They flew through dense jungles.
They encountered strange giants.
When they flew under the great waterfall they knew their journey was soon to end.
At long last they arrived at....something....It was strange and they weren't entirely sure what to make of it. What on earth could it be? The magic butterlfy assured them this was the end of the rainbow and it contained great treasure. The wee ones looked at each other and remarked, 'Well, it certainly looks like the rainbow exploded on this thing. Let's go look.'
They climbed to the top of this rainbow explosion and to them it really felt like a dog's life.
After much effort they finally retrieved the prize for their long journey and hard work.....
Giant pickles???? What was that butterfly thinking???
Moral of the story: Whaddya expect?? This ain't high art, ya know! It's Weird Wednesday and the Hijackers are involved! Just be glad no llamas were involved.
Oh, and today is the lovely Snavy's birthday so go wish her a very happy day and if you want to see her present it...er....he's been hijacked.
You sure cast a spellbinding yarn, Michelle Trini Limey, I was on the edge of my seat through out the whole story.
I love moralistic tales. I'm still contimplating the moral to this one.....G
great tall tale, I did your food meme.
Lime dis is complete IDLENESS...idleness ah tell yuh...lawd
omg that's hysterical
when the butterfly was here it was still flying solo
i love my gift - hehe
You so silly,
I love you.
Oh lol! That is a lot of work for a jar of plastic pickles, isnt it?
But all in all, id say that butterfly gives good adventure!
The butterfly started to scare me there :) but after a while, it just made me laugh... Then came the pickles...
Now I'm hungry...
Arent Wednesdays great?
Cool story and pics! I need to get that shirt back to you too ! Oh yay , a birthday to celebrate!
Heyyyyyyyyyyy little homies! (I'd know cause I'm mexican..)
Have a good one, Limerz
Damn!! Twee blogging at its most syrupy :o)).
That was so good I wanted a box of popcorn while reading/looking at it.
Fantastic! (-:
I love little people stories. Captain Kangaroo used to have little people living in his bookshelf, kind of like the Borrowers. Okay, I know this is all pretend, but it is still fun.
two homies on a giant butterfly who go through the jungle, then on top of a deerhead, then take a shower, and then to a cup of coffee to be rewarded with a plastic jar full of giant pickles...
far out, man...
-am I actually reading this? or is it just a week of vicadin...
(Not even gonna bother putting on the old PinkFloyd...)
That was a gripping adventure! And with a happy end... wonderful :)
Under the great waterfall had me cracking up- too funny :)
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