My back is completely screwed up again and taking a new picture for this week just wasn't going to happen. So I dug through some old stuff to give you this week's slice.
Remember how I told you my mother is a complete purple fanatic and that I grew up in a purple house and was clothed in nothing but purple until I was old enough to express my dislike of the color? Here is some evidence.

I'm wearing purple, sitting on my purple covered bed in a room with lilac walls. You can just imagine the pain I caused my mother when I rejected her favorite color. Alas, it was not the only way I'd break her heart. She thought I was a dainty girly girl. That lovely canopy bed? I bent the hell out of the canopy inside of a month by regarding it as my own private set of monkey bars and using it to dismount from the bed like Tarzan.

I'm wearing purple, sitting on my purple covered bed in a room with lilac walls. You can just imagine the pain I caused my mother when I rejected her favorite color. Alas, it was not the only way I'd break her heart. She thought I was a dainty girly girl. That lovely canopy bed? I bent the hell out of the canopy inside of a month by regarding it as my own private set of monkey bars and using it to dismount from the bed like Tarzan.
Rosemary's Baby!!!
PS....According to you, I'm White Chocolate!
I read it..xoxoxoxox
Dainty just ain't fun anyway. Cool shot.
Isn't that what canopies are for? Dismounting like Tarzan?
Thanks for the call at mine.
Bless your little lilac heart!
Tis' no wonder you turned into a beautiful "limer".
How precious a photo, though!
Hope your feeling better!
No Tarzan dismounts for a while!
That's a great pic, Lime. I probably would've used the canopy for a set of monkey bars myself. :D
Hope your back heals soon...
Sorry your back is screwy.
Little Lime is so adorable even if she is ensconced in purple hell.
My sister and I had the exact same bed as you. Imagine the fun two girls could have with two jungle gyms in one room!! I also remember the allergy inducing dust that the canopy held.
You've been tagged, darlin'. No pressure, but if you want to play, come to my place and see.
Purple lime. Squeeze that into yer next margarita!
I like that I have a melty peanut butter center
No wonder your back is screwed up! I only used mine as a trampoline...
My cousin had a bed like that and we did the same thing jumping around on it. She went on to be a fairly serious gymast in high school. Hope your back feels better soon.
I'll admit Purple is my favorite color.
I'd love to be a dainty girl, but... Bahahahaha... Dainty would never do.
I can only imagine how much fun that bed was to swing from.
Cheers Darling!
We got Little Rita a bed from IKEA that was a loftbed/trapeze thing. She loved it! So did I. You could do weenie roasts and pulls ups and everything...if you were under 5'1"!
That was REALLY purple miss!
Hope your back feels better real soon.
No wonder boys do not get princess beds. They would have that sucker destoyed even sooner then you but I must admit, it looks like fun. I am officially jealous. Might I add, all I did was use my bed as a trampoline on occasion.
You know if your Mom had not pushed purple so hard you would not have rebelled. But then that is just part of what makes up Lime today.
I hope you get that back in order soon. Hey weekend ahead, we can't have you out of commision now.
Can you still do a good Tarzan yell?
That bed looks ripe for a tire swing!!! :D
I'm sorry to hear your back is causing problems again... GET BETTER!!!
and Oy to the purple haze! Hahahaha
I'd have given my eyeteeth for a canopy bed. What else is it for anyway - perfect monkey bars :) Great purple room - just like royalty.
Now pull out that hotpad, lay back on the couch and get that back to feeling better pronto.
I had a purple desk.
a purple comforter.
and one wall was painted purple.
I woulda luved your mama!!!!
Lordy, there needs to be a 'print' in there somewhere to break up ALL THAT PURPLE!!!
What a sweet picture you are as a young Lime. Purple is just a color to me but I think I would get sick of it quick especially if it was all around me.
I also read your previous post about the Chocolate Zodiac... I am Cocoa Nibs and I am married to a Milk Chocolate Candy Bar.
Have a good day!
So..........did you stick the dismount???? ;)
I happen to like purple. Our first bedroom was painted a light purple and decorated with purple curtains, bed spread. Just be happy she wasn't into pink. Ewwww, pink. Yuck!
I bet there's a certain purple dinasaur under the bed...
you look annoyed, LOL, but o so cute.
Ve, how could you? Not the purple dinosaur! I'm out of here.
Okay, ya know, even for ME, wearing purple on a purple canopy bed is just a smidge too much purple. :)
I ALWAYS wanted a canope bed! I'm so jealous!
such a cute Lime :)
That reminds me.. i have to change my bed covers...
(((HUGS))) lime, I hope you are doing good!
Ah... evidence! Not that I doubted you at all. Cheers!
Canopy bed!!! I was in a house with that kind this weekend - I'll give you a detail report about what I did there later on, so stay tuned :lol:
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