*image from
Silent descent
drifting downward
where water's embrace lulls me
in the gentle pull of gravity
until my lungs burn
I beg for air
and reach
for sunlight
to grasp only aquamarine
see the last few bubbles
rising from my lips
escaping to the surface
as I swallow blackness
and the sunless deep
engulfs me

Silent descent
drifting downward
where water's embrace lulls me
in the gentle pull of gravity
until my lungs burn
I beg for air
and reach
for sunlight
to grasp only aquamarine
see the last few bubbles
rising from my lips
escaping to the surface
as I swallow blackness
and the sunless deep
engulfs me
The 55 is a repost from well over a year ago. Interesting to note that I wrote it just a month or so before I had any idea just how bad things would get around here. I wrote it mostly as a fictional piece at that time inspired by the artwork posted with it but there were some rough things going on at that time. I just never posted about them. However, after the many hits we all took from May 2010 through June 2011, there were times when I felt like I was drowning.
Now you must understand that, unlike what we see in the movies, someone in imminent danger of drowning does not flail about wildly as they scream for help. Those who are about to slip under the water for the last time are generally quiet and barely floating in the water just around mouth or nose level. They don't have any energy left to call out or flail. Hence, it is crucial that a lifeguard be well trained in recognizing the silent signs of distress and be vigilant about scanning the water for those in need of help.
This is what leads to my count. There were days this past year when I felt I might go under, days when I didn't have the energy to ask for help. There are some specific individuals in my 3-D life and here in Bloggy Land who were looking out for me and who reached out in a myriad of ways when I needed it and helped me find the shore again. I'm not going to go naming names today but just know that I am profoundly grateful.
May the waters always be warm and calm for each of you, but if they grow dark and stormy, I hope I prove to be the kind of friend to you that you've been to me.
You are such an honest and whimsical and careing soul, I'm sure to whom you are referring does it out of Love and Respect.
You are a Peach Michelle!!
Fuzzy and Sweet!
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
I Sank Your Battleship!!!!
well at least you left us with a great closing 55 as you drown...smiles. def nice...evocative...and felt before...
Glad you pulled thru. . .
I remember this post. . .
I know you've been a good friend to me; I wish I could be a better one to you. . .
This post hit me very hard because it reminded me of Susan Smith here in South Carolina who watched her car go into a pond with her two small boys still strapped into their car seats in the back.
While she was convicted and is currently in jail in my humble opinion if there ever was a person who needs to burn in Hell it is her.
Life does feel like that sometimes to those who face difficulties. Glad you came through Michelle -Dave
Oh lordy! The image created here has so much meaning to me. I wept when I read it. Life is so fragile, so uncaring sometimes. The temptation to just let go and let things happen is so great of a pull. God bless you and yours. I am glad that you had those who cared enough to help pull you out the other side.
You did good..
stapled maples
In 'retrospect' (we often find things in hindsight!) Gratitude makes my cup of life overflow-
I am glad you floated long enough to put your foot down and find shore again. Friends& Life guards are good too! thanks.
Great 55 re-post and profound and stirring back story.
well I must say you made me think with this post.
I know that a li'l too well!
The same has happened to me a few times over.. indeed, writing has healed me- no end!!
Very many hugs xoxox
to better days, great friends,
may there be lots of both in the days ahead.
Lime, I love the art--it's simply beautiful. I don't love the fact that you had to go through so much "water" the past year, but I do love that you're the kind that isn't afraid to swim, or appreciate a life line when you are thrown one. you'd do the same for us.
love you bunches,
Stay afloat.. you're a survivor.
don't know about you but nothing but blues skies from now on for me....
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