Now the bit about chocolate makes perfect sense to me. What I don't get is the hot dog thing. Is it some weird Freudian imagery? Is it evidence of drug use by the Limelets? Is it some bizarre fetish Mr. Lime has developed? I just don't know. Any theories?
On a side note, Logo has won the quiz. I apologize for completely screwing up question 3. Anyone who said deyas are lit for Divali gets an extra point on the quiz. There were several folks tied at 80%. Logo was among them but the only one of them to get Divali right even though I mistakenly entered Thanksgiving as the correct answer. Thus, she actually scored 90% making her the best Limer and least in need of Lime-ade for this round. She and I are working on her reward which will be posted soon!
It's the random grouping of words above that get me...
"puppy knife pant dog power" Hmmm... yes, I know I need help. :)
I'm the winner!!
I I totally get the chocolate, the hotdog thing is a lil odd.
LOL lecram, i hadn't even considered that but yes!!!!!
i wonder what ariella would say!
logo ;)
you know..he really is odd..every one knows he should be dreaming of corn dogs
and buttercup...that just made my day!!!
YAY! Go Logo !
I think you should be worried. Very worried.
hmmm.... hotdogs... wierd! I was never so glad as the day the letter-magnet J fell off the fridge and the cat flicked it under the fridge (I'm not moving my fridge to retrieve the letter J). My husband was always writing nasty stuff to me on the fridge with the letters... like "I want BJ from u" "ROCK MY WURLD" HOT SEX" or some other thing using only each letter once. I was horrified the day my neighbor was over and I glanced at the fridge and there was the BJ message in all it's glory. Thank God the letter J is gone. lol
Yeah - I'm totally weirded out by the hot dogs!!
Yay Logo!!
I get the hot dog thing! :D
My eyes must be going. I think that's "I swim through luscious chocolate."
Ha! ZS if I am not mistaken, it's lime's dream to swim through luscious chocolate. :D
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