Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Slice of Lime-Year End Wrap Up

This year saw the good, the bad, and the ugly in me, displayed here in Slice of Lime for all your bloggy enjoyment.

Back in February I dyed my hair pink at the request of a friend going through treatment for breast cancer. This friend of mine has told me for years I need to dye my gray and I refused.  When she asked me to go pink I relented for the sake of solidarity.  We'll call that me being good.  As an update, she is doing really well as she finishes up a second round of chemo and her own hair has come back in.  This time, she opted not to dye the gray. I think she looks stunning and told her so.  She has come to love her gray hair. 

Later on in the year I showed up two of my manly bosses (one who is just massive, the other who is a 4th degree black belt) by ripping a phone book in half after they each failed in their attempts. It continues to be an office wide joke. I've been known to just interject the words "phone book" when comments are made about women being weaker than men or when it is jokingly suggested I should be able to do some impossible task because they find it easy. Yeah, I still gloat on occasion. I guess that would qualify me as bad.

For my birthday, which I share with another local friend we had a redneck party. Ugly, reeeeal ugly. Uglier than a fencepost....but a helluva lot of fun.  Need I say more?  A picture really is worth a thousand words...or dry heaves.

If you've stuck with me all year and through this whole post then here's a bonus of me playing Baby New Year and expressing part of what I am hoping for in 2011...a rest, a good nap (because again, if you've followed this year you know it's been hellacious in a lot of ways)...and heck, how about a return to pudgy being considered irresistibly adorable.


Anonymous said...

Girl you kick major ass - May 2011 be everything you want it to be.

- Jazz

Kat said...

Haha! You rock! And awww, that last pic. :)

Hope this next year brings you much rest and peace! :)

g-man said...

Love the Sunoco stickers!!!

S said...

Lol i just noticed your co worker is just tearing a little magazine! hilarious!
Happy new year lime

Bubba said...

I'm glad I found your blog this year, lime... it's always entertaining. Looking forward to 2011 and more great stuff!

furiousBall said...

you the best lady, love ya - here's to a great 2011!

Craig said...

That little cherub in the crib is YOU?

As to the rest. . . please don't hurt me. . . ;)

Another year goes into the books. Thanks for your friendhsip. . .

Bijoux said...

Happy New Year!

Suldog said...

My Dear:

Having enjoyed your writings via this thing called the internet, and having had the opportunity to actually meet you in the flesh (and what flesh - Va Va Va Voom!), I can honestly say that you are among the top ten reasons for living in this century as opposed to, say, 1964.

May 2011 bring you much happiness, and possibly Hugh Jackman in a hot tub.

Jericho said...

Your goodness is no surprise. Your badness...well, no surprise, really, either. In fact, it's both of those in concert that cause me still to long for the back porch commiseration. Your ugliness? What? Girl, we could listen to the race on our way to the country where we aim to bag us a few wild hogs on a day you forgot to take the curlers out your hair... ugly you would not be.

Here's to a 2011 that rips the hell out of 2010's phone book.

ttfootball said...

Commenting is not my strong suit as I dont comment nearly half as much as I read... but I wanted to say thanks for sharing so much with us. You've made me reflect on lots of things and of course smile and laugh about many more :-)

All the best for 2011!

(M)ary said...

Happy New Year!

~Tim said...

You know you are irresistibly adorable, right? Happy twenty-eleven!

I always get the most interesting verification words when I comment on your site. Today it is "crude" and this time I'm not. Does that mean I should have made a [more typical for me] crude comment?