It's not laziness that drives me to bed for 14 hours. I simply don't get up.
My retort...
Ah, so that would mean it is simple inertia?
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...The Immovable Mass.

(Oh, and by the way, one of the things I accomplilshed this summer was to tie dye the sheets upon which she so peacefully slumbers. Hopefully by the end of the week the ghastly wallpaper in her room will be completely removed.)
However much you do you will never do enough...& they are always right...I guess every mom in the world gets to hear that.
It is a universal phenomenon Lime (a consolation?)...
Reality therapy, is what that group needs, I'm telling ya.
Clearly a weekend was not enough.
lol. Kids and their justifications... just makes me laugh.
Technically she's right, laziness doesn't drive her to bed. Laziness keeps her butt in bed. Nice sheets. Maybe, if you can stand it, you can make her get up by playing loud country music. Kids hate country (well, so do I for the most part), so she might find it advantageous to get up and turn it off.
Cool sheets!
LMAO! She cracks me up. Although I know she drives you up a wall. Good luck with that. TTYL
cool sheets! My daughter is dyeing at her summer campt oday. I sent her with 2 white t-shirts. I'll have to post a picture of her creations.
Sleeping til 1pm?! Holy sandman!
Ah to be young and sleep for 14 hours. Must be nice! Haha! ;)
14 hours! 14 hours? WTF?!?! If I can manage to sleep for 4 god damned hours it's a miracle!!!
Wow! What a breauitfl thing.
I think I'll take some sleeping pills LOL Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping.
Well now.
for one split second there I thought you were going to say completely tie dyed!
My dad had a wonderful remedy for kids who loafed in bed during the summer hols, it was a flannel dunked in ice-cold water to the face.
Fourteen hours... fourteen wonderful hours... in one piece. I am sooooo envious.
I wasn't going to mention the wallpaper. :)
I'm starting to think you have a problem with all this tie-dying. Maybe we should have an intervention.
BTW, did you tie-dye the sheets while she was sleeping on them? Because that would be a cool way to wake up.
The Immovable Mass - a great expression. And very precisly - I've had 4 of them.
You need to invent an "inertia dampening field", after you use it to get your gravity stricken child out of bed ... you could sell it to NASA and make millions.
How can anyone sleep on such loud sheets?
Great job Limey
She has some nerve. That is unless you are sleeping longer than her. ;-)
Thinks about that nurse bed changing routine, and how they do it with the patiend still in the bed...
Can you do a tie dyed sheet while still leaving the sleeping mass incact?
I read somewhere that teenagers need more sleep than younger kids and adults...apparently they are like newborn babies again because their bodies are going thru alot of changes.
shhhh...don't tell Diana I said that!
PS You haven't been productive? Helloo...has she read your blog lately? You have kept up better than most bloggers who slack off in the summer.
I admit that I would totally be with her if I could. Sleep is my favorite pasttime. :)I would argue that it is an art lol
When I was in high school I could sleep for 14 hours and feel great afterwards! Not any more..Sigh...
My gosh, you could put a blonde wig on her and that would be my daughter! lol.. ;)
Wow what a colour combination going on in that room :-/
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