Gman and Mona gave me this award. Looks a lot classier than I do in my tie dyes. Palm Springs Savant is probably the classiest person on my blogroll. He has weekly art posts and he always looks so dapper (but I'd love to see him in a tie dyed ascot!).

Mooseklahl, Maddy, Breazy, and Tor all felt I was worthy of this little bauble. It looks like it would hurt if it fell on my foot while I was dusting it on the mantle. Jocelyn and San certainly deserve this, though I hope it doesn't fall on their feet either. I'd avoid that danger by not dusting.

Kathryn was very sweet and called me a must see blog. And really everyone else I ever read and comment on deserves this...otherwise I wouldn't be reading and commenting on you.
Kathryn also had a couple of memes I had to steal. Granted this all occurred rather a while ago but here goes...
This is the "Finish the sentence with the 1st thought that comes to your mind" meme.
I know....nuttink!
I believe...in magic.
I fought....the law and the law won.
I am angered...by injustice.
I love...a rainy night.
I need...you. I need you I neeeeeeed you. (Though I absolutely loathe the song that line comes from.)
I take...'em as they come.
I hear... a Who.
I drink...I get drunk, I fall down, no problem. (Ok, not true. I am, if you haven't figured it out yet, filling this out with a lot of slogans, quotes, and lines from songs.)
I hate...canned peas, liver, and oysters.
I use...minty fresh Scope (actually I am a Listerine girl)
I want...you. I want you I waaaaaaaant you. (Even though I STILL hate that song.)
I like...big butts and I cannot lie.
I feel...with my fingers.
I wear...my heart on my sleeve.
I left...my heart in San Francisco. (I've been sleeveless ever since.)
I do...(Two words but a long sentence.)
I hope...you don't mind...I hope you don't mind...
I dream....of Jeannie.
I drive...6 white horses when I come.
I listen...to the walls.
I type...by the Columbus Method (find a key and land on it)
I think....therefore I am.
I wish...you well.
I am...woman. Hear me roar.
I regret...to inform you I didn't have any better ideas for posts today.
I care...fully open at other end.
I should...have known better.
I said...stop tormenting your brother/sister/me.
I wonder.... wonder, wonder, wonder who? Who wrote the book of love?
I changed...a ton of diapers before my youngest was potty trained.
I cry...you a river.
I lose...my mind.
I leave...on a jet plane.
This is the "Finish the sentence with the first WORD that comes to mind" meme.
Where is your cell phone? Desk
Your significant other? Away
Your hair? Mop
Your mother? Energetic
Your father? Rebellious
Your favorite thing? Chocolatecoveredsex
Your dream last night? Scary
Your favorite drink? Wet
Your dream goal? Sigh...
The room you are in? Living
Your ex? Angry
Your fear? Deadkids
Where do you want to be in six years? Earth
Where were you last night? Bed
What are you not? Thin
Muffins? Thanks!
One of your wish list items? Orgasm
Where you grew up? Purple
The last thing you did? E-mail
What are you wearing? Smile
Your TV? Off
Your pets? Dead
Your computer? Black
Your life? Unexpected
Your mood? Meh
Missing someone? Always
Your Car? Dented
Something you are not wearing? Flippers
Favorite store? Book
Your summer? Odd
Like someone? Who?
Your favorite color? Tie-dye
When was the last time you laughed? Spongebob
Last time you cried? Nightmare
Numero uno? Moi ! :O
"I know....nuttink!"
man, I miss Hogan's Heroes
Dang I'm glad to get an award with cute little girls and puppies on a park bench. I'm now hoping for one with ponies and unicorns and little heart floating over a rainbow of love!!! ha ha ha. But thanks for the call out and the award!
Nice award shelf you've got going!
I actually do like that one song but I totally agree that it cries out to be mocked.
good read as always, ma'am
Me? Just Plain Fun To Read?
I think the little girl is just fine. I'll gladly take the award.
(Of course, as you know, I always say something derogatory about either the award, the awarder, or myself. But, secretly, I love them all. Thanks!)
That darned sponge gets to me everytime too!
You don't have to regret about that post! That is a lot of ideas!
I also hate canned peas, liver & oysters & caviar too!
Columbus Method! LOL! That is Classic! I love the term by its definition more so! :D
Eeeks, don't remind me of diapers!!
Well, just plain congratulations! You're not going to forget all us little people, are you?
must see blog!
shouldn't that be "must read"....or are they saying it is a must to stop by and see that you have posted, but actually reading your blog is not required. (-;
Still giggling at "I care...fully open at other end."
I might just borrow one or both of these memes for my next post.
While I was reading yours some pretty silly things were popping into my head.
Gotta love a full trophy shelf!!
That's a lot of dusting you'll have to do. Congrats.
I am so sad I missed the sarong pictures. They are simply lovely. You reek of gorgeousness!
Your memes always make me smile :)
So many adoring fans...
I Got...Blisters on my fingers!!!!
The queen of memes strikes again!!! May I borrow one or two your highness?
Oooo. I love the stolen memes. Those are fun ones, aren't they?
Lime- You are so sweet! Thanks very much, I greatly appreciate it!
o.k. I need to know where that quote comes from =I like big butts and I cannot tell a lie.
Someone has been saying this phrase for about 10 days. I don't know where it came from.
I wonder if he read you blog!
p.s. I lied. He only says the first four words, but he says it in such a distinctive way that I know it must be a quote.
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