That being the case, I obtained permission from Diesel to use the services of his trusty Nazgul, Grundir the Implacable, for this round of the meme. He has the somewhat dubious distinction of being my very first guest blogger and I am entirely placated by his efforts. I hope you will be too. Although I had to wait rather a while for Grundir to complete his designated task it finally comes at a good time because this weekend has seen sickness and injury, house and car issues, and technological problems (For all of you who like to complain about Blogger, let me tell you it doesn't hold a candle to the incompetence and problems that Yahoo has!) all crop up at once. With that I turn over the blog to Grundir the Implacable.

Greetings from Grundir the Implacable,
Nazgûl and
I have at long last completed my assigned task. I would have dispatched this meme much sooner were it not for the doubling of my workload at Diesel's estate.
Evidently I have disappointed my lord and am being punished for some offense.
I fervently hope that my able handling of this troublesome meme goes some way toward
gaining back his favor.
This is indeed a bothersome meme, my lady, perhaps even worse than
this one. Verily, it is as ubiquitous as it is vague and insipid.
Eight random things? What kind of foolishness is this? Most memes I
encountered at least have some discernible reason for existing, but this meme has
no form or purpose. It is but a shadowy ghoul preying upon passersby.
Bah! Even such a dismissive characterization gives it too much weight.
I shall dispatch it post haste without even baring my steel.
Eight Random Things About Grundir the Implacable, Nazgul and Meme-Wraith
1. Before I lost my corporeal form, I very much enjoyed the simple carnal pleasure
of pepperoni pizza. I did not eat it often, though, because it gave me gas.
Now that I am one of the living dead, I miss it. The gas, that is.
2. I once had a pet hobbit that I named Stubby Joe. I caught him rifling through
my jewelry one day and had to put him down.
3. Sometimes the distant howls of the wargs in the desolate wastelands of the east
give me the creeps. I know, people always say they're more frightened of me
than I am of them, but man are they creepy sounding.
4. I have a terrible sense of direction. I pretty much just followed the other
Nazgul wherever they were going.
5. I always giggle when someone says "crack of doom."
6. Legolas? Total fairy. That's not really about me, but I thought you
should know.
7. Sauron and I attended the same preschool. True story.
8. I have a recurring dream where I'm making a speech in front of a crowd and I
look down and I'm not wearing a cloak.
Take that, foul and insipid meme! I believe I have proven myself capable of
handling such troublesome wretches without difficulty. Perhaps one day soon
you will once again see me weilding my blade proudly at the
Mattress Police.
Bah! Such treacly sentiments are unworthy of such as I. I am Grundir
the Implacable. Fear me! And pay obeisance to
my master!
A Monday meme?
Anyway, sounds like you had a very busy week-end!
I at least hope you are feeling better!!
Take care Trini...Galen xox
gman, thanks. i am fine actually. it's the boy who is sick.
Oh Lime, LR is sick too, a fever for....three days now....argh!
So much for being alone today.
Hurray, hurray, at guest posts. I love it Lime, you know I do. Now, of course Im going over to schmooze!
Nice ta meetcha, Grundir!
LOL! Brilliant!
Very nice indeed but I am not surprised. A discerning Lime would never turn over the reigns to just anyone.
I espcially love where he looked down during a lecture only to discover, no cloak. hehehehe Very funny person... I mean spirit there.
s, i hope LR feels better soon. happy schmoozing
lecram, far better than any answers i could come up with for this.
barman, it is an odd sensation letting a nazgul run the blog for the day.
That shrouded person reminds me of some figure I passed quite literally on a dark and stormy night in rural Wales... haven't a clue WHAT someone drest like that was doing by the side of a deserted country road but it scared the living crap outta me...
Nice. The Nazgul sucks but his boss is kind of witty.
LOL...hope your little guy is feeling better soon. I'm am busy trying to play catch up on my blogging....ugh!
Happy Monday to ya ;o)
I must admit, I had no idea what a nazgul was. No I did not see much at all (and did not read) the Lord of the Rings. Hangs head as he slithers off... at least I learned something today.
gledwood, i think it would seriously creep me out to see such a thing.
keyser, here, have a tissue
jillie, he seems to be improving, thanks
barman, you are still welcome here.
Before I lost my corporeal form, I very much enjoyed the simple carnal pleasure
of pepperoni pizza. I did not eat it often, though, because it gave me gas.
If I as not able to enjoy pepperoni pizza I would willingly join the undead. Great post Lime!
Grundir groupie here, checking in. He's charming as usual. I do think Diesel should let him out more.
LOL! That is brilliant!
To think that I have had closed eyes visions of the Grim Reaper in that same form, & now I see the picture of him on your blog!
That sort of thing happens too often with me...
But it is a relief to know that this one has his own fears too! :D
Grundir is never boring. Making a speech without a cloak, hasn't everybody had that dream a some point in their lives? Hey, maybe Grundir could help me finish my kid's Halloween cloak...I think I'll just stop over at Mattress Police and ask. Hope things are better at your house, and, yes, Yahoo does suck big time.
beach bum, glad youapprove as the tagger
suburban, grundir has groupies?? who knew?? thanks for stopping by
mona, grundir is quite the creative meme-wraith isn't he?
theresa, glad to know someone empathizes with me on the yahoo thing.
Nice work, Grundir. Better luck with the line breaks next time.
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