Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 47 in the Ongoing Medical Drama That is My Life

In the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday I was awakened by a phone call that began with the words, "Mrs. Lime, this is Diana's friend.  She is having a really bad asthma attack and just used her inhaler which made things worse.  She thinks she is having an allergic reaction to the drug.  What should I do?"  Calls about flat tires on the New Jersey turnpike at midnight didn't cause my adrenal glands to fire nearly so powerfully and efficiently as that particular call did.  In a nanosecond I was fully awake.  I spoke to Diana very briefly and heard her labored breathing and that she could barely get enough air to gasp out a yes or no in response to my questions.  "Get her to the hospital immediately.  Take her phone.  Call me." 

May I just say Diana has some remarkably level headed friends who really impressed me with their care for her and their clear thinking.  Diana fought being moved so her friend called in some guy pals who literally picked her up and deposited her in the car.  They all went to the ER with her and stayed until she was released.  They called me with periodic updates and proactively made sure I had alternate phone numbers because they were afraid Diana's phone battery was going to conk out.  The girl who called me had the forethought to gather insurance information.  When Diana was released they took her back to the dorms and made sure she wasn't alone.  God bless each one of these kids because they were the most faithful of friends when Diana was in dire need and they did what I couldn't do for her since she is away at school.  So a few days early and I am doing Da Count now because these kids are about as count-worthy as they come in my book.

As you can imagine I got very little sleep last night and now that the crisis is over and the adrenaline has faded after a day at work I'm about ready to crash.  I got through the night and the day.  I give sincere thanks for Diana's well being and her excellent friends.  I plan to go to sleep as soon as I hit "publish."  All I ask is for some laughs in names for the serial soap opera/medical drama I seem to be in for the last 6 months.  I dunno...how does The Guiding Lime or House (of Lime) MD sound? 


g-man said...

If I was your kid...
I would change My Last Name!

g-man said...

Just teasing...
But I would Scream YAHTZEE quite a bit!

snowelf said...

I'm so glad Diana is okay. What a scary scary scary moment. Three scaries worth.


Commander Zaius said...

All I ask is for some laughs in names for the serial soap opera/medical drama...

General Lime

The Young and the Lime

Days of our Limes.

Damn scary story, glad everything worked out and Diana does have some great friends.

Jinksy said...

Life, Limb and Lime?

A Lime A Dozen?

Life Limes?

Bijoux said...

Last November, I received a 6 a.m. call from the ER when College Daughter was taken there by her roommate. There is really nothing more scary than that. Glad Diana is ok now.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm glad she's OK. - Jazz

Craig said...

Well, I suppose the good news is, medical stuff doesn't freak you out anymore. . .

Diana does indeed have some very solid friends; a very Count-worthy bunch of young folks.

Hope you got the rest you need. . .


ER Lime?

St. Lime-where's?

As the Lime Turns?

or, in the spirit of Gilda Radner -

It's Always Something


WordVer = 'duncish'

Which, you know, seems a little unnecessarily insulting. . .

Cricket said...

Oh, cripes. Not again. With prayers for you and yours.

How about a reality show? Survivor: PA

Suldog said...

A few oldies...

The Guiding Lime

Lime Shadows

The Edge Of Lime

Search For [Lime] Tomorrow ('cause she's sleeping today)

or, that great new show on FOX about an investigator who uses applied psychology...

Lime To Me

Anonymous said...

How about The Partridge Family? Oh, wait...that's been used (and why is it on my mind so consistently these days...)

One Limetree Hill
Lime Street Blues
Make Room for Oxycodone

Craver Vii said...

I'm glad she's alright. That's scary stuff!

Phaedrous said...

Kids. Do anything to shorten your life. Just ask me.

On a lighter note, thanks go out to good friends.

Glad things turned out well.


~Tim said...

Glad she is OK for now and especially that she has such good friends there.

House (of Lime) MD gave me a grin.

Is "Lime Disease" too grim?

Would "Deer Lime" be tempting the hunting gods?

"Lime and Order (more medical tests)"?

S said...

Those kids are awesome. Makes you feel ok about having her far away, knowing she is in the good hands of her caring friends.

(M)ary said...

Oh my goodness...I didn't read this post yestersday....I am so sorry Diana had to go thru this!!

There is a heimlich manuver for asthma attacks. Google it and you should find the link to heimlich.org..

secret agent woman said...

Thank God for sensible friends!

Jocelyn said...

No name suggestion here.

Just goosebumps all over me.

Mother Theresa said...

Scary, but very lucky that she has such good friends. I'm glad it all turned out okay, and I'm amazed you are able to laugh in spite of it all...I think I'd still be freaking out, even after everything had passed.