Earlier this week I was called into the boss lady's office for a talking to. The list of grievances, in a nut shell, were my seeming lack of enthusiasm, that I am not a team player, and my lack of work ethic. I was quite honestly more than a tad shocked by the whole thing as were my coworkers who said they thought I was deserving of a bonus. After a moment of thought, when they noticed my look of consternation upon emerging from the dungeon for my flogging, one of them offered, "Ah yes, that's right. It's right on schedule. We both got the same speech as did the girl you replaced. The next speech on the schedule is the 'You're ruining the practice' speech. Just be ready for it." The other girl nodded as she recalled "going through the series."
Oh, trust me, I will be ready.
In the meantime, I am practicing my look of enthusiasm...or constipation...

In other news and in keeping with a holiday theme this week. Today is Web Day. On this day in 1990 tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau sent a memo entitled WorldWideWeb: Proposal for a HyperText Project. That's had just a few ripples, dontcha think? It seems fitting that today's picture was taken with a webcam for the express purpose of putting it on the web.
Happy Web Day! And thanks to all of you who make the web so fun to visit.
I don't know if that's enthusiasm or constipation. Just out of frame, I can sort of imagine a big knife raised in your right hand...
Yer boss is beyond bizarre... Make sure she never finds this place, cause imagine the shitstorm!
I think I'm in denial that your "talking to" actually happened! I just can't believe it.
If you do decide to take down the practice do it in a really cool way that gets you on the news.
Ah good times!
Ah, the genius of Modern Management - always keep 'em from feeling comfortable, 'cuz that anxiety will motivate 'em to verk hahdah, uh, I mean, work harder (sorry for the attempt at a Nazi accent rendered into text). . .
And 'not a team player'? That's just risible. What it means is, 'I don't think I like you very much'. Or, worst case, 'I worry that if I do something really stupid, you'll say something about it'. . .
Nice photo, tho. . . ;)
Oh, I have sat in on some annual reviews that were like that. The most recent one was a month ago. I was shocked, and if I'd been able to speak, I'd have asked my manager if she was reading from the review form for me, or someone else, because with five years in, I know I'm not the employee she was describing. Retail goals that management need to meet are flowing down on all of us. It was so awesome. Except not.
Yep. Been practicing the same face!
Thanks for your excitement! That is just plain bizarre about the meeting.
Youre ruining the practice?
Oh.... just super f**k her with a big stick....
What an asshat.
That is just terrible. I hate bosses like that... I've only had one, but he was enough. Worse, he hired me to be the one to keep him from abusing the rest of the employees... I passed his bad words on, with tact and well a whole slue of different words. I only managed to survive a year before he stepped across my line and I let him have it.
Take care, dear lime. Remmber it's not you... it's his/her issue.
Funny!!! I too imagined the knife in your hand. Why are all those with a little power such little people?
vw: equidlog, as in 'we are watching you and your name is now in the equidlog.
What a tool. May I offer a prescription? Dark chocolate helps. Especially those little Dove bite sized things. Nibble off about 1/4 of it at a time, and let it melt in your mouth.
Oh, and what did we ever do before the WorldWideWeb?!!
Drat! Suldog beat me to it. Well, you certainly can have a staring role in the next slasher flick.
I had a boss like that too. He had to come up with something wrong to empower himself. *gag reflex*
Where Suldog, Moannie and Michelle saw a knife, I envisioned a suitable finger.
Those people are nuts.
Oh I've had these pep talks too when I used to work. It usually happens just when you think everything is going great. It simply means that they are dumping blame on you for some of the rubbish that's going on. Just keep on doing your work and be happy. They'll get over it! Idiots.....
I think if you keep that look on your face your boss will eb too bloody afraid to approach you again.
I think your boss might perhaps be a sister of the guy who was my boss (manager of the restaurant) at the last truckstop where I was employed. His chief gripe with me was ALWAYS that the help and customers were always telling him that I "looked mean" and didn't smile enough. Just because he could walk around, day in, day out, with a stupid ear-to-ear smile plastered on his face and I couldn't do that, didn't mean I was actually angry all the time as he made it sound that I was. (Well, truthfully I probably was angry most of the time there but it was mainly due to the crapola the managers doled out on an daily basis. Plus, who can smile broadly like that when you are running all over the place, breaking out a heavy sweat from every pore imaginable and trying to avert the next potential mini or God forbid, major catastrophe?
Did you come home with a hole bit through your lip or tongue? I usually was afraid I'd have that added probably everytime I got called into the office for whatever poppycock reason. Your manager though just purely boggles my mind. What is the point of a review like that anyway?
Is the boss lady the wife of the chiro? If so it would parrallel a chiro office I know of where there were similar issues, except they let one go for not being "tough enough" on paymetns & collections!!!
Maybe you would be more suited for that office :)
As far as the web goes, I went to college in 1994 for comp network technology and was the first college to have the laptop program.
Even then there were too many websites to count but I wnated to see every one. I would look around and diapers were not changed, dinner not made. In the overdose process I discovered Beserk.com and made several lasting friendships there.
Guess that part hasn't changed.... :)
My caption for that strained false happy look: Work...learn to recognize the early symptoms while you still can reverse the damage...
Very enthusiastic! Not constipated at all. Well done! ;)
Your boss must be in sane!
Thanks to You who make your blog so fun to read - yea; and happy weekend too :-)
hey Lime...i got a talking to this week from my supervisor about my lack of good timekeeping...it happens every so often, especially when the clock goes forward, it just ruins me for some reason...summer baby and all that i suppose...!!!
anyway, if all else fails, try working it out with a pencil...heheheheheh...!!! mwah xx
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