There's a slight nip in the air, but just enough to keep you cool on a hike up Mount Minsi (on the right. Mount Tammany is on the left).
Of course, if you're hiking in Pennsylvania, be prepared for a LOT of rocks and boulders. Folks who visit from other parts of the country are often stunned by how rocky it is here. The glaciers that moved through in the ice age are to thank. Not far from here there are boulder fields that are fun to romp around too.
Emerald green moss cushions a few spots.
Look, even our fungus is pretty!
A few lingering wildflowers still brighten the path before killing frosts occur.
Where the fairies live?
Aaaahhh, hope you enjoyed the hike as much as I did.
I uploaded to Blogger so you can do the clickety-click to see a larger image.
In other news, James and Susie were the high scorers in the Lime-tastic quiz. They shall be rewarded by either interviewing me, giving a blog topic, or having me post a PG-rated picture in a pose of their suggestion. Since Snavy and Logo collaborated to write the quiz, thus proving how well they know me, I'm going to reward them jointly with the same offer to tailor a post (can't imagine what the two of you will come up with...well, ok I can...I'm scared!) . So all four of you get your creativity flowing and let me know what you'd like.
awesome pictures!
i remember driving thru Pennsylvania on vacation when i was a kid...there seemed to be a lot of rocks on the side of the road...it was extremely different from the flat lands of Indiana and Ohio.
Wow those are beautiful!!
I love this month as well!!
Makes me want to drive down to PA and do some hiking - beautiful pictures, wonderful landscape.
God, I love this time of year!
Heh! I will have to think this one over a bit! :D
Ohh ok PG rated~ Not even PG 13?
Such beautiful colors! Yes, I enjoyed the hike immensely. Thank you very much for that.
Only some fairies live there. Others have condos.
Mwuhahahaha ....
So when you exclaim, "That hike totally rocks!"... you mean it, huh? Very cool... thanks for the pics. :)
Very beautiful pics Lime! October is also one of my favorite times of year because of the colors and the mood most people are in . I also love Halloween because of all the great movies that are on the Disney Channel , Travel Channel and all the other shows . I always decorate the house with the kids supervising how they want things . Today is one of those good ole cold , rainy days here in East Tennessee and my son and I are going to make a huge pot of homemade chili for supper . Thanks for sharing the pics with us !
Wow, what nice pics
Did I miss a quiz?
I love quizes!
If I were a fairie I would so want a condo, with concierge service.
Nice pics, and the evil scheming is underway, mwah hah hah hah!
You got mountains? We don't even have hills! The highest elevation in Louisiana is 565 feet or so. Flat as a 10 year old in a training bra. Today we are worried about floating away however. THanks for showing me around your place. It's beautiful ... just like the tour guide.
Thank you for the beautiful pictures :-)
I do miss the autumns up north. Great pictures, Lime.
I think I shall move to Pennsylvania next time.
Pennsylvania looks beautiful!
It's beautiful! The fall colors here are almost gone but I was blessed the weekend of the "presentation" to have a gorgeous palette for my trip across Wisconsin. Just like you October is my favorite month and anyone that argues hasn't seen the northern fall colors! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
...I'm actually speechless as all of these memories and images flood through.
...still speechless.
...I don't think anybody here would mind if I moved back...
(I'd mind, I have things to do out here...)
but still...
Someday I'll return, with a proper truck, a thermos of coffee, and ZZTop on the tapedeck...
I miss my woods.
Large german men miss their woods.
...they do.
The North East is like gravity.
It pulls you, and you know always know that you're going to come back to it.
It's like the Delaware river... you always wind up crossing back through NewHope, Easton, or 'the Gap,' no matter where you go, and where you're coming from... all roads lead back there.
-or you're going to break completely free and wind up spinning off to some far western plase like Los Banos or Chowchilla or something, with a blown engine, Five bucks, a Spanish-English Dictionary and two cigarrettes left... Never to return.
(Not that I smoke anymore, but Los Banos could cause such a thing in the meekest church lady...)
I'd probably just change my name if that happened...
Maybe I'll just wind up in the middle, like Minneapolis or something...
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