Ok, Os decreed that we were to post pictures of our commute in honor of Labor Day. Well, I'm an at-home-mom. My commute consists of hauling my rear down the hallway. However, now that school is back in session my 10 year old son has to be at the bus stop by 6:15 am (which means the kid wrangling starts at the obscene hour of 5:15am). Here's a shot of how thrilled and energetic I feel at that hour of the morning.

I think I could pack for a 3 month tour of Europe in those bags under my eyes. You're lucky to even get this picture. It only happened because the camera was already on the table and only required me to lift one finger to the shutter release. I'm thinking of lifting a different finger to the nut job who thinks this is a reasonable hour to be dragging 10 year olds out of bed. Alright, I did my duty. Leave your comment and lemme get some sleep.

I think I could pack for a 3 month tour of Europe in those bags under my eyes. You're lucky to even get this picture. It only happened because the camera was already on the table and only required me to lift one finger to the shutter release. I'm thinking of lifting a different finger to the nut job who thinks this is a reasonable hour to be dragging 10 year olds out of bed. Alright, I did my duty. Leave your comment and lemme get some sleep.
Oh and if you are looking for some truly useless talent, my talent and the talent of my fellow Blog-Hijackin' Krazies can be found here this week.
Happy HNT
Happy HNT
i did not fllw the rules on this one either....i was too excited to get the pic on there that i had this week!!!!! i am glad that I am not the only one that posts early.
oooh ohh i was 1st!!!! normally you have like 40 comments by the time i get here.
i'm still stunned you actually have one eye open! *~*happy hnt*~*
LMAO Poor Lime! I am so glad I dont have to get up til 7 am.
I know that is NOT coffee in there! Diet coke?
HHNT Lime!
Oh my. That sounds like child abuse! 5:15 am???? What are they thinking!
Great shot, LOL. That one eye says it all. Okay, I'm packaging up some good old Tim Horton's coffee to ship down to you. Happy HNT!
maybe you need a bigger cup of coffee......
Oh my, that is cruel and unusual.
I can't actually feel your pain, but I can imagine it.
Oh boy can I relate to that! Totally!
Poor, Lime! Five thirty that's insane. I hope, the person who thought this up has to get up as early as you!
Happy HNT!
(not playing today)
there is the lime that goes with my tequila!!!
but she looks disenchanted!!!
still beautimous though
Wake Up! and smell the coffee!
I'm up, too!
Poor Lime! It's inhumane to expect a 10yr old - let alone his mom- to get up at that hour! I hope you have a timer on your coffee maker so that stuff is ready when you get up!
Happy HNT! Great picture - now.... go take a nap!
great mug! :D Happy HNT!
I agree!
Great picture!
Happy HNT!
5:15 AM??? What's that??
HHNT - now go take a nap!
Too Funny! Thank you for the morning chuckle. (-:
I'm sorry, that is one funny ass pic. And 5:15 - holy crap. I thought we got up early!!!!
Shit! I didn't even know that hour of the day existed. Take your coffee back to bed and I'll be over soon to snuggle up.
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
I know just how you feel.
Lime, you crack me up! Great pic! LOL! Cheers!
You are so insane!
Of course that would figure for an Insane Asylum wouldn't it?
Love the picture, HHNT!
I'm sorry you're so tired, but this is just *hilarious*! I can soooo relate. hope you get back into the routine soon! and happy hnt :). x
LOL, my kids started school this tuesday. I know exactly that HNT pic!!!
Happy HNT lass.....:)
I look!feel like that all the time first thing in the moring. Thank the Gods for caffiene. Happy HNT!
Well, see, now this is just yet another reason why my wife and I homeschool our children. My kids are still in bed until the far more reasonable hour of about 7:00 in the morning.
My dear, I don't even get out of bed until 6:30.
Happy (tired) HNT.
Oh I feel that pain. Not so much the kid wrangling but I hate the getting up with a passion. My schedule's all off so I don't get to sleep before 5 and then have to work by 9. Ugh with the half hour commute too. BTW the new tunes are up so come have a listen when you wake. :-) HHNT!
Oh dear! That's early! Reminds me of when I was a kid and was wrestled out of bed at that time! Hmmmm... guess you'll have to sleep earlier! Happy sleepy HNT!
Looking tired there darlin' Happy HNT! :)
Ok I don't listen to O's commands I guess. Didn't know about the commute thing until too late. But I'm up.
Sorry you have such a long ass commute from the bed to the kitchen and back.
Happy HNT darlin
I can always send my kids over to rev them up, they are up and rocking bright and early. I have to say I will crack completely when they have to get on the bus earlier.
I used to have a daily commute that rivaled yours. Not fun. Your photo, however, is awesome.
5:15?!?! That is just not right. I'm usually just rolling over for the first time at that hour. I fell so bad for you. Happy HNT!
Ha ha... you've gotta love it though. Haven't you?
Happy HNT x
awww, sleepy lime :)
Happy HNT!
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm usually at work by around 6:15 and first class starts at 7:20.
Finally! A truly inspired use for the bags under our eyes!!!
Europe!! Here I come!!!!
Ahhh, say, Lime.....Can I borrow your bags? I think I've got too much luggage for mine....
LOL ~ ok... that was funny... sorry :)
good and busy mommas should never be ashamed or criticized for what they do or how they look - and anyway, you're still the adorable and sexy lime!
I could look this way but I wouldn't look nearly as good as you do! :)
Innnnncredible pic, Lime!!!!!!
Great pic and you made me laugh... still laughing... what a longtrek you have in the morning down the hallway...!
I feel your pain- My daughter used to have to be at the bus stop at 6:15 a.m.... great picture- it tells all.
What's that old ditty? Man works from sun to sun, but a womans work is never done... ;)
Kid wrangling at 0515? Bugger that for a joke. As long as MissB is up by 0730, it's no real problem. A quick 5 minute walk to school and she's there for the 0900 start.
How can you get a kid up at 5:15 AM. I had trouble getting my brothers out of bed at 7:00 without throwing water on them.
That's sort of how I made it through this entire weekend. Coffee is good...Happy HNT
...yes, yes, the great NorthEast US declaring war on the goodnight's sleep, (and turning our youngin's to caffiene freaks at the age of, what... 7?
What I remember is being one of those poor anklebiting schlubs... having to sit through such classes as 'math,' or 'grammer,' or algebra (granted, this wasn't elementary school...) No wonder I was an Art/Lit major...
(I also noticed girls look different at 0600, with the makeup just applied, --compared to 1300 or 1500, (when faces weren't so, um, well, (puffy???)
-life's rich paegant indeed...
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