Halloween fast approaches so in honor of the day I thouhgts I'd share some weird pumpkins I found. Some of them I wish I had thought of first!
Cannibalistic Jack O'Lantern

This one slays me because I'm pretty sure the carvers were inspired by Calvin & Hobbes snowmen. I love it.
This one 'cracks' me up because it's so 'cheeky.'
Ok, so far nothing truly horrifying or so awful you'd want to keep the kiddies away, but be warned. This next one is grotesque in its monstrosity...
If you REALLY want to see it, scroll down.
Just don't say you weren't warned...
That's right...
It's a Jacko Lantern.

*All images taken from Extreme Pumpkins.com
My fave is the Jacko Lantern...to funny.
aaaarrrgh!! A Paedo-lantern!!!
I've put a couple of new vids up too.
Very clever carving.
I like the cheeky version.
Oh no! Pumpkin carnage.
Oh that poor little pumpkin guy! I came to rescue him! LOL
Take THAT! you naughty green pumpkin! POW!
Those are great choices~ LOVE the Calvin and Hobbesesque one!!!
Extreme pumpkins.com???
On my way!
Can you hear the blood curdling scream all the way from Maryland over that last one Lime?
we have been scouring the web trying to find a pattern for the flinstones on a pumpkin and have not yet......my whole dept at work is dressing as them this year, I am of course Wilma.
I love them (except the last one - too scary).
LMAO! These totally crack me up! Yeah, we have a guy here who really gets into pumpkin art. If I get a chance I'll take pictures and post what he offers this year.
The first one scares me a bit
Nice punkins there, Lime.
LOL! I love looking at the carved pumpkins ! I am glad you posted this because nobody seems to be in a Halloween mood this year , not even tv and it makes me mad.
Oh man, I've gotta convince Francine to let me buy a stack of pumpkins this weekend so I can do an "ode to Calvin and Hobbes" like the second one! Hilarious! (But the Jacko Lantern one is just TOOOO creepy)
Lol...hilarious, although the first one would make me go to the other side of the street.
If I were a little trick or treater I would run for the hills on the last one :)
oh, I loved them all!
I almost choked on the michael one..wait..I meant choked with laughter...laughter!
You got some style, Miss Lime!
Love the pumpkins, I wish we celebrated Halloween downunder. Happy HNT!!
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