Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Those Minnesota Girls Are a Special Kind of Tough

Perhaps you recall this post from last year when I recounted the story of Calypso's birth. If not, to recap...

She was born by c-section...
with an epidural that didn't work...
and I refused to be knocked out...
so I felt everything from the first incision to the last suture...
and the power went out in the middle of it all.

There are those who think that makes me kinda tough but I don't think I can hold a candle to gal who...

Delivers her own child...
in the car on the way to the hospital...
while she is the one DRIVING the flippin' car...
as it's set on cruise control at 70 mph!!!

Don't take my word for it. Here's the news report.



Cricket said...

Good Lord! You just can't make stuff like that up. If you did, no one would believe it, and yet....

You still qualify as tough, though.

My wife had our first by emergency-c. They put up the cloth screen for her benefit. Probably wise - I could see the whole procedure. I'm not squeamish - even so, yikes!

I think she qualifies, too.

secret agent woman said...

Should people like that be reproducing? Why in the hell didn't she pull over?

(But,yes, your story makes you tough.)

Bijoux said...

The weather makes those girls tough.

Craig said...

Well, it's Bemidji. . . That's practically the North Pole. . .

And, like you say, she had the cruise control on; it's not like she was driving a stick shift. . .

Nothing those Northern women do should surprise anyone. . . ;)

G-Man said...

It's like Russian Women, drop em in the field and keep on picking potatos...Gotta Love It!!

furiousBall said...

whoa! that is one bad-ass birthin' momma

S said...

omg wow!
my sister popped out 6,no tearing, no stitches, no cutting, one practically in the car!

I was born in a funky navy hospital in Eritrea while a tarantula crawled up the wall, so my mom says.

Wow, I cant wait to go read this!

Craver Vii said...

They waited until the end of the newscast to explain why she was driving instead of the dad. He has a history of seizures.

I'm glad it had a happy ending!

Suldog said...

Yow! We have a winner in the "My Mom Is Tougher Than Your Mom" category. When the kid grows up, and tells that story...

Ananda girl said...

Holy crap!!! To both stories!

choochoo said...

you know, a lot of ppl keep telling me that I'll change my mind and have tons of children, but I really think I'll just stick to owning dogs. Much less stressful and at no point do they want to crawl in or out of your vagina.

Commander Zaius said...

I bet the insurance company was happy with the money she saved them.

Kat said...

Haha! I KNOW! I saw that on the news the other night. So crazy.

Have you heard the one about the woman who gave birth in a TREE???? I'm completely serious. There was a big flood and this woman climbed up a tree so she wouldn't be swept away in the current of the rising water and then what do you know? She goes into labor. Luckily (?) her mother in law saw her, climbed up underneath her and CAUGHT the baby as it was coming out. THEN they had to wait in the tree for I think a whole DAY to be airlifted out. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! I've thought about that story every time I've been in labor and thought, if she can do that I can do this. ;)

Anonymous said...

at least she could still hit a McDonald's food is gross...

Hilary said...

Wow.. for whatever reason, that link leads to a video about the oil spill for me but geesh.. that's two tough women, you and she.

Jocelyn said...

Oh, you know my comment: I delivered my second when I reached down to shift into third. We're NORTH of Bemidji, you see.