You scored as Mary Read,You are very unconventional, you defy the rules as often as you can and like to take as many risks as possible. You will probably end up living happily under a bridge somewhere laughing at all the unsavory deeds you once instigated. |
What kind of Pirate are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
Here is a pirate-y song that somehow seems oddly appropriate for blogging pirates.
Here I am as a beer wench so I can manage that too. I have to say, though, I vastly prefer rum and I do know how to handle a sword. Avast, ye scurvy mates! Who would swear allegiance and serve under this pirate lass?
That kinda sounds like a Pirate name already!
..Fetch me some grog wench!
My yard arm needs a little straightening out!
Have a Great Day...Matey!
Anyone that can ride a zip line and, despite terrible accident, still be in more or less one piece ... I have to pledge my allegiance to. That and I was hoping the beer wench could bring a beer by every now and again.
Why is it I only believe half of what it says about what kind of pirate it says you are.
Off to swab the poop deck before I get keelhauled and have to walk the plank.
Oh wait, one last thing ... aye, aye, Cap'ain.
Yo-ho-ho~ I've got the bottle of rum...
signed, 100% Mary (K) Read
(: Good one Limey Mate :)
Chip ahoy!.. er.. ship ahoy!
shiver me timbers!!!
Lets get moving...now that you have kidnapped me madame pirate!
I scored as a Black Beard...
When you finally die and enter Hell, the devil will hand over his reign and bow.
Haha! That sounds about right.
Also, on a Weird News Wednesday note the smiley or emoticon turns 20 years old today. :)
I am a rum man myself, too.
I scored as Captain Barbosa. I think it was being willing to be cursed that did me in.
Arrr! I'm not much fer swearin' allegiance, but serving under you? NOW WE'RE TALKIN!!!! HAR!!!!!!
Walk ye plank, ye merry wench.
Now those are some really lazy Veggies under there...what are those? A potato and some pickles?
Waitaminit...is that what those naughty little veggie tales guys do when nooones lookin?
Ay bugger the cabin boy, matey.
Walk Ye plank scurvy knave.....
Yo ho yo ho and all that...
BTW I scored as Captain Jack Sparrow, which surprises me not at all. And you look HOT as a beer wench.
gman, arrrg matey! i'm no man's grog wench! (my nickname: from trini slang 'to lime' which means haginginout with friends, derived from trinis watchign the brit sailors known as 'limey's lollygagging around port...so yeah, there's a connection there)
barman, for a hard working and loyal pirate such as yerself i'll send the loveliest wench to fill yer cup!
kfarmer, ah, me first mate ye'll be lassie!
mona, they be shivered. now fetch barman his grog!
bs, a more terrifying pirate of digital images there never was!
charles, *pulls cork with teeth and passes the bottle to you* then have a swig, mate
tlp, arg, i knew ye were a fearless one. come aboard!
keyser, if ever there be one what is willing to serve, i knew ye'd take it upon yerself.
s, i be givin the orders on this here ship, lassie! (the veggies are a cukumber, a pea, and some gourds, i think a tomato is there too)
You scored as a Captain Jack Sparrow
You are definitely quirky and often mistaken for mad but if anyone is truly paying attention they can see there is method to your madness. You try really hard to be bad but in the end you tend to do the right thing.
No comment!!
I scored:
You scored as a Sinbad
You are gifted with gab and can talk your way out of just about any situation. Very charming, but sometimes the charm gets you into trouble. The gods look on you fondly and sometimes through obstacles at you just to see how creative your solution is.
Black Beard
Dread Pirate Roberts
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Mary Read
Captain Barbosa
Long John Silvers
Captain James T. Hook
Morgan Adams
You can serve me a pinit any day. And yes, I pledge allegiance to thee!
This is how I scored:
You scored as a Captain Jack Sparrow
You are definitely quirky and often mistaken for mad but if anyone is truly paying attention they can see there is method to your madness. You try really hard to be bad but in the end you tend to do the right thing.
ARRRRRRRGH! I'm Mary Read too. Thar ain't room for two of us on this ship. You'll have to walk the plank, matey.
Whar's the plank?
That damned Blackbeard stole m'plank agin.
tl, avast ye mad cap'n, crazy as a bilge rat and wily as can be!
james,arrrrrg, a more accurate description of yer piratey charms i couldn't imagine
cindra, and i'll be keeping me eye on yer mad self, lassie!
crabby, AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGG!!!!!! this here's MY ship ye scurvy queeen of the cowpies! yer welcome for parlay but there'll be no mutineering unless ye want to visit davy jones locker!
Aye Matey~
Arrrrr, it be pirate day, Matey,
Hoist the skill and crassbones - er, skull and crossbones
Jolly Roger, er Jolly David
avast there cap'n, it be dangerous waters ye be sailing as I took the pirates challenge meself and 'ere's what it revealed....
"You are cruel and black hearted and you'll get yours in the end but not without taking a few with you. You will surpass even death to reap your rewards."
That's me, Cap'n Barbarosa at your dastardly disservice so keep a good eye out the crows nest, for I'm after gold but first I need to find me some citrus fruits to feed to these lily livered scurvy ridden bilge rats of a crew o'mine and something to disguise this black spot...
btw, I 'eard as 'ow you was looking fer crew, no surprise there, I 'eard that last mob done got tied then died !
ps be those limes I see with my glass eye?
Serve under a pirate lass? Where do I sign up!?
myutopia, avast lassie, step carefully, ye got a wee precious cargo with ye!
david, to the crow's nest with ye, matey!
pauline, aye lass, they be limes ye see but not the kind for feastin upon! well, not unless yer a fellow what's willin to serve under me least ways ;)
tim, sign in blood, matey
Isay, I've been trying to get this thing going for a couple of years, but it's hard to speak Pirate in Portuguese!
Arrrg, 'tis a good ting yer doin' here, lass.
Damn, that beer wench sure has some nice jugs! Errr, I mean, MUGS! I wouldn't mind filling my hands with THOSE two beauties! ;-)
So, was Gus the type who could undress you with just a few flicks of his rapier? I used to love seeing Zorro do that to petulant wenches!
OK, Since I'm inept at talking like a pirate, I better mosey along before I find myself lashed to the main mast getting flogged to within an inch of my life. That is, of course, unless you're PERSONALLY in charge of discipline aboard ship, Limey -- in which case, maybe I'll hang around for awhile and accept my punishment! ;-)
The only thing I can relate to with pirates is their parrots.
Oh, and the crows nest.
I get seasick on a ship. bleah.
Oh yeah, and I'm LONG JOHN SILVERS. Hand over the parrot.
Arrrrrgggggg lass!!!!! I'll take the bottom position with you any time. That is what you asked, right? ;-)
hypersonic, i can't help ya there, except to recall my french teacher saying portuguese sounded like a drunken spaniard so maybe there's no need to enhance the portuguese...
charles, thanks ye scallywag
rob, there's the scurvy bilge rat what's been absent from me ship for so long! gus may have been an uptight fellow but a more gentlemanly one never tipped his sword to me. now about that punishment of yours....
ts, as long as ye bring no undead monkey aboard this here ship we'll be gettin on just fine. heave over the side if ye haven't gotten yer sea legs yet
btexpress, arrrrg, thart's what i like to see...a man quick to obey my orders.
Suddenly I realize why I like your blog. The Pirate test gave me the following result:
What kind of Pirate are you?
You scored as a Mary Read (100%)
You are very unconventional, you defy the rules as often as you can and like to take as many risks as possible. You will probably end up living happily under a bridge somewhere laughing at all the unsavory deeds you once instigated.
See you under the Bridge. LOL:
As a Norwegian, you know what kind I am: A viking - period! LoL
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