Last weekend Calypso came to me as I was cooking dinner, put her arms around me, and just wanted a long hug. I was more than happy to indulge her. It's not often a teenager asks for a hug. Then she started to sniffle on my shoulder and I asked what was wrong. She sobbed a little and said she really wants to do the year long internship she's been hoping for and she really wants to go to college but she really doesn't want to leave home because she's going to miss me. I felt a bit of a lump in my throat. If all things were as they should be and she were in good health I'd have no real reservations about her heading out into the world. I'd be excited for her far more than missing her. I want her to pursue her dreams out in the world but I'd be lying if I didn't confess to a significant amount of concern for her physical well-being though I don't want to convey to her a sense of her being insurmountably weak. I just listened and reassured her that wherever she went and whatever she did she'd always have a mom to come back as long as I'm living. Then I wiped up her tears and told her it's normal to feel uneasy before such a big transition, even more so given what she has been through this year.
Flash forward a few days...Calypso has been posting a different photo each day over on her Facebook page. It's a meme-ish sort of thing with each day intended to represent something else about the people doing it. This week I came home and found I'd been tagged in one of her posts with the following notation and picture:
[09] Share a picture of the person who has gotten you through the most:
It was close with a couple other people too, but in the end, she's my mama ♥
It's been such a hard road for her this year. We still don't have answers for her as to why she is so ill, though we continue to seek. She has persevered admirably in ways I would not have anticipated. I've been so proud of her. Seeing that on her FB page reassured me that she gains of support from me even though I so often feel so helpless to make things better for her. Yep, it was my turn to cry then.
What a beautiful daughter you have. . .
And you know that overcoming her trials now is gonna be strength for her later. . .
That's so beautiful. What more could a Mom ask for.. aside from her child's health. I wish that for her.. very soon.
Aw, that's just plain sweet. She's a real beauty...and she looks a whole lot like you. I hope you guys figure out why she's been so sick soon, and that there will be an easy solution, so she can get out there and start living all those exciting experiences that await her.
Awww. This leaves me with a huge lump in my throat. This is what it is all about. What we all hope for.
Beautiful shot! Wow, the resemblence!!!!
Thank you for the beautiful post!
Funny, isn't it, how we look back on so many of the trials and struggles of our own lives with appreciation for what we learned, or the strength/wisdom we gained from them, and yet our hearts ache to see the same thing happen to our kids?
A wonderfully touching story, Lime. And your daughter is beautiful, just like her momma.
That's so sweet.
That's nice Michelle, for both of you. I wish you both the best for the coming year - Dave
How lucky we women are. To love a child and feel that love returned is, to me, worth all the heartache and worry.
Beautiful girl
Beautiful Momma.
Aww, that's very sweet.
twins???? She's yours alright....
Parenting is so often thankless. Hooray for you to have received such a cosmic pat on the back. Obviously, you've done something right.
Well done.
Such a lovely pic of the both of you. Makes me tear up *sniff*
Shame on you! You made me cry!
I long to have that kind of relationship with my daughter!
We're working on it! :)
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