*Circus performer Johnnie Fortune Teetering on tightwire as he practices drunken clown routine by Loomis Dean, 1952

*Circus performer Johnnie Fortune Teetering on tightwire as he practices drunken clown routine by Loomis Dean, 1952
Perched precariously on the thinnest edge,
no solid ground for my feet,
no net below.
Wind swirls.
The wire shifts
under me.
Onlookers call
with demands
for daredevil tricks.
They toss things for me to juggle.
Ignoring shouts,
fixing my sight,
arms flailing,
hips swaying
as I seek
the balance
I've lost
no solid ground for my feet,
no net below.
Wind swirls.
The wire shifts
under me.
Onlookers call
with demands
for daredevil tricks.
They toss things for me to juggle.
Ignoring shouts,
fixing my sight,
arms flailing,
hips swaying
as I seek
the balance
I've lost
This week I feel like that guy up on the wire only he is a seasoned circus performer and I am just some drunken fool destined to loose the battle with gravity. There are a great many stresses all converging at the same time and I have not exactly coped effectively. I'm frustrated. I'm surly. Yesterday I was extolling the value of achieving balance as I spoke with a friend and I realized I've lost it myself. That friend and another person I ran into later who saw my stress a mile away both said to start with breathing. So, since I can't fully count having balance this week I'll count knowing I need to find it again and taking a deep breath.
A very good 55. I've seen that guy in action your poen created him in my mind.
Sorry you are under such stress.
I've been there.
Come on over. Scroll down below my Show n Tell or use the link provided at the beginning of my Friday Blog. Have a great weekend.
Any dragon could walk that rope. We have amazing balance. But we don't handle stress well.
Good 55
Ours is posted.
Is that really a clown up there? Fall...fall!
aaaah, and it's the weeekend. regroup. refresh. relax. love your 55!
Breathing is a very good thing. . .
Hope you catch your balance soon. . .
Lime- Ohm! Maybe you need a little alone time? For me taking a nice long walk alone with my camera helps.
i feel the same way this week, except my ex wife is on one end and gf on the other end of the wire, shaking it
You had us all dangling on that one.
I think some chocolate is in order.
I find that self-amusement tends to dissipate stress (if, of course, you can't find someone else to amuse you, which is better.)
Alone time
Both good suggestions.
Ice cream sundae?
Trip to Hershey?
Its gonna be ok girl!!!
Red wine.
Sometimes the best things in life is knowing how to take the next step! It's awesome that you have the self-awareness to see what is going on in the here and now and what you need to do to regain the balance.
Hugs Sweetie!
Start by breathing and let what you can't control go...
And that poem - it seriously rocks.
I have to tell you that I am so totally with you there, barely maintianing balance on the wire.
I know where you are. Teetering on the edge is no fun but provides the opportunity for us to pull out those hidden reserves (which I know you have) to come out the other side stronger.
To count what you know you need already speaks to the courage you have to make it so.
Please know that I for one will be rooting for you.
You need to go swimming... A cannonball will fix you right up. Properly executed, it has a way of cleansing the soul.
It must be something in the air this week.
Wonderful pairing your 55!
Go find a way to have several belly laughs... a movie? Put a group of guys in stilletto heels and bet on which one will fall down first?
Great 55!!
One of the first passages of read from Thomas Moore says that balance might not be what we really need. The seeking of it may be worth more than the achievement of it. I was hooked on his work immediately.
I do think there is great value in balance, though, especially since I lost mine yesterday and now have a bruised hand and a skinned knee to remind me of it.
My dear friend, nobody is in balance all the time. You are alive and well, your kids are fabulous - you have coped with every situation. You are a success. Every day that you make it you are a success. Nobody ever said that life shouldn't be tough, that there wouldn't be days when you felt like this. But you do a great job and you shouldn't underrate yourself. You are coping beautifully and managing in your own way!
Yoga. It will do wonders for your stress.
Breathing too is really good advice.
Trini my Dear...
You'll be just fine...
You know why?
Cause your smart enough
Cause your bright enough..
And Doggone it, people LIKE you!!
I Love to Lime...and well, you know the rest...:P
there are days like that...
But they are not here to stay...
Hope you feel better soon!
nice one Lime, reminds me more than ever, it's all about balance!
You and your daredevilish nature, Michele. You embrace life, you take on challenges. You are bound to feel a bit wobbly from time to time.
Breathe. That's good advice. I should remember to do that myself.
My word verification: fieraha. I'm reading that as FEAR AHA!
I recommend Lindt. Swiss chocolate. Works for me every time. Milk (if you need a little sweetness), Dark (if you need an extra kick).
Sometimes dove, that's all we can do... After that for me its finding the understanding (in this hard head of mine) that I can't control all that's swirling around~ My love and understanding to you~
Okay, it's been a few days since you wrote this (trust me: you're always in my mind, even though I don't get the blog time I'd like)...and I have read about your crazy weekend, which didn't help this lack of balance any...
So how's it going today?
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