Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Definition of Terms

You all know me as one who can read 100 meanings into one meme question, which results in some seriously twisted responses. Out in the work world I have been keeping my skewed perspective to myself and attempting to play things straight. Yeah, I know, stop laughing, it's true, I swear. Ok, milk is coming out your nose already!

That said, I still seem to have slightly different definitions for certain terms. Let's explore, shall we?

"Mother the patients."
My interpretation does not include changing diapers, spoon feeding, or spanking. I take it to mean interact warmly and personally while giving whatever answers to questions or directions are necessary to keep the flow of patients moving.
Boss lady's interpretation seems to require nagging them to within an inch of their sanity and assume they are not responsible enough to make their own decisions.

"Create warmth."
My interpretation dictates eye contact, smiles, use of a name, remembering details about patient preferences and schedules, listening to people, cultivating an atmosphere that is welcoming and relaxing without becoming inefficient (I get it, this aint' a day spa, keep 'em moving).
Boss lady says it means use their name and don't have any conversation beyond telling them how much more chiro care they need and how many times a week they are supposed to be getting adjusted. All conversation a patient initiates should be redirected to the wonders of chiropractic. I'd better NEVER start a conversation about anything other than that.

"Come in half an hour before your scheduled office hours and stay half an hour past them."
I'm kind of a literalist here, though I do recognize getting things done may require a more than that. Adding as many screenings as possible on weekends outside of posted office hours does not fall under this schedule in my book, not when I am a part time employee.

Talk amongst yourselves regarding the terms. Feel free to tell me how truly deluded I am. Yes, I know my idealism and naivete are getting in the way here.


Hilary said...

Boss Lady needs.. an adjustment.

Desmond Jones said...

What Hilary said. . .

Sheesh. . . They want you there a half-hour early, and a half-hour over? I mean, it's always a good idea to show up early (I've always figured 10 minutes or so was about right), and you don't want to get a reputation as a clock-watcher who runs out the door on the second of the end of her shift, but, come on. . . a half-hour?? For a part-time employee??


Craver Vii said...


I'd probably continue sending out resumes and filling out applications.

My guess is that your wit and sense of humor would be more appreciated elsewhere. Maybe even in that doctor's office, but with a different office manager. I'm sure you can find a place that makes you AND your boss happy.

Jazz said...

You spent a lot of time outside the paid workforce didn't you?

Logophile said...

Keep looking, that is all I have to say about that.
Great guacamole...

Anonymous said...

Damn it! Once again Hilary has read my mind - and Logophile...why do I bother.

You are right and boss lady is wrong. If I'm in pain, and I assume your patients are, or else they would be out on the golf course or baking a cake, then I want as much TLC as I can get.

Suldog said...

Well, see, this is why you're a GOOD mother. And a good friend. And a nice human being. And so many other things it would appear that your boss lady is NOT.

And, if you have to come in on weekends, you'd best be getting time-and-a-half, part-timer or not!

Ananda girl said...

I agree 100% with your end of it. Boss lady should know that I will go where I feel people listen to me or I will find a better doc.

As for the half hour before and the half hour after... it better be paid time. The law says very clearly that no more than 14 minutes is NOT pay time. Cross over to 15 minutes and you are owed pay for that time.

My advice, keep a written record of your time there. The labor board has a lot of faith in what is keep in a work log... should you ever have to go to them.

G-Man said...

Ya know how the Limbo was invented don't you?.....

S said...

Well working for others is a pain, but theres that Trini place we are saving for.....


Breazy said...

ummm...My take is
#1 the patients already know what is wrong with them so talk about something else..boss lady needs to get a life.

#2 the reason it is called the work place is because we get paid, we don't volunteer.

Good luck!

~Dragonfly~* said...

Half an hour before? Half an hour after? Sounds like an extra hour of pay to me!!!!

Sounds like your boss lady is the kind that gives chiros a bad rap!!

Chin up... keep looking around.

I'm sure the carnie would be willing to give you a job... or two!!! :)

EmBee said...

Already blogging about your boss? Watch your step & protect your anonymity.

EmBee said...

@ Dragonfly - I'm pretty sure it's the carnie that wanted 'The Job' and I'm not talkin' lucrative employment opportunities. >:-)

Minerva said...

Mother the patients, smother the boss.(Ok, not really..) It always amazes me that the worst people are put in charge sometimes. Sounds like she's been in the job too long.

secret agent woman said...

If I were treated the way your boss is suggesting, I'd never be back.

The Teacup Cottage said...

I think you are good at treating others the way you want to be treated, maybe you should be teaching the Boss Lady a lesson or two ....

Jocelyn said...

This is why I want you, and not Boss Lady, to be my mommy.

I kind of think you're going to have to find a new job here at some point; that boss sounds a ballbuster.