Since the previously mentioned lump is described in a radiology report as a Category 4 it sounds like a hurricane. Hence, I have named it Ivan. After a consult with a doctor it has been decided that Ivan will be evicted on Monday. So I have told Ivan he'd better inform any of his good-for-nothing, asshole buddies who might be lurking around that the party is over. I will know by next Thursday what the true character of this freeloader is. Sincere thanks to all who have offered kind words and prayers.
Tell him to get his sh&t and get out!
Keeping you in my prayers and sending hugs and good thoughts your way!
OK, you have now officially taken the whole Naming-of-Inanimate-Things to a new and mildly-troubling level. You know I'm ever-so-tempted to make some mildly-crude, smartass remark. But my inner asshole-self-sensor (or is that 'self-censor'?) is telling me to zip it. . .
Praying that Ivan (and any potential lurkers) goes quietly, never to return. . .
kat, i am throwing his shit out on the front lawn!
craig, i hope your self control doesn't cause apoplexy or anything. but hey, i named my broken arm too. she is janita.
Ivan is an asshole.
Continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Bye bye, Ivan. You'll weather the storm well, Lime.
I take some exception to this post, not to the sentiment but to the lack of permission for naming rights.
...and just because I am a lurker, doesn't mean Craig can call me out.
Oh, I'm not an asshole. I'm THE ASSHOLE. And that's Mr. Asshole to you.
That said, Lime, you're on the prayer list.
I was wonderin' how long it would be until we heard from. . . you know. . . Ivan. . .
Freeloaders are assholes and I'm glad you're on to this one! I hope he's a loner. (I'll add you to my prayer bowl.)
...but not all assholes are freeloaders.
just me, many thanks
hilary, battening down the hatches!
mr asshole (hehehehe), ivan is not a trademarked name to my knowledge. have your people talk to my people they can hammer out a deal. in the meantime, thanks for delurking and for the prayers. much appreciated. and i am glad you're a logical sort.
craig, gotcher answer ;)
barbara, many thanks...just don't add me to the toilet bowl! reserve that for the assholes.
Take care and get well!
Michelle, our thoughts and best wishes are with you - Dave
I knew I liked you .. naming the lump! .. now get angry at Ivan and stay angry at him for invading your body, your life, your space .. and those good thoughts are still coming your way .. been there, done this and I know how you feel
My sister had her version of Ivan evicted 10 years ago. Every time I think of her or you, I pause and say a brief prayer for you and your situation, and will continue to do so as long as the situation continues.
Tell Ivan to hit the bricks. And if you get any backtalk, tell him I'll personally come to your place and smash him with a bat.
I've said the prayers and I expect good news.
You're on the prayer list. May Ivan, not the blogger we know and love, get something terrible coming to him.
Maybe I will just change my name to Mr @$$#0LE
Just don't put George W Bush in charge of your recovery, and I know you'll be grand.
Next Wednesday, I go back for a six-month follow up appointment to reassure me and everyone involved that the lump I had evicted last fall was just a lump that decided to hang out where it wasn't wanted, so come next Thursday, I'm going to believe that your Ivan was some good for nothing free loader and all is well now that he's been kicked out of you! Good thoughts and good outcomes. I believe in both those things!
(I'm so behind on blogs that I didn't even know anything had changed with Blogger until I scanned your posts!)
Sending up a prayer for you, and for Ivan's demise!
what is happening all around!
Why this scary news everywhere I go...
Hugs Lime. I hope you get well soon & so does G man
Kick his sorry ass to the curb. He doesn't deserve you.
You get rid of that no good Ivan! Send him packing and tell him not to show his face around your body ever again. I hope he came alone and that he's just a harmless old idiot who'll soon be gone for good. Hang in there. I'll be thinking about you.
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