As promised here is the second installment of pictures. First off, the new "cottage." Uh, yeah, not exactly a cottage. It may not have a larger footprint than the old place but it's got three levels whereas the old place only had one. It's got a very pretty spiral staircase which is highlighted in what the family refers to as the penis window there on the side.

The neighbor's van. Totally groovy! I dig it!
Playing around with's my stepmom.
And Dad...who Isaac describes as "the scary guy who doesn't wear shirts." He was less than thrilled when I aimed Boom-Boom in his direction but he managed to not grimace.
At least Dad sat still. I had to chase the bee all over the tops of the flowers.
These were down near the beach. I dunno what they are. We'll call them Beachicus Orangium Trumpetia. I read a Latin primer while I was at the beach. Yes, I have weird ideas about how to relax. I'm sure I didn't decline any of that made of botanical name even remotely correctly so clearly I absorbed little from the primer. I say fake it till ya make it.
Here is Twinicus Vinum. (The secret is to say it with confidence.)
The other side of the neighbor's van sums up my whole last year pretty well, dontcha think?
NICE cottage. Wish you'd never named that window! LOL! It WOULD have been a nice cottage, anyway...
I really dig the van, always wanted one of those when I was a kid.
Any family that names a window in that way is twisted (and also alright by me.) Love the porches!
Heh-heh. . . you said 'penis'. . .
Groovy van, tho; I dig it. . .
I'm giving some serious thought to becoming a 'scary guy who doesn't wear shirts' when I retire. . .
And. . . your beach reading was a Latin primer? It would seem that you fit right in with the shirtless penis-window people. . . ;)
Pax vobiscum. . .
omg it is a penis window!
Cute cottage, and I see where your hippie roots come from....
of course I love that van too!
Penis window? I love your family.
Totally awesome van, man!
Yer step-mom looks like a real sweetie, by the way. . . (altho, gathering from what you've said in the past, she'd almost have to be, right?)
I do like the van too. The art is so fun!!
Fake it till you make it is my motto too. ;)
Nice cottage, penis window and all. Lovely photos, and the new Latin just cracks me up. That van certainly is groovy...and what about its owners? Are they groovy too? Did Boom-Boom get any pictures of them?
kewl van...i'd drive it.
no uncle shots???
Whodathunk the hit of your photo shoot would be your neighbor's van? Groovy.
That van is a hoot - looks like it rolled right out of the early 70's.
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