The Tower itself is thought to be the core of a volcano which long ago eroded away. The top of it

I mean if we can accommodate people who sing into bike tire pumps, build wash lines on the back
of their bikes, and a guy who wears bike shorts, a pleather wrap jacket and penny loafers we can certainly accommodate a talkative Michigander. And yes, Greg really wore that very outfit into a biker (motorcycle) bar late at night and ordered a soda and lived to tell the story.
Wyoming is also where we finally had our first mail drop of the trip. We were all so excited to get some mail from friends and family. We'd been gone over a month and letters and treats were a delight. One of the letters I got included a check from my dad requesting that I get him a 'unique' souvenir and use the rest for myself. I must say Wyoming had no lack of opportunities for unique souvenir shopping. I was tempted to buy Dad one of the ubiquitous Turd Birds made from the ever present buffalo chips but I resisted and instead got him a set of canned 'wild meats.'
Other firsts in Wyoming included our first serious encounter with altitude. When planning our course now we had to factor in where the best (read lowest) mountain passes were. It was important to be able to start and complete the climb in one day because it would be far too demoralizing to
end a day mid-mountain knowing you had to start the day at that point. We noticed in Wyoming that signs at the town limit tended to include the local altitude and the local population AND that those numbers were inverse of what we were accustomed to thinking of. Here in Emblem, WY we noticed that if Del (second from left) and his family of 19 moved in the town would virtually triple in population.
Tune in next week for a Close Encounter with bison and some big changes for our group.
I love this story! Can't wait for the next episode. I never thought about Devil's Tower being the core of a volcano. You've edumacated me. ;)
How do those mail drops work? Do you address it to the Post Office and the person for pickup somehow?
Devils Tower is amazing. Amazing its still there, that's a lot of high dollar granite kitchen counter tops.
I wanna turd bird!!!!!!
balou, glad you're enjoying
charles, we had people address mail as joe biker, general delivery, cody wyoming 12345
hypersonic, i'll look for one just for youthe next time i am in WY
Very cool, I am so enjoying this story and the pics to go along are great as well.
Did you keep a journal or what, how are you remembering all these details?
logo, glad you are enjoying. i kept a very brief log of where we stayed each night and who provided out lodging, maybe a few jotted notes. nothing formal other than that. i am meticulous about labelling pictures once they are developed though and have been working on a 'scrapbooked' photo album of the trip the last 4 years (yeah it has been going slowly). looking at the picutres just brings back the specific memories mostly.
I'll be tuned in, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise~ Great chapter :)
Some serious biking here! Must've taken a little getting used to the high elevations.
kfarmer, amen sister and thanks
seamus, made me glad to be driving the support vehicle ;)
I would love to see Devils Tower
No aliens? No annoying 5 musical notes played on a mystical moog in the sky? lol! I watched my DVD of Close Encounters.. the other day and, ya know... it still stands up today.
Totally enjoying this ride with you. Cheers!
myutopia, i highly recommend it!
lecram, sorry to ruin the mystique. does it help if i tell you all the limelets carve their mashed potatoes into little towers every time i make that for dinner?
Yeegads! Devil's Tower really does look like a heap of mashed potatoes!
A town with a population of 10. I bet those folks can't burp without the whole town knowing about it. LOL!
A town with a population of 10 ... being on the neighborhood watch must be easy.
Did you know that the largest privately held building in Wyoming is the 4-Seasons Spa and Resort just outside Jackson Hole? Won a trip there last year in a sales contest ... the scenery was mind blowing.
I love when you share your stories...and pics, too!
I am amazed by how many photos you have from that time period. Someone was thinking ahead....maybe even having a premonition about the scrapbooking craze which would hit in the early 21st century. (hm...i can hear the internal conversation from all those years ago: "if I take all these photos, maybe I can paste them in a book with pretty construction paper and stickers? or maybe someday there will be a thing called a blog and I will post them on the internet...")
Anyway, great story and great pics!(-:
Awesome story and pictures. How are the stars at night away from all the city lights?
I'm sure that Mark from Michigan's shirt is going to kill G-Man. How odd to find someone taking the same trip as your group along the way.
crabby, LOL @ the burp comment
paul, i did not know that. i've heard the jackson hole area is stunning though.
cindra, sooooo good to see youafter a long absence.:)
m, i have always been a picture snapping fool and i've always had fairly organized photo albums. i gotta say i liek other people's scarpbooks and mine will be nice if i ever finihs it, but it's kind of a pain in the rump making it. photo albums are easier.
beach bum, oooooh, the stars were magnificent!
signgurl, i had that same thoguth about gman, hehehe
That must have been cool to bike across the country like that. A chance to really enjoy the scenery, too.
Waiting for the next installment...
Wow! the devil tower is awesome!!!
& I love the accompanying bear story...made me look closely at the 'marks'
I had not heard about Devil's Tower until last year, when my DIL's best friends showed me some pictures from there.
It looks like you have a great time.
Thank's for sharing this journey.
Michigan State?
But your pics are Great Limey!!
I've been there many times, but it is best viewed on a Hog!!!
Well yer buddy Mark at least has good taste in T-shirts. . . ( :P @ G-Man)
So. . . do you regret not getting yer Pops a Turd Bird?
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