Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Slice of Lime & Da Count-A Shoulder to Lean On

I haven't had the time I've wanted to play with my new camera due to extra work hours and various crises around here.  This weekend I am determined though!  Anyway, today is an old picture but it's where I'm at.  I originally took it for a post telling some pals they had my shoulder when they needed it.  Lately, I've been providing a lot of shoulder for Calypso as her saga continues.  It's been easy to get down.  I've been really fortunate to have some folks offer me a shoulder either when I've asked for it or when I didn't even have the words to ask.  I've strayed away from doing Da Count on a regular basis but I think I need to get back to that discipline.  This week I combine it with Slice of Lime in gratitude for the shoulders I've been offered, both virtual and 3D.  Thanks...truly.

And an oldie but a goodie to go along with it.


Craig said...

That has always been one of my very favorite songs; so human. . .

And you can make whatever use of my shoulder as you can from a thousand miles away. . .

Suldog said...

What Craig said.

Cricket said...

Ditto above, with my love and prayers for you and yours.

G-Man said...

That beautiful shoulder is always there for the needy.
You are much appreciated!!