I think I know why I am seldom granted entry to Manland. I find such blogworthy silliness there I cannot resist posting it...but this will be our little secret, right?
And just to be fair and point the incongruity finger back at myself, while he my watch Rambo on a pink Disney princess t.v. I like to spend my Saturday mornings listening to Car Talk while giving myself a pedicure or facial.
So tell me about your incongruities.
Rambo on that TV is just beyond bizarre..
I have worn make up every day of my life since age 13 but have never had a pedicure and haven't even worn fingernail polish since my wedding.
Mine aren't so much out in the open as they are in my head. I may be the only person in the world who considers both Prokofiev's Second Symphony and The Stooges I Wanna Be Your Dog equal masterpieces. I will eat an entire bag of Circus Peanuts and consider it just as much of a gustatory delight as a medium rare fillet mignon. I laugh at Shaw and Wilde and Coward, but also at Moe, Larry, and Curley (and Shemp, which many Curley fans would find a contradiction, unfortunately.)
There are other examples, but I prefer to think of myself as eclectic and well-rounded, as opposed to unfocused and idiotic.
Ha! I'm sure you remember that Suldog and I worked together. Funny, he already mentioned the Circus Peanuts. He once gave me a large bag of them as a Christmas gift, which I ate watching Julia Child. Hm.
Screaming at my children about the beating they'll get if they make us late for Mass again also comes to mind. Nothing like Christian love and charity.
Or even just screaming at my children to stop screaming, though, in my defense, they'd never hear me otherwise...
And those are just the beginning.
As long as it's First Blood and not any of the lame sequels, I can live with that...
my incongruity...i like to change the oil in the car wearing stuff from Victoria's Secret...
or is that just deviant...
Jen used to find it, um, ironic that I would say that I preferred her (and women more generally) to look 'natural' rather than 'all made up', but then, every time I commented on a woman I considered attractive, she was always heavily made up. So I don't make those comments any more. From either side. . .
I think that, like Suldog, I run to the 'eclectic', enjoying the Beatles as much as I do Beethoven. Or Thomas Aquinas as much as Calvin & Hobbes. A good burger as much as more, um, gourmet fare. You get the idea. . .
Rambo in the 'Man Cave' - check. On a pink TV - WTH? That's really pretty hilarious. 'Course, so is Car Talk and a pedicure. . .
And Cricket, I have so been there. . .
Gary wants a mancave in the worst way....I caught him checking out LR's abandoned treehouse the other day!
I think that tv is perfect for manland because it's so random...
eating by placing the veggies on the roti, right on the top my my bare hands.
Apparently... according to this video I recently made... broccoli in quesedilla. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25dXq0GGBEI
I think its cute! And says nice things about your husband recycling the pink tv by using it in his hideout! BTW my husband is currently taking a bubble bath!! (he has a back ache - my inspiration)
Manland, huh? I like to watch cooking shows, but can't cook to save my own life.
I have so many that I don't even know where to begin!
I guess the most obvious is that I am currently a librarian... at least for the next three weeks, then who knows? And I am sort of on strike with reading. Too much other stuff is going on.
Car Talk is suitable for any occasion. And my whole life is a mass of incongruities.
Were you trapped?
Did you sneak in?
Did the door fall off?
a pink disney princess tv? wow, they don't sell them over here but it looks nice and tacky.
do they do them in light blue??
I sometimes talk about art with a finger up my nose.
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