I was getting panicked about needing to produce. In the nick of time I received a package in the mail from my dear Logo as part of a crap swapping idea initiated by Susie. Logo showed what craptacular magnificence she received from Susie back on Friday. I am waiting to see what Susie does with the truly amazing crap I sent to her.
What lovely crap did I receive? Let me show you...

Now to be honest this is fairly nice crap. I mean it might actually have some tasteful decorative purpose unlike the glasses Logo received or the thing I sent Susie (And heaven help you if you combine Logo's crap with Susie's crap...I'm telling ya, it could be like matter meeting antimatter.....the end of intelligent life on this planet!) But this little palm tree plaque isn't so bad. In fact, it makes me think of a terrific place with palm trees...I think you know the place...little island called Trinidad?
Ok, I know this picture is supposed to be more evocative of the Mediterranean, but I'VE NEVER BEEN THERE LIKE SOME PEOPLE!!!! Oh, sure I've wanted to. Sure, it's on my 'do before I die list.' Sure, I'm only half Greek and would give my left arm (Wait, I almost have) to see my ancestral homeland. And now I have this plaque to remind me of where I've never been. Oooooooh, the cruelty. (cue wailing and gnashing of teeth, beating of breast and rending of garments....someone get me the sackcloth and ashes already!)
Well, I have only one response to this. Logo? Remember that killer sandwich I told you about? You know, the one with a grilled chicken breast marinated in lemon pepper and balsamic vinegar and olive oil? The one with homemade fresh pesto and peppers I roasted specially for the sandwich? The one with fresh mozzarella? The one on that yummy toasted garlic herb bread? Yeah, that's the one. The one right here.

The picture came out kind of overexposed a bit but mmmmm, doesn't that make your mouth water? Mwahahahahaha!
Love you, Logo dear. Thanks for my crap. Meet you in San Francisco! Mwah!
*UPDATE: Please run, do not walk, over to Ratburn's place to see what he's doing with the crap I sent Susie!
*UPDATE to the update: Sorry the link was no good. It's fixed now.
I agree, that is not the worst piece of crap as far as crap goes. Funny though
Logo ... gotta love her!!
Yum yummmmmmmm!!
That sandwich reminds me of these guys in college who would make a grilled sandwich they called "F$ck off and Die"(because it was so good). Can I use a bad word? I assume your kids don't read this blog.
I have a Weird Weds G-mail idea! Do your kids have spelling word lists? Maybe you can email those spelling lists to various people and see what G-mail does!
M(As if You Care)
ps thank you for the advice on where to get help for blogger comments.... i haven't looked at it yet but I will soon.
LOL That is craptacular!
Ya know Lime, I'm sure that sandwich is delicious..but it is so rainbowy, its almost wrong.
And the photo of the sandwich is really crappy! LOL
I have more crap to send you, and my crap from you has been photographed, will make an appearance on Ratburns HNT and then mine will show up on 55 ok?
BTW that jacket makes me sneeze!
I didnt know I looked so good in that color!
Oh... yummy crap?
That jacket and shirt is the crap you sent her? How funny!
snavy, indeed, it's rather tasteful crap.
steve, thanks:)
m, lol, yes you can use bad words. amd great idea on the spelling lists!
bare, you would prefer grey, tasteless food? and whereon earth did ratburn get the shirt he wore under the craptacular jacket?
lecram, that seems a bit of an oxymoron....lol
amber, i sent the jacket, awesome in its crappiness isn;t it?
Yummy food!
What a weird post and yes my mouth was watering - but I have to follow your instructions so I'm running off to Rathburn's.
Have a great hump evening:-)
you are a cruel, cruel woman.
Mmmm, sammich sooooo gooood
I am going now to check apartment listing in San Fran
And you are very, very welcome
myutopia.....i think so!
renny, you are so accomodating!
logo, lemme know what ya find in the rentals, mkay?
rob, well...the prodigal returns! welcome back. lemme know how that sammich works out for you. lol, at your HNT suggestion. sorry about the link. it;'s good now.
coool, palm trees, actually imported and grown as a sign of WEALTH because they drink so much WATER... (arrogant foliage.)
nice sammich
jump to Herr Ratburns page and...
I'm thinking two things:
-There oughta be a law, or a disclaimer, ('warning aging member of Plasmatics about to flash you...')
-low slung nerples?...
(former figure painter, I KNOW these things...)
(no disrespect, Mr. Ratburn, perhaps you and Susie could enjoy that outfit in the privacy of your own home...)
-reminds me of me in a speedo.
nah... me in a speedo is worse
...me in a speedo with that top THAT's antimatter.
Oh LOL wow we really offended Semigloss with those pics eh?
You guys are getting an apt in SF? NO way! Im so there!
That sandwich looks VERY yummy...damn, its only breakfast time!
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