Last week this time I was smiling over the song of spring peepers in the swamp. The next day it hit 70 degrees and I threw open the windows to air out the house. Then snow/ice/slop fell from the sky on Monday. Then more fell today. I'm officially fed up with winter. I've done way too much ranting on this blog lately so instead of bitching about the weather I'm going to re-run a spring post with lots of lovely things to look at and get me through these last miserable days of winter weather. I hope anyone else who is sick to death of winter weather is also warmed.
I was in great need of some evidence of spring so I went in search this weekend. Here's what I found around town and in the yard.

Some sort of ornamental tree in my yard.

Azalea bud.

Some tree near the baseball field. (Yeah, I'm a regular botanist. "This specimen is known as
Limus Ignoramus Pinkia.")

Bluebells in my yard. (Now watch someone tell me that's not the real name.)

Dogwood (Its bark is worse than its bite. Har har har.)

Forsythia (Mini poll you believe forsythia should be trimmed into some docile shape or allowed to get wild and bushy looking? I favor the wild look, Mr. Lime wants obedient shrubs.)

Fern frond. I had a hard time deciding which fern shot to use. I have another one with multiple fronds looking like they are dancing. This one looks like a "come hither" invitation. That's my mood right now, so that's the one ya get.

Bleeding hearts.


A fine example of
Limus Ignoramus Blanca.
I'm with you. It's time for spring. We got dumped on today too. In fact it snowed and blowed all day long. The photos are a breath of fresh spring air.
Take heart Michelle. It won't be long now! I enjoyed your spring flower photos - Dave
I can almost smell their beauty!
Snap out of it!!
Unbury the car!!!!!
Ah, those are some timely photos. Especially the lilacs; I love lilacs. . .
I've already been out on my bike twice in March (and I did duly enjoy that warm day last week; around here it was more like 60 than 70, but anything that allows me to go around in a T-shirt and no jacket is officially all good). So I know the snow/ice/slop isn't for much longer. But I just checked the forecast, and we'll be into next week just trying to get back above freezing. I guess it's what we get with a late Easter. . . ;)
WordVer = 'ingles' 'Cuz my espanol ain't so very good, I guess. . .
Actually I'm thinking we got sucked into some twilight zoney place and spring and summer simply disappeared and we're in November again...
Cuz it's snowing in Montreal today. Again... *sigh*
snow...bah humbug
That was a great twist on the frosty weather. I love those pics, and that fern front has a really intriguing look about it.
And me... (Sorry--I can't resist) I got fronds in low places.
Spring came and went in MInneapolis as well. We've shot straight past summer and I'm planning my Thanksgiving menu...
I'm with you on the forsythia--I like it wild and arching--it always looks like a cheeseball when people trim it. I think your two ornamental trees are crabapples. (And I won't tell you that the bluebell is a grape hyacinth, because bluebell makes more sense. I mean it's not a grape, and it's not a hyacinth, so why go there?)
Nice pics, whatever they're called.
I believe it is a sin to prune forsythia into an artificially neat shape. They are meant to have a graceful arch to them.
Interestingly, my dogwoods have not yet bloomed - they are on the edge of it.
The weather man is calling for snow showers on Sunday.... *SOB*
Don't trim the bush! Let it grow wild!
PS did u mention the crocuses? Crocus? Croci?
What is the plural of crocus?
Anyway, my croci are blooming but we just had snow and freezing temps so they are confused.
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