A few years ago I posted about the farmer's market I grew up visiting on a regular basis. I love farmer's markets. They feed my soul as much as they feed my belly. In Trinidad, I had access to a large and wonderful farmer's market too. Since I have been back in the US I have not lived in proximity to a decent one. I miss that access dearly. Then I went to Seattle...and Susie and Logo introduced me to Pike Place Market. Oh did that place sing to my soul!
Susie and I greeted Rachel the pig upon our arrival.
I loved all the strings of peppers hanging around. So colorful!
And berries. Mmmmm....simply succulent!
Strange colors for carrots but so fresh. One of the things I loved was how much of the produce was organic or sustainably farmed and sold at what I'd consider to be reasonable prices.
Huuuuge piles of shrimp...or piles of huge shrimp which is kind of an oxymoron...

Whereas crowds in grocery stores make me crazy, there is something I love about the hustle and bustle of a farmer's market.
Yum, I tried it planked while I was out in Seattle. I quite liked it.
The fish market is just plain fun. These guys tossing the fish back and forth were having a ball. As soon as he caught the fish he came rushing at my camera lens with it. Unfortunately I missed that shot because I was laughing so hard. But this one captures some of the spirit I think.
Fish too smelly for ya? Ok, how about row upon row of bouquets. Big, lush, gorgeous bouquets for unbelievably cheap prices.
Pretty in pink...
...or lavender.
Oooh, looky...stacks of tie dye! Another thing I loved about Seattle and Pike Place Market was that there were a lot of locally produced and wonderfully artistic crafts available. If you truly wanted some cheap plastic made-in-China tourist memento you could find it, but there was such a proliferation of really wonderful local arts and crafts I'd have to ask WHY would you want that other junk?
I said it before, the place sang to my soul. It made me happy....happy enough to wanna ride a pig and whoop in enthusiasm!
I love Farmer's Markets too. I always buy much more than I can use and see much more that I would like to spend.
I do enjoy the people, too. Like people who ride pigs. Cracked me up.
So, did you have fun?
Wow. That is awesome. I love me a good farmers market and that looks AMAZING!!!!!
Great shots!
Great pictures and Post! I hope to visit Seattle one day myself.
Enjoyed catching up on your adventures : ) Seattle looks like my kind of town~
Hugh Jackson huh? Oh yeah : )
Pike Place is a MUST for all Seattle visitors, I'm glad you experianced the thrill of the Salmon Toss!
Those carrots look a bit sketchy to me, but I'm a city boy and most of my opinion concerning the correct color for carrots was gleaned from Bugs Bunny cartoons...
Wow, Id've thought that you'd have some really good farmers' markets where you are. . . We've got a really nice one where we're at; wouldn't buy produce anywhere else. . .
And - Yee-haw! Ride that pig!
I love outdoor markets of all sorts - I especially love visiting farmer's markets in other countries.
Looks like fun. We have a small farmer's market near us... you're never quite sure what you'll find. One problem is the actual farms are a few miles west, and most sell direct right there, so fewer want to lug things to market when it's relatively easy for us to go to them.
Of course, it often seems that the day I go to market looking for veggies they have flowers, and vers visa. What can ya do?
i see a tie dye stand in your future...
You really ought to cheer up. ;-)
Go, you bacon-busting tie-dyed thang, you!
Im so glad you loved Pikes because its my favorite place in Seattle too. I know it didnt seem like it because I kept running outside to get away from all those people and I harrassed the donut b***h, and I ran off etc, but thats just because I am so comfy there and I like to do it my way, and I thot it was fun when we had to find each other outside and you guys were up there on the bridge and I was down by pig #2! Too fun....
I love that market. You remind me it's time to get back to Seattle. Did you see Kathie Lee and Hoda broadcasting from Pike Place this past week?
I love the perspective in many of your shots. Farmers' markets are fun.
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