As promised, a couple of pictures from the fair.
Here we have me in my rain burqa over backpack finery as I cultivate the hunchback look. Yes it was this very look that elicited offers of special prizes from one bored and somewhat dampened carnie. Actually, this picture was taken before I was completely bedraggled. When the carnie saw me I was considerably less perky looking and I am pretty sure I had water dripping off the end of my nose as I squinted against the rain pelting me in the face. Fetching, no? Personally, I could understand if this look had piqued Igor's (as played by Marty Feldman) interest. Truthfully, either Igor or Marty Feldman would have been more tempting to me than the carnie. Wonder how they feel about meaty women? Anyway, moving on...
Here we have me in my rain burqa over backpack finery as I cultivate the hunchback look. Yes it was this very look that elicited offers of special prizes from one bored and somewhat dampened carnie. Actually, this picture was taken before I was completely bedraggled. When the carnie saw me I was considerably less perky looking and I am pretty sure I had water dripping off the end of my nose as I squinted against the rain pelting me in the face. Fetching, no? Personally, I could understand if this look had piqued Igor's (as played by Marty Feldman) interest. Truthfully, either Igor or Marty Feldman would have been more tempting to me than the carnie. Wonder how they feel about meaty women? Anyway, moving on...
The next picture, while not one of me, demonstrates the slingshotting activity in which I participated. Basically, after being harnessed you get hooked up to gigantic rubber bands. Then you get to jump up and down on a trampoline. Yes, I have a trampoline in my own yard, but I don't have giant rubber bands which facilitate me jumping a couple of stories off the ground. Check that picture. The trampoline is below the level where the woman in pink is standing. The kid in the picture was not yet at his greatest height. I did that too. Way fun! It was also a whole lot more work than I imagined. My legs felt like rubber bands the next two days.

I also have to say, as creepy as the one carnie was, the guys operating this attraction were terrific. They really seemed to enjoy what they were doing and were really sweet to the bunch of little kids who wanted to jump. The little fellow in the picture was trying really hard to flip himself over and couldn't quite figure it out so they stopped him and one guy climbed onto the trampoline to help the boy figure it out while he was staying at a low level. Then they hopped off, told the kid to bounce high again and he was able to do several unassisted flips. The smile on the little guy's face was a mile wide. The guys who helped him were cheering for him. It was a really fun way to end the night.
I also have to say, as creepy as the one carnie was, the guys operating this attraction were terrific. They really seemed to enjoy what they were doing and were really sweet to the bunch of little kids who wanted to jump. The little fellow in the picture was trying really hard to flip himself over and couldn't quite figure it out so they stopped him and one guy climbed onto the trampoline to help the boy figure it out while he was staying at a low level. Then they hopped off, told the kid to bounce high again and he was able to do several unassisted flips. The smile on the little guy's face was a mile wide. The guys who helped him were cheering for him. It was a really fun way to end the night.
Kewl! Our neighbors have a trampoline, and their youngest son, when he was in his teens, liked to make a show of extending the height of his bounce so as to grab the overhanging branch of an oak tree, about 30 feet off the ground. Drove his mother nuts. . .
And just for the sake of saying so, you are undoubtedly the cutest wet, burqa-clad, hump-backed meaty female (and I'm still chuckling that yer carnie friend thought that you might take 'meaty' as a compliment) that I've seen in quite some time. . .
I'm a thinking you look pretty good in that wet burqa ;o)
We actually got a bit of rain while on our trip the other day. A nice change for once.
Now that looks like fun! I might even have to do that.
Rainburqua......hee heee heeeeeeee!
PS Lime, I have a real burqua, should I model it on my blog?
gman, yes doctor frahnkensteen
desmond, uh, thanks...i
jillie, glad you enjoyed the wet. i had plenty to spare for you
s, i'd highly recommend it if you have the chance. it was a blast. and i totally want to see you model your burqa
Well, with the poncho on, no wonder the carnie said "meaty". It looks as though there are two of you under there. It is a tad roomy, no?
Nothing but rain here, and it's headed to the east... oops! Well, expect another soaking soon.
You would have to pay me to do the trampoline bit. Thanks but no thanks. Heights aren't my thing, even if I was strapped in.
You definitely are too sexy for your tarp! Glad you had a good time.
That bouncing thing looks markedly inconvenient for those of a wobbly disposition ... know what I mean..!!
PS You're American ... I'm a Limey. I was just wondering: do you use the word "row" (as in rhymes with "cow" and meaning a quarrel, dispute or verbal altercation) Stateside ..??
Ohh. I wanna jump on a trampoline while harnessed by huge elastics. Yes I do.
Oh no. Did our little Quasimodo smile at the carnival-meister? You should not even have made eye contact! Sheesh- kids these days!
Igor! that taKes me back c1972?
Sweet face in that first picture but the costume makes me think of this:
Love ya Lime!
the look of sheer joy on that childs face says it all... not a bad job to have really, making kids smile :)
Oh I don't know... there's something about a bizarre experience that enhances an evening like that. The carnie was creepy, but he made a great post! Ha.
You look as cute as a button in that rain gear. I suspect that your daughter wold have rather seen to take photos of the sheep testicles than witness the exchange with the carnie. ;)
I'm sort of, um, left, er, thinking you didn't learn your lesson with the whole zip line thing? Cuz, honey? You could have busted something, despite the harnesses.
Don't make me worry like this.
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