzee. They'd pick the head lice and eat them for you. That way, you don't need to cut your hair.
You got a lottle of the Mickey Mouse thing goin gin the last one.
Your hair is truly magnificent. I always liked it in pictures, but having seen you in person, it truly remains as an integral part of the memory I carry of your meeting with me and MY WIFE. It is your crown, O Exalted Empress Lime!
I liked the good old hippy style best ;-)
I wouldn't tear my hair like that these days. its falling a little more than usual...but new hair is sprouting too!
Starting the day with an argument? THE SUCK.
Your hair? ADORABLE.
Great post you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. Thank you for sharing this data.
Joan Stepsen
Wise geek
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