It has been said that my fascination with all things tie dyed is bordering on pathological. However, it was also suggested a number of weeks ago in an offhand comment by
Jocelyn that I tie dye my eyelashes. Well, that just got the creative juices flowing (no, not the squeeze bottles of dye...though I have been doing that again too) and I took a couple pictures and sent them off to my photoshopping wizard pal,
Bsoholic. I had a couple of ideas and he worked his magic on those and then added some of his own twists.
I don't wear make-up but get a load of this eyeshadow! Pretty cool huh?

I know not everyone shares my appreciation of tie dye, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's just how I see things.

Color me impressed with
Bsoholic's mad skillz!

Oh Michelle!!!
This is the dawning of The Age Of Aquarius..
That Rocks...HHNT!!!
Bsoholic is da man! I love his Photoshop work. It's inspiring.
We used to have a cool store that sold tie dye stuff in Chico (where we last lived). It went out of business and I was bummed. I liked it more for the candles, the incense, and the wraps. I love it when my wife wears wraps. Hint, hint, Mrs. Z!
Happy HNT!
Oh! That's sooooooooo cool!! Happy HNT!!!
Wonderful! I love it.
On the post below, you were so close to me! I live north of Gettysburg, and south of Harrisburg.
On the butt shot pix in Gettysburg, wowza. Never witnessed anything like that.
I'm a simple man, that can se art and creativity here
oooh thats so cool!
I love the middle one.
HHNT Lime!
totally Groovy... hhnt!
That is soooo cool! He does some very neat (and freaky) photoshopping. HHNT!
Whoa, Limee.... that's totally groovy! Cheers and Happy HNT!
Anyone have a doobie?
(The above comment was for humor purposes only and is not intended as an endorsement of drug use in any way, shape or form.)
I hate it when my lawyer reviews my comments before I publish them.
Trippy. ;)
They are all awesome in their own way. I think the middle is the best.
Every day on my way into work I drive past a parked ice cream truck. I swear it is tie dyed. I so could see yo selling ice cream out of that truck. The only question is what would you play over the speakers. LOL
Very nice. Glad it was only photoshopped. You had me worried when I saw the first picture.
This is just crazy wonderfully done!! What a wonderful Idea for a perfectly ideal HNT
You brightened up my morning with a big smile.
lovely - especially the first one!
those are delicious! and a lil' on the wicked side :)
Nice pics, but I have to say I prefer the unadorned original. HHNT
next time i see doctor robert, i'll ask him what your obsession means
hhnt, rob
ps - i went to mackinac island as a kid too.
Very cool tie dye!! Glad you enjoyed your time in MI. I lived in Alpena for a while and spent summers on Mackinac for many years! Don't care for pasties though, but my husband attended college in the U.P. and loves the dumb things. Too heavy for me. Ah well!
Wow Lime,
I was like the Barman, concerned until I read it was Photoshopped. Really tie dying your face could put a hurtin' on ya. Cool though. I miss the spirit of love we had back in the day, today's music is so full of hate and violence. Bring back the love.
wow, that is too cool, Lime. Happy HNT.
Oh, and you've been tagged. :D
BS has mad skillz! Lookin' groovy there, Lime!
Wicked Cool Lime! :-)
Wow, that is so cool! Happy HNT!
Awesome pictures!
Hm, wearing real make up is kind of like photoshop. It's an illusion.
LOVE the eye lid. The eye's kinda cool. The whole face..just freaky!
What not to love about that!
Haha! Thanks for the praise (from everyone). :D
I think I like the top one (just the eye lid) best, because it looks the realest. To me and apparently a couple of commenter's too... heh, heh. Less is more eh? ;)
Happy HNT.
whooosh... amazing... you look like a galaxy!
Verr' nice.
That is really cool! My turn, my turn! I want pink! ... Sorry for a second there I was five again. That really looks awesome though!
Tie dyed eye lids, now I've seen everything. Good job.
I wore the tie dyed tee shirt Lori gave me today and got a couple of compliments from the cashers about it.
Real hippie style!!! Love it... ;-) even if I missed the train by a few years... ;-(
I love it! Happy Tye Died HNT!
What a tripy HNT!!! That middle one would make a great contact for Halloween...ooooeeeeeooooo!! (scarey music in the background here)
Good job on the photoshop I wish I could do that stuff.
Cheers to ya!!
Honey, I am mad glad for the offhand comment! I must make more.
And when I first looked at the photos, I thought you'd done those eyes on yourself; glad to know that photoshop is the wizard. Otherwise, I'm scared of you and your fine motor control
I wonder whether it's possible to do the first one for real. It looks lovely... the other two look a little on the wicked
Have a nice weekend!
Whoa! Those are simply put- AWESOME!
Lime, I love the creativity of this!!
And I dig your love of tye-dye, cause it's such a trademark of you!!
have a great weekend!
That is too cool!
Actually, in greyscale, you look like a zombie.....
Farm out. Right Arm.
(Is that Hendrix I hear????)
That is just too cool!
Does Revlon know about this?
Oh! My! GAWD, Magnum!!! They are beautiful! And just in time for the Oregon Country Fair. Our one and only other hippie deputy is over there right now, working an Indian food booth. Yummers, Limers. But alas, I cannot attend.......sniff, sniff.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Oh wicked stuff - I love the last one!
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