On Sunday G-man posted several demotivational pictures of himself. They made me laugh and I asked where the site was that allowed him to do that. He told me but then went one step further by sending me some more of his own handiwork in email. It cracked me up so I offer his efforts as this week's Slice of Lime.

You've reminded me of a comedian I saw around the time of the whole "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" thing. Her reply: I don't hate you because you're beautiful....
Make-up free is the way to be, I think. Regardless of whether that is a flattering picture or not. Who needs it?
I've seen my wife in makeup twice in 14 years. Once was a Hallowe'en thing. The other time came out about the same (yikes!). She did not wear any at our wedding.
Who needs it. Funny pics. Happy Thursday.
Please don't hurt me. . .
I second what Cricket said. My wife is a beautiful woman just the way she is. But then, over the years, she has chided me because, whenever I notice a woman who I think is looking good (and honestly, it's not like I'm going around 'scoping out' the feminine scenery; just once in a blue moon, 'wow, she looks nice'), she's invariably pretty heavily made up. . . So I think I've shot my credibility. . .
cricket. i already like your wife. i also opted not to wear makeup at my own wedding. aside from halloween or stage productions i have worn it maybe 3 times in 21 years.
craig, fear not ;)
LOL - I don't think I've gone a day without makeup in 35 years.....it takes me 5 mins., so it's no biggie.
But I do love demotivational posters!
you think you could set me up with Frog Lady? I have a thing for webbed toes
Something about a Reptilian Chick...
It's not easy being green.
I'm totally going there later. After yoga class. For which I am very motivated.
Sort of.
I see that you and Mr. Lime also play the guacamole game. Er, that's all I'm gonna say about that.
Hee hee you are silly!
I don't hate you because you are beautiful, I love you because you are beautiful! And funny.
there's something about a woman in camo facepaint....
I like the frog lady :)
Ha! Those are great.
you look awesome!
Too funny. You (and now your hubby) crack me up.
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