What would Sisyphus do
if he finally pushed that boulder to the top
and it rolled down the other side
rather than back on him?
Would he wipe the sweat from his brow,
sit to rest, and enjoy the view?
Would he victoriously spit
down upon the rock?
Or would he crave the familiar futility?
if he finally pushed that boulder to the top
and it rolled down the other side
rather than back on him?
Would he wipe the sweat from his brow,
sit to rest, and enjoy the view?
Would he victoriously spit
down upon the rock?
Or would he crave the familiar futility?
This is a little too deep for me at 7 a.m.
Pick yourself up...
Wipe yourself off..
Start all over again!
Excellent 55 Trini...
I LOVE mythological 55's..hehehehe
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G
I think he'd put in the paperwork to change his name, I mean that name had to be shortened to Sissy at least once in his lifetime
Not sure what he would have done, but somehow I pictured him as a dumpy, balding, beer-bellied, 50-something guy. Definitely not the Sisyphus in your pic...
Hahahaha. . . Good question. . . We do become fond of our familiar futilities, don't we?
Actually, I imagine that he'd just look back down the mountain and say, "Aw, shit!" 'cuz his goal was to get the boulder to sit on the top of the mountain. So he trudges on down the other side of the mountain, to start pushing it back up, with different scenery this time. . .
Yeah, that would have been a better ending...
Great questions. Some of us (I'm not one of them, I hope) do seem to like doing the same hopeless tasks over and over.
I'd hope he'd smile, offer up a few choice words, and crack open a nice cold one.
Then get the hell out of there before someone noticed and sent an eagle to pick out his liver or something.
But seriously, nice 55. Have a great weekend.
I think he'd say, "There!" And then, as Cricket said, beat feet on outta there, because you don't mess around with the big guy.
Ooooo, what a dilemma to ponder. Perhaps he had enough time pushing the boulder up the hill to consider his next move. Guess we'll never know. My 55 is HERE .
He would put some pants on, take a couple aspirin, and see about changing his name to Elvis or something.
Awesome...I wonder too...maybe Starbucks???
Mine is here
Have you an AWESOME weekend!
Would he be off the hook if it rolled down the other side? I don't think the gods are that forgiving.
Hmmmm he might just say...Oh shit there was a city on the other side of this mountain!!
He may just like the game of rolling big marbles back and forth
Nice post and picture
mine is "Family Outing" http://moondustwriter.com
He'd recoil in horror as he watched the boulder mow down an unsuspecting soul, regreting that he ever lost control.
Can't you just give me some mindless drivel to chill out by ... Oh! I know, I'll enlarge the pic and look for his willy.
He might crave futility for a while until he found a new rut :)
Oh come on, Sisyphus is just a made up story/myth from the past.
Oh! I know, I'll enlarge the pic and look for his willy.
Jeez Cathy, you know that I've seen a real picture of you and think you are hot, just ask and I'll send you a picture of my willy. :-)
that is a thought to reckon with...
Sorry for lowering the tone :(
I'd drink a beer and order a pizza, but that is just me.
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