First of all, credit where it is due. This is inspired by some of
Sudiegirl's early posts on the election. This is the sort of thing that may keep me sane through election day. I'll be adding my own captions. And yes, I am a bipartisan mocker so you can expect me to do the same to the Republicans later.
Look, Hillary. I'm sorry how things worked out for you. Even though I said yes to Obama I still think your hooters are great!
In a display of his famous bridge building behavior Obama says, "Neener, neener, neener!"
Away from the festivities Kucinich sings, "Happy convention to you, happy convention to you. I look like a monkey, but you smell like one too."
Back at the convention Jesse Jackson, Jr. dazzles the crowd with his own singing. "O give me a home where the Obamas roam, where the Bidens and Kennedys play. Where seldom is heard a trustworthy word and the Clintons just shut up all day...Come on now, join me on the chorus...."
Yeah, unfortunately statesmanship has lost its loftiness and become an easily mockable thing.
Oh to funny. I look forward to the flip side of this. I am sure there will be plenty of photos to choose from next week.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good stuff, Lime!
LOL I was having such thoughts while watching Obamas family...
such as...
that dress on the older daughter was too skimpy.
Michelle's got back.
Her dress twisted and the center back seam was off to the side when she turned around.
The entire dress was spiraling around her body...meaning someone blew it.
Oh yeah, and her ghetto slangs she popped out every now and then! Ha ha!
Anyway cant wait to see waht you have for McCain!
You said it funnier. Thanks for the laughs!
I learn so much about your politics here Lime, he,he..
Ahhhhh, Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Damn, woman. You have not only got a razor sharp intellect. You know how to wrap it up in satire with a ribbon of sarcasm.
Oh yeah, the meme from two days ago...Priceless!
Hey! I saw your comments at Trooper Thorns site, and I just had to share this. I sent both Obama & McCain the EXACT same letter, sharing with them how it was impossible to make ends meet with prices of everything being what they were and taxes and scuh, and asking what they were going to do to help out Joe Average American. From McCain I got... nothing.... From Obama I got... a request to dontate to his campaign.
now, i have to check out Hillary's hooters to see if Joe is full of crap
LMAO!!!! Oh that last one is my favorite!!! Brilliant!
Your a pisser! LOL
Figures... So is Susie going to do the fashion review of the conventions?
:D those are priceless!!!
ha! I love the Jesse Jackson Jr caption!
Hillary may have nice hooters but I still thinks she and Romney are alien spawn out to destroy humanity.
Sure is lots of Politicizing going around Bloggerville these days!!
hahahaha...Too Funny..xo
Okay, do you ever do the caption contests over at Diesel's site?
Okay, do you ever do the caption contests over at Diesel's site?
Those are great captions Lime. I lined you to my post (I think I did anyway. I clicked and followed the linking instructions).
Can I have a go?
Photo 1: "Act casual Hillary, but Bill's going back to the buffet for his third plate of ribs."
Photo 2: Hillary tries her best but eventually runs out of patience as Barak discusses N'Synch vs New Kids on the Block.
Photo 3: "Beware of Shamwow imitators. Holds 21 times its weight in liquid! Cleans up spills FAST!"
Photo 4: "Honestly, I once beat Michael Phelps by this much."
That's great! I can't wai to see more! You always make me .laugh
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