This is the look of a woman who just handed her car keys to her newly licensed driver...
on a dark night...
when it's raining...
and said driver is taking her two siblings out for fast food.
This is the look that occurs as I hear the garage door open...
and the van back down the driveway...
after I've delivered the "All passengers will be silent and keep their extremities to themselves and the radio will be off because a call informing me of 3 dead children will make me a dead mom" speech.
Yeah, this is one of those changes I am REALLY not happy about. However, like Suldog, I am pretty adaptable even in the face of unwelcome change. May I say, I'm looking forward to the change where I am confident about this whole thing and not beset by panic when my kids go out for a snack.
Breathing deeply and being zen like Logo....I am the pothole the van swerves around...
AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! It's not working!
(Ok, phew...they are back safely.)
I know what you should have a slice of: key lime pie!
I so get you on this. . .
When 1F drove our car for the first time on her Learner's Permit (with me riding shotgun), she bounced the tires off both curbs on her way to park it in the driveway. I had something very calm and instructive to say to her; on the order of "Holy Shit, 1F!" Which ended with her in Full Pout Mode, her arms crossed in front of her, saying, "I don't like it when you swear at me, Dad. . ."
In Michigan, the kids on permits need to keep a log of 50 hours of driving before they can get their license; which has really been a constructive change. But they need to add one more thing - before the child is given their permit, the Dad should have to pass a cardiac exam. . .
Don't be such a Wuss!!
Love the pic...:P
ACK! That is going to really do a number on me someday too. BREATHE!!!
Love the pic. Thanks for a laugh this morning. :)
My youngest will be getting his temps soon. I'm so not ready for this.....
LOL @ Craig - I have a tendency to swear when I'm the passenger too...
Ugh.. I know that feeling all too well.
Perhaps you should consider a move to Boston: with its subways, buses, trolleys. I was 22 when I got my license. Never needed it before then, so my Mom was spared that with me.
She paid her dues in other ways, though; it probably all cancels out.
Snack? You let your kids eat snacks? Mine are strictly bread and water, so they will never need to borrow the car.
Thing One is already eyeing cars and making plans.
He only just turned 14!!
Good griiiiiiiiiief!
Great pic though, and I'm glad they arrived alive.
Phew! All back safely? Good, only another hundred or so times to go.
That hair! Dear Zeus, I love that hair.
veri word: waybaic...yep, way back when they were all in diapers.
Thanks for link love, darlin'! I don't know what I've done to demonstrate the ability you give me credit for, but I'm sure it must have been something way cool :-)
Cricket is right about Boston and public transportation, by the way. I didn't get my license until I was 20, and only then because I needed a job and decided that driving cab would be a fair way to pick up a few bucks.
I'm just over a year away from having a kid who is already salivating at the thought of a learner's permit. There's no way I'm prepared to watch him drive away on his own!
Ugh, we have a death defying left turn out of our driveway onto a speedy rural highway....I do not look forward to LR driving...I told her, I would even make the left for her, then pull over up the road a bit, then walk home if it meant I didnt have to worry about that left turn...am I crazy?
And you are so right to give them the hands and arms inside the ride at all times warning....more than once LR has slammed my car into neutral or reverse with her flailings and bulky school schtuff too!
I told her she is going to sit in the back if she cant stop the flailings...
Glad they made it back alive.
Ahhh...I remember when I finally got to drive alone. I also remember the first time I put the car in the ditch and mom asking "Is the car ok?" when I got home safely and told them what happened. I hit wash boards and fishtailed into the ditch. All we had to do was put it in reverse and back out but I was terrified mom was going to kill me.
ugh...my day will come...not sure i am looking forward to it...smiles.
oh dear...mine is very near...and you are scary me....
blessed be!
My older son just got his learner's permit and I am already freaking out.
You've just redefined fear for me. All three kids? Oh, GAWD.
I'm freaking out and they aren't my kids! Oh, hang on a minute... this was posted 2 days ago so they must be ok. PHEW!
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