Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso

People pass by me on the street, never daring eye contact. Occasionally, young lovers stop to twirl momentarily before they run along giggling. I close my eyes, gently hold the neck, and tenderly strum. I lean into the familiar curve as my fingers softly pluck the passionate song that reminds me of you, my love.
Da Count
Da Count
There's an old theater around here. It sat empty for probably about 20 years. A couple years ago a fellow bought and restored it. He has this vision of it being a venue not only for big name performers but being accessible to the local arts community and schools in order to further whatever artistic goals they may have. He's promised to set aside a certain number of dates each month to meet the local needs and he doesn't just use whatever dates no one else would want. I feel more comfortable having my kids go see concerts here than schlepping them off someplace that is an hour or two away and they've enjoyed that freedom as well. Tonight we are supposed to go to some benefit put on by local performers (provided we all feel healthy enough...I feel like I may be starting the downward spiral now that everyone else is on the upswing). So today I'm counting a guy who is doing what he can to nourish the arts in our area by making sure we have a decent venue.
Bravo! What a wonderful count! I wish someone with gifts such as he would grace our county.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Please get better soon :)
one of my favorite picasos, i'm prone to liking his musical paintings
oh, that is an oldie but a goody as powerful now as the first time you posted it. :D
That's awesome about the theater. I hope it blooms and prospers, keeping you away from the hour or more treks for years to come. :D
Try using the mind over matter trick... I will not get sick I will not get sick I will not get sick.
Seriously, I hope you're able to avoid the full brunt of it.
I hope his vision comes true.
That's just beautiful! A great 55.
Mine's up too.
We have a nice little community theater here, I like live performances and go to most of them.
Hope you have a good time.
Community theatre is awesome. I wish there was one in my area, but I live in what once was farmlind so there is barely adequate street paving much less a theatre group. Hope you feel better...
Superb count! But you know I'm biased about any encouragement about the arts.
Oh, yeah... check out my count today. ;)
I love community theater and that person sounds like they have a mighty fine vision. Double purposing a place like that was wonderful.
In Michigan in a sleepy little town of Chelsea, Jeff Daniels started the Purple Rose. Not exactly the same thing you mentioned. They run a profesional theater company and encourage Midwestern actors, directors, designers and playwrights to join and participate. They also have classes they offer for primarily children and young adults but also those just starting out in the field. So it is not so much community focused but more forcused on New American Play and providing a real service for that community. Not the same but also very similar in fundimental nature. I really should help support this most nobal cause.
Your 55 was new to me and I really enjoyed it. I felt like I was there listening.
Sorry to hear that you are under par. If you are looking for ideas to post how about what I saw.......somewhere or other.....you ask your readers to ask you questions, then you can pick the ones that you like or inspire you and answer them......just an idea.
Lime I like the 55, and I haven't read it before so it's new to me. Just curious--do you find the picture first and write based on that, or the other way around?
p.s.--get well soon... (C;
Of course, this reminds me of my favorite Lime HNT...
hey lovely Lime, have a great weekend :)
Good on him. Good for you, all of you.
Great 55 Lime, good news about the theatre, hope you feel better soon.
*grabs her ex(?)boyfriend and twirls with him momentarily before running along laughing happily*
Great 55! As signgurl said, it was new to me. And I love your count! I wish I had the resources to do something so meaningful for my community.
You are indeed a marvelous writer Michelle.
Please get better...
Great 55...xoxoxox
Lime!!! You are unwell???
O dear! I wish and hope and pray that you will be fine soon! Please take care and be healthy!
This is a wonderful and touching 55.
I love the thought content here Plus the painting is a added bonus!
Thank you for posting this!
I hope you and your family are able to make it for the concert and have a great time too!
Love & hugs
Hope you were able to enjoy the performance.
My hometown did the same thing with a old movie theater built in the 50's. The outside is now just like it was when it opened and is used widely for all sorts of plays and meeting. Great 55 and have a great weekend.
Are you speaking of the very same theater in which MY Rufus performed? I just have a feeling you are.....PHWOARRRR!
Lovely picture - I just love Picasso art - the story was readable too - thanks for sharing!
Btw: You've been tagged:
Nothing better than community access to good theatre and greats acts, as well as local talent.
That picture is fabulous.
On Friday we will go to a comedy/Theatre show with my daughter, who will stay in Oslo for 4 days -- then a new assignment awaits her in Hong Kong. She will not reenter Norway until Christams 2008. I think I must visit her in between.
best wishes
love the Picasso painting, may have to use it to inspire a bottle label.
It's always great to read about someone doing something for the arts in the community :) They need to be supported.
I'd love to do that!
There are old theaters in both the town I live in currently and the town we're planning on retiring to that are just sitting there. I'd love to give you bands a chance to be seen, as well as help the visual arts and show independent and foreign movies.
That's fantastic! We occasionally get some theater groups here, but mostly we have to go into the city (not that it's a big deal, but we're less likely to go). In fact, since the kids were born, we haven't been to the theater...hopefully that'll change when they get a bit older.
I love that Picasso painting, and the 55 matched it so well...
(sorry this is 3 days late. My weekend was a blur)
wow. good luck to the guy trying to restore an old theater(such character in those old buildings!). i hope people flock to the shows.
I remember the very first time I saw this picture was in the 9th grade. My English teacher brought it to class. It has always captured my attention. It always seemed so "haunting" to me.
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