I have a wise friend who often reminds me that expectations are really just premeditated resentments. It's a good reminder but I admit sometimes I argue about it. Certain individuals at Casa de Lime have gotten quite snippy over being expected to heat up leftovers for their own dinner or having their social lives curtailed since the doctor has told me to lay low. They've been incredulous over being asked to pitch in and make themselves useful around the house. As if a dizzy head isn't enough to make me wonder what's going on around me the attitudes make me think I've slipped down some crazy rabbit hole. Seriously, what is wrong with you people?
Yesterday, I was in one such moment of frustration when the UPS truck pulled up to the house and delivered a box addressed to me in a most artistic fashion. Well, I certainly wasn't expecting anything so I couldn't imagine what it was but even the outside looked pretty. I opened it up and found this little handmade envelope tucked in on top of the contents.
Yesterday, I was in one such moment of frustration when the UPS truck pulled up to the house and delivered a box addressed to me in a most artistic fashion. Well, I certainly wasn't expecting anything so I couldn't imagine what it was but even the outside looked pretty. I opened it up and found this little handmade envelope tucked in on top of the contents.

Really, look how pretty that is. It was almost too pretty to open but I was curious and excited. The note inside was every bit as lovely with all the lime swirls printed on the background and the contents warmed my heart. Embee explained she was clearing out some excess inventory of things she had made and thought one item in particular ought to come live with me. She wanted to make clear she expected nothing in return but was just looking to share a gift I might like.

Well, I was just bowled over by the completely unexpected thoughtfulness and generosity. Embee, thank you for such a special surprise.
In other news, I have received the CT scan report which states I have an unremarkable brain. In just this one instance an unremarkable brain is also very count-worthy.
The doctor and I agreed it was much better than having an abby normal brain.
Christmas In JUNE!!!!
gifts in the mail are awesome, i got one yesterday too
How sweet! You should be getting a package from us soon, too. . .
I dunno, tho. . . I'd ask for a second opinion; 'cuz I've known you just long enough to know that whatever yer brain is, 'normal' doesn't quite apply. . .
And I absolutely mean that as a compliment. . .
I had to chuckle at the "unremarkable brain." I remember reading my mammogram results once and it said "unremarkable breasts" and I was quite offended!
You have nice friends, Lime!
Congrats on your brain!
So lovely to get surprises in the post :)
Reminds me of the time (many years ago) when Betty, a VERY ditzy secretary I worked with came into work and informed us she had a brain scan performed and I quote: "The doctor said they didn't find anything."
She told this to everyone around the office and there weren't many of us who could keep a straight face. Fortunately she was too ditzy to realize why it was so humorous and apparently figured everyone was just terribly happy the doctors didn't find a problem.
Children often deserve a leather medal on a shoestring. Husbands twice a week.
What a lovely gift - the package and the unremarkable brain! I quite think the blog world is filled with some pretty amazing people who are so very willing to reach out to us.
I was gonna make espresso....
The bowl is beautiful...what a gracious gift...
You were bowled over. Haha! You are so clever. :)
It is a beautiful present. So thoughtful.
And don't let those sassy teenagers get to ya. You know life really IS all about them. ;)
Hope you are feeling a little better!
Hey there,
Your unexpected gift is quite pretty. I am glad to hear you have an unremarkable brain. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and my 55 is up
Congratulations on a clean CT! Though I contend that the brain contained within you is exceptionally remarkable and shines too brightly for any foreign darkness to survive.
A more and worthy count in my book.
BTW... totally cool gift. :)
what a gift! perfect timing too! and me, i'll never forget abby normal... it's a classic!
What a lovely surprise. That friend is a keeper. ha.
Ah family... the ones who fill mom's purse with everything but mom's stuff and then laugh about how big her purse is.
I am glad that your brain is safe.
That is great news.
So did I miss how you really brained yourself? (Probably.)
Having Abby Normals brain can be a complicated thing.
I hope youre feeling better soon.
Now you could always wear that bowl as a safety helmet!
Yay!!! You are feeling better and have a strong skull. Keep up the good work..make it last a little longer, the practice will do 'em good.
Wonderful surprise!!!! And so timely too! I hope it lifted your spirits and I also hope those in the Lime household realize that they need to pull their own weight in this world in order to survive!
Lovely gift, and an even lovelier thought to have sent it out of the blue. You're blessed (but you knew that already.)
Unexpected Present: Awesome!
Beautiful Card: Awesome!
Forcing your family to become self-sufficient: Awesome!
Gene Wilder and Marty Feldman???? Double Awesome!!!
Get better soon.
WOW how thoughtful and beautiful! Sure friends are so precious and very hard to find. Hugs to Embee. Hope your feeling better. Hugs to you as well.
How beautiful! Hope you are fine!
When you give that which has meaning from the heart,
The receiver receives not only the gift, but a portion of your heart
and therein, IS the gift.....
Beautiful bowl... hope you feel better soon.
She beat me! lol.. I swear it is all wrapped and in the truck I just keep forgetting! lol feel better darlin
YAY for pressies!!!!
Glad the CT scan was normal. Hope you are feeling better. :)
I like surprises too, especially when its a cool gift like that one! Wow!
thanks for the fun clips from YF, that was such a great flick
First off: WAIT, your name is MICHELLE?
Secondly: that is such an awesome bowl and card. Well done, Embee.
Thirdly, brain docs never could spot something as original and wavy as your brain.
Fourthly: I am so with you on the "why the eff can't you just pick up your own bowl and carry it to the kitchen" school of parenting.
that is so sweet of Embee :)
Young Frankenstein is one of my absolute favorite movies. Any Mel Brooks movie is at the top of my list.
Congrats on the unremarkable brain. Time to celebrate.
Here's to your ordinary brain and that extraordinary bowl!
That was so sweet of her to do. Good for you both.
I still quote that movie today - and no one knows who I mean (Abbie Normal) ha ha ha
I'm so glad you got a present - sounds like you need to get a whole lot more presents to make up for all the crappity crap you've been through!
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