Yeah, yeah, I know I told you I'd be doing the tie dye series, and I'll get back to that next week. Tonight is Isaac's first school concert though. He started trombone in September and gets to show off a little tonight. His sisters have played their respective instruments for years and I want tonight to be a fun and special night for him too. I don't want him to feel it's any less special because we've been to all his sisters' performances. This is a first for him and I am excited for him. I had someone say they got sick to death of elementary musical recitals. Well, granted there are a lot of sour notes but I'm not going expecting professional sounds. I'm going because the kids have worked hard and I am proud of them and I hope it all helps instill a love of music. So this week I present Isaac as reflected in the bell of his horn. Happy HNT!

Congrats on your first concert Isaac! (Now, in the spirit and love of all that is tie-died I suppose you could have dressed him up in tie-die for the shot.)
Happy HNT!
woooohoooo isaac!!!
*~*happy hnt*~*
cool pics, Happy HNT
I so miss those days. My daughter played the trumpet for a while in Jr. High. She has since gave it up and turned to other things. My son learned how to play the guitar at the house and I remember well the first time he jumped in my bed in the middle of the night and said LISTEN TO THIS MOM!! and I did. He still plays. I guess I dont need to tell you to enjoy this time Ms. Lime, as it goes all so fast :)
Nice pics.
Alright, Isaac!
Looks good, little limey.
When it's your child on stage...
a rousing rendition of " Hot Cross Buns" sounds great! Thanks Michelle Trini Limey, how great would it be to have YOU as a mom?
This year was also Little Ritas first concert, and yes, the kids were so excited! It just doesnt matter how well they play (or not), they work so hard and are so proud of themselves!
Go Isaaccccc go!!!!
HHNT Lime!
Those are very cool pictures!! Good luck Isaac!
Kick ass. Supporting that is a great thing to do. Of course as he gets a little older just slide him right over to bass playing...then he can be cool :)
I recognize that photographic technique!
I definitely remember my very first band concert (40 yrs ago!). Christmas of '66. Thank God it was inconvenient to take movies of that stuff back then!
Have a great concert Isaac! You're playing the king of the instruments!
Congrats Isaac ! This post brings back lots of memories . In the 6th grade I played the flute , that was my first concert rounds and I loved it , the next year I went on to play clarinet and in that concert we knocked them dead ! Have fun tonight and let us know how it goes!
Neat shot!!
how lovely! well done isaac and good on you both.
happy hnt sweetie.
Very cool.
yay on the first concert and lime, I loved the shirts you did for phain and the pixies...you are cool without a doubt..
Good luck to your little lime. I was never in band but I did choir K-12th grade.
Very inventive photos Lime!
Good luck Isaac!
Well! HHNT! Creative indeed!
I love my new dyes! Can't wait for hte next batch. The socks and that long sleevie thing look cool. Maybe I should have requested single colors (blue and red being optimal). Fear not your CDs and Pics are on the way. I haven't had two seconds to rub together but I shall get that happening today-ish.
Love ya!
BTW I think the straight hair looked cool! Too bad you were making the funny eyes in the pic.
I hope you took one with just a natural smile.
Tell him to break a leg, or whatever it is you say to musicians. I was horrible at instruments. While my brother learned to play the sax, I learned to play sports. Even on a 13-acre farm I could not get far enough away to stop the misery for my parents and they gave up.
That is awesome!! HHNT!
Whats wrong with blogger I keep coming up anonymous LOL
My son played the violin and I remember his first concert. They sounded great, no matter how poorly they played. I was so proud of him. I wish he didn't stop playing. Happy HNT!
Ahh... the sweetness of a Proud Mama!
Trombone players are nothing but trouble! I should know, I was in band ;) Hehe.. watch him! :P
Happy HNT Limerz!
Ooooh! Have fun!
I wish I could play an instrument...
Great shots and I hope the concert went well. Happy HNT.
Great photo! Happy HNT!
Cool pictures from the Cool Mom.
Go Isaac, BLOW that elementary school's doors off!
Woo Hoo!
Congratulations Isaac. May all your notes be sweet.
Awesome! hope it was a wonderful concert tonight. I still remember my first one...I was terrified I was going to break my reed before it even started. Happy HNT
Woohoo, so cool! I wish I could play an instrument. Congrats to Isaac!
How awesome! I hope everthing went GREAT!
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