I stole this from Akelamalu
Here's how it goes. You are about to have your own band's CD cover. Follow these directions to the letter. It's fun and requires no thought at all. Go to......
Here's how it goes. You are about to have your own band's CD cover. Follow these directions to the letter. It's fun and requires no thought at all. Go to......
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post. Also, pass it along in your own journal because it’s more amusing that way.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as the opening act for Mamaya (the Birkenstock and sarong clad folk duo of Lime and Cosima), who is followed by Ferikked, Feraikled, and Ferhoodled (the tie dyed punkmeisters of Keyser and Lime), please put your hands together to welcome Ariwara no Narihira to the stage!
After the show you can buy their latest CD Too Big to Attempt in the lobby (No snickering at the name now, this is serious art. And never mind the fact that I have no photoshopping skill whatsever so I trotted over to lolcatz to use their text adding doohickey).

So a rock band needs a kick ass guitarist. I wonder who I should channel?
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What Bad Ass Rock Legend Are you? *with pictures* created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Slash You are SLASH!
You Are Ani Difranco! | |
Honest, real, and well liked. (Well, I hope so!) You're not limited by any boundaries. (Only gravity) "And you can call me crazy But I think you're as lazy as white paint on the wall" (I wonder if other colors are less lazy?) | |
Who's Your Inner Rock Chick?
Ok, so now I need a hit song, something deep and brooding... I'll just use the Alanis Morrisette Lyric Generator.
That Mr. Lime, at least his inability to clear a table and put food away might make me millions if I sing about it. Seems only fair.
Ok, so now I need a hit song, something deep and brooding... I'll just use the Alanis Morrisette Lyric Generator.
"Will to Live"
I feel miserable
Dirty forks make me ill
I feel miserable
Smeared plates tear at my foundations
I feel miserable
Rotting leftovers are dragging me down to the depths of misery
I want to die
Is it because of people who can't clear the table
that I feel this way?
With the red rays of misery pounding on my brain?
Or am I lost in tales of Pablo Neruda, adrift far from home
I don't think so, I don't think so.
Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
I was getting better but then
Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
I feel miserable
Crumbs rot the flesh from my bones
I feel miserable
Half empty glasses defeat my purpose
I feel miserable
Messy tables are doing their best to impale my soul
I want to die
Is it because of people who can't clear the table
that I feel this way?
With the red rays of misery pounding on my brain?
Am I lost in tales of Pablo Neruda, adrift far from home
I don't think so, I don't think so.
Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
Oh God, Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
I was getting better but then
Mr. Lime Broke My Will to Live
That Mr. Lime, at least his inability to clear a table and put food away might make me millions if I sing about it. Seems only fair.
I wrote a song once, but it was about sex.
Rock on!!!! :D That was too cool.
Oh, the Alanis lyric generator is great.
very cool stuff
i just so happen to be going through an alanis phase.
The things she gets folks to do, Rock on.
OK You are a freak, I will come back later and try this myself!
Fun stuff. If I had any graphics skills whatsoever, I'd give it a shot, but I don't.
I love the lyrics generator.
ROFLMAO....you better believe I'm doing this...
Great post! Rock on sister!
funny that you mention men today. My BFF and I, heehee, were just on the phone for a two hour convo about our men. Turns out we both have pretty good fellas but no matter how good they are, they are still men and that should be all that needs to be said about that!
Can't wait to buy the cd...LOL! You ROCK girl, don't fret over the title of your cd or the name of your band because there are real bands out there today that are way worse.
You have a beautiful day!
You gotta be shittin me!
I gotta follow all this stuff???
But I'm glad you can do it....xoxoxoxox
oh how fun!
ani defranco is cool...
perhaps you are ani defranco and slash's secret love child (-:
You know how everyone looks like some certain celebrity? Well, there were these kids who thought I was "Slice." I had to correct them and tell them it was Slash, but within a few minutes, they were calling me Slice again.
As for putting food away, I can sympathize. I do all the cooking. The least everyone else can do is put my food away. But then again, I think it's you who does the cooking in your household, so yeah, Mr. Lime should put the food away. Bad Mr. Lime. I can see how he broke your will to live.
Apparently I'm more Curt Cobain than I'd like to know. Must be the flannel shirts. and, where the heck is Pablo Neruda? very fun post!
i took the inner rock star quiz and i am Tommy Lee. (ew!)
Cool! Does Mr. Lime know he's broken your will to live? Maybe he'll get the Limlets to clear the table for you. ;)
I wonder if that's as difficult to do as it looks?
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