Last week, I was a busy girl who didn't get around to visit you all very much. Why? I was busy coming up with and executing outrageous arts & crafts projects to cause alarm during our church's annual Vacation Bible School. Last year I jokingly suggested having the kids make
penis gourds to acknowledge our visitors from Papua New Guinea. They called my bluff and presented me with
my very own to keep forever and ever. This year I just decided to stick with dead fish and tie dyeing with the kids. No burnt match crosses or Bible verse bookmarks for this crafty lady. I have to entertain myself when I plan this stuff because if I am not enthused about it there ain't no way the kids will be.

So first off, here I am mixing up my concoction of tie dye brew chemicals after the kids have dumped their tied up doo rags into the bucket. This stuff has to be stirred forever and a day so we used child labor and enthusiasm for that dull bit and they all were happy to be a part of the process. I took home a couple buckets of dye wet rags and washed them all up that night.

They were REALLY happy when I brought back their washed doo-rags the next day and they saw all the groovy designs that came out. I let them each pick one of 4 patterns, stripes, circles, swirls, or scrunches. I was tickled with how well it went and the kids were happy. Score!
Next we have here fish print t-shirts. Yes, real fish covered in real paint and printed onto real t-shirts.

There were one or two who were kind of skeeved out by the process but none to the extent that they refused to participate.

I did warn the kids ahead of time that any terrorizing of neighbors with dead fish or shoving at the tables or general flinging of paint and wet shirts would result in the loss of craft time for the day. No one wanted to escape dead fish enough to resort to bad behavior. Several were digging the various anatomical fish bits as they showed up on the t-shirts. It's art! It's science! It's fun!

Even though I was pretty strict about what I wouldn't tolerate during fish painting day I'm still goofy enough to pause and make fish lips with the kids.
LIME, that last picture is awesome.
I wanted to tell you thank you so much for making me a schmooze queen, I saw it while I was in Seattle but the hotel puter wouldnt let me comment!
I am baaackkk and guess what LIme??
Im first!
Absolutely bloody awesome, Lime :D
that is fantastic!! i don't think any craft lady has ever tie dyed at my VBS - i shall suggest it for next summer immediately!
Wow! that looks so much fun! & I just love love love the last picture!!
Fish patterns with real fish!... that is so unique!
I've never heard of painting with fish. How creative!
Sharing your love of tie dye with the next generation ensures that your legacy will continue on. There will be lots of Limes to carry on.
I'd almost go back to being a kid again for that kind of fun. Pucker up. :D
LMAO! That is soooo cool. Glad it's over though, ain'tcha? I thought so. LOL Nice Post sweetie.
Yeah, I pegged you as a crafty one right at the git go. Looks like all of you had a grand time.
That fish painting would have skeeved me out as a kid. I could barely dissect anything in biology because I felt so sorry for the stinky dead animals!! ;)
Still, I would have dug doing the tie dye. You know, I don't even own anything tie-dyed...
Great fish lips :D
Those kids are were lucky to have you in charge of arts & crafts! What fun!
These tykes are adorable!
Nice fish lips there, Lime. LOL! Yanno, we should have an international fish lips day on blogger where everybody has to post a pic of themselves with fish lips.
Hey Darlin!
I jus come by for ta lime a bit witcha. Always goo dfun at yer place gyul!
This pics are worth a second look
Wow, I think we may have done potato-block printing, but I know we never tie-dyed or fish-printed when I was in VBS. (And I love that fish-lips photo too!)
I mentioned you and VBS in my post today.
What a nice thing to do for them - seams like both you and the children had a jolly good time!
The last pic was great, but then again I know you love fish LoL
Btw: Diane say hello too and thanks for your visit and nice comment!
...and the fish are symbolic of Heesoos Cristo, himself, right?
I can't tell you how much I wish you'd been my kids' VBS teacher last week. The "theme" at theirs, though, was "Avalanche Ranch." But I guess you could have tie died a cow or something.
that is so cool you are passing down the knowledge of tie dye.
Whoo hoo!
I so love that last picture. You both are super fish lip maker upers for sure. No more penis gourds. Oh well, can't have your cake and eat it too all the time.
You so fun... me like you long time.
You're passing on your tie dying wisdom to the next generations! Viva la Tie Dye!
LOL, great looking fish lips you have. They look like great lips for..... Oh crap, my mind went right to the gutter again, sorry. I should be ashamed of myself, but I'm not. I've excepted this kind of behavior from me many, many years ago.
I wish you were MY teacher!!
..Uh Oh, That Van Halen tune just popped into my head.
Very cool, Lime. And nice fish-face.
Oh, and yes, Harpo, Chico, Gummo and Zeppo will all work. :)
It is very rewarding to see photographs of what we spent about four hours on the phone discussing as you continued to stir the batch. Very nice, Limers!
Makes me wish I was a kid again :) Loved the pictures but the last one was priceless. :)
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