Wednesday, August 01, 2007

HNT- Black & White

I'm developing quite the salty stripe in my pepper hair. I kinda like it even though people generally seem to assume I am a fair bit older than I really am because of the grays. I'm still not going to dye it. I'll just compensate by acting like a bigger kid.



G-Man said...

Maybe you should Tie-Dye it? Hehehehe...
Very beautiful Michelle.

Hollz said...

Grey purple pink! always beautiful...

Happy Hnt

Blissfully Wed said...

I'm looking forward to my grey hair. And I'm looking forward to my wife's grey hair, too. (But I don't think she is. lol)

You look smashing!


Moosekahl said...

Don't you dare touch that mane with any dye...I have loved your hair from the first day I read you. It's beautiful. Happy HNT

S said...

Oooh! I am getting a little stripe too, but since I part my hair on the side...the stripe is sorta hidden.

That is a really nice shot, Lime!

Polt said...

Been dying the grey outta my hair for at least 7 years. But I only got it at the temples, above my sideburns. Yuck. A streak of grey, that looks cool, I could handle that.


morgetron said...

I used to bleach a stripe like that on purpose! Some people pay big money for stripes!


Julie said...

I have touches of grey, but I have SO much damn hair... it's such a chore to start coloring it out. I like to think that I've earned them. :)

Shibari said...


Cosima said...

I have a few gray hairs too. I call them my highlights.

Happy HNT!

Phain said...

i shudder to think how grey headed i'd be if i didn't color my hair (been coloring for 10 years).

loreal perfect match 7W.

Bittersweet said...

beautiful kinks ...

Happy HNT

Jim said...

Yes, but how do we know if you were truly half-naked, when this picture was taken, hmm?

We need a ruling from Obasso . . . does this qualify as a legit HNT shot?


James Goodman said...

Oh, I like that picture, Lime. Happy HNT!

Sinclair said...

I'm with G-man!! lol

Happy HNT


tkkerouac said...

LMAO at Gman, happy HNT!

nope said...

Beautiful and sophisticated. I love the wave of hair...

Happy HNT!

Katie :) said...

Beautiful as per usual. HHNT

Logophile said...

After a look at that face how could there be any question?
29, regardless of the grey.
Goofiness keeps ya young.

Hypersonic said...

Mine has gone way past the white stripe stage. Now I just shave it right down.

Beautiful piccy


Anonymous said...

I do not kinda like it I REALLY like it!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Acting young and young at heart is more important anyways! HHNT!

BTExpress said...

Nice to have more company in the gray haired crowd. My hair slowly went gray over about a 20 year period. Now it's white and fortunately I still have it. I'll take gray hair over being bald any day. Happy HNT!

Keyser Soze said...

Well I think it's sexy. So there. HHNT!

Charles said...

I hope your's isn't like mine. It seems the gray ones don't want to do what the dark ones do. Instead they seem to want to poke eyeballs. I got so tired of it, I shaved my head yesterday. That's right, I'm going Kojack.

Mona said...

Limey...EEEEKSS>>> dont listen to him!! dont shave your head!!!

Very beautiful picture Limey...I would love to gray with a stripe when I do!

SignGurl said...

I love your streak! You've earned each of those gray hairs and you wear them well.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursdy!

snowelf said...

I know! Just make the fish lips again!! No one will ever notice!
And think of the money you'll save on getting it dyed. ;)

Happy Hnt!!

Regal said...

Happy HNT!

Shari said...

You are only as young as you feel. I know I don't feel as old as my age tells me I am. ;)

I am getting more of the grays, too, or should I just say the "whites"? I dye it, of course. :)

The Zombieslayer said...

Fighting aging is silly. I'm proud of my grays and proud of my age.

Besides, with gray hairs, people assume you're wise. So I act accordingly. I talk slower, and lower, and people listen.

Happy HNT!

Cooper said...

The gray rocks! Keep it? I don't know why some folks get so uptight about it..I think it's awesome at any age.

Mark Leslie said...

I like the gray. It adds maturity and sophistication to your youthful energy and sense of fun. Perfect balance. Happy HNT

Jocelyn said...

But, wait, you don't look a day over 73, and you're, like, 75, right?

Can we call you Pepe Le Peuw?

I kid you only because you are so obviously gorgeous, and I have a weak spot for the salt and the pepper.

robkroese said...

I like your plan. At least you still have plenty of hair. Mine is graying AND falling out.

Semi-Celibate Man said...

Hi Lime. That salt shaker must have fallen on me too. Anyway, it looks luxurious in B&W. Happy HNT

Lapis Ruber said...

One version of my website motto is "just because there is snow on the rooftop, it doesn't mean the furnace down below has gone out" Enjoty the compensations. Belated HHNT

Dan said...

Love that look Lime! Laura is getting streaks of grey as well and she quite fancies them. Me too.